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Certificates and Licenses: N/A EXPERIENCE: Teaching, Extension and Research Appointments: 2021 Fulbright ý鶹ing Research Chair in Social Epistemology, University of Calgary 2017-present, Assistant Professor, ý鶹 2015-2017, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut 2009-2014, Teaching Assistant, University of Connecticut Adminstrative Appointments: N/A Non-Academic Employment including Armed Forces: N/A Consulting: N/A TEACHING ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Areas of Specialization: Philosophy of Language, Feminist Philosophy, Ethics, Social Philosophy Courses Taught: Business Ethics, PHIL 208, Fall 2017 Freedom and Its Limits, ISEM 101, Fall 2017 Philosophy and Feminism, PHIL 404/ PHIL 405/PHIL 408, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2021 Existentialism and the East, PHIL 325, Spring 2018 Freedom and Its Limits, ISEM 101, Fall 2018 Honors Ethics, PHIL 103H, Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2020 Feminist Philosophy, Directed Study, Fall 2018 Senior Seminar: Philosophy of Language, PHIL 490, Spring 2019 Topics in Social Philosophy, PHIL 205, Fall 2019 Global Feminism, IS 485, Fall 2019 Introduction to Ethics, PHIL 103, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021 Philosophy of Language, PHIL 443, Fall 2020 Students Advised: Undergraduate Students: 14 as of August 2020 Graduate Students: Major professor: None Graduate Committees: ý鶹: None Courses Developed: Freedom and Its Limits, ISEM 101 Honors Ethics, PHIL 103H, Fall 2018 Topics in Social Philosophy, PHIL 205 Business Ethics, PHIL 208 Existentialism and the East, PHIL 325 Philosophy and Feminism, PHIL 405 Global Feminism, IS 485 Senior Seminar: Philosophy of Language, PHIL 490 Philosophy of Language, PHIL 443 Non-credit Classes, Workshops, Seminars, Invited Lectures, etc.: Epistemic Vulnerability and Epistemic Obligations Invited Talk, Lewis and Clark, Portland, OR, November 2019 What do we Owe Knowers CETL ý鶹, November 2019 Teaching to the Test: How Contemporary School Policy Discourages Phronesis, Vice Epistemology Conference, Storrs, CT, April 2019 "Illocutionary Monism and Illocutionary Pluralism" Assertion: Foundational Issues, ConceptLab, Oslo, Norway, September 2017 Invited Panelist/commentator: Panelist, Social Engagement, Fulbright Canada, Online, May 2021 Invited Interlocutor, On Philosophy, The Philosopher, Online, May 2021 Grover Lecture, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, October 2018 Political Polarization and Epistemic Arrogance, The Humility and Conviction in Public Life Workshop, Hartford, CT, April 2018 Teaching Honors and Awards: None SCHOLARSHIP ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Publications: Refereed Journal Articles (7): Casey Rebecca Johnson, (2020) Mansplaining and Illocutionary Force Feminist Philosophers Quarterly Casey Rebecca Johnson, Epistemic Vulnerability (2020) International Journal of Philosophical Studies Casey Rebecca Johnson, Just Say, No: Obligations to Voice Disagreement (2018) Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements Casey Rebecca Johnson, "Investigating Illocutionary Monism" (2017) Synthese Casey Rebecca Johnson, "What Norm of Assertion?" (2017), Acta Analytica Casey Rebecca Johnson, Michael Lynch, Hanna Gunn, and Nathan Sheff. Intellectual Humility: an Annotated Bibliography, (2017) in Oxford Bibliographies, Casey Rebecca Johnson Intellectual Humility and Empathy by Analogy (2017) Topoi Submitted Journal Articles (0): Edited Volumes (1): Voicing Dissent: The Ethics and Epistemology of Making Disagreement Public. (2018) ed. Casey Rebecca Johnson. Routledge. New York Book Chapters (5): Varieties of Illocutionary Pluralism in Sbis on Speech as Action, Eds. Laura Caponetto and Paulo Labinaz (Forthcoming) Palgrave Macmillan Humility and the Toleration of Diverse Ideas in Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Humility. Eds Michael Lynch, Alessandra Tanesini, Mark Alfano (2021) Routledge Teaching to the Test: How Schools Discourage Phronesis (2020). In Vice Epistemology. Eds. Ian James Kidd, Heather Battaly, Quassim Cassam. Routledge Social Identity and Assertion in The Oxford Handbook of Assertion. Ed. Sanford Goldberg. (2019). Oxford University Press Teaching As Epistemic Care in Overcoming Epistemic Injustice: Social and Psychological Perspectives. Eds. Ben Sherman and Stacey Goguen. (2019). Rowan and Littlefield For the Sake of Argument in Voicing Dissent: The Ethics and Epistemology of Making Disagreement Public. ed. Casey Rebecca Johnson. (2018) Routledge Presentations and Other Creative Activities: Refereed Submissions (6): Mansplaining and Illocutionary Force, Feminist Ethics and Social Theory Annual Conference, Clearwater, FL, October 2019 Mansplaining and Illocutionary Force, North American Society for Social Philosophy, San Francisco, CA, July 2019 Mansplaining and Illocutionary Force, 5th Biennial Mentoring Workshop for Pre-Tenure Women in Philosophy, Boston, MA, June 2019 Teaching as Epistemic Care, North American Society for Social Philosophy, Rochester, MI, July 2018 Grants and Contracts Awarded: Finalist,Robert Papazian Prize for Essays in Ethics and Political Philosophy for Epistemic Vulnerability, 2019 Establishing SWIP-IN supported by the American Philosophical Associations Diversity Award 2018-2019. $1000 SERVICE: Major Committee Assignments: Member, Teaching Committee, ý鶹, 2021-Present Member, Curriculum Committee, CLASS, ý鶹, 2018-2019 Member, Instructor Hiring Committee, Department of Philosophy, ý鶹, Spring, 2018 Member, WGSS Curriculum Committee, CLASS, ý鶹, 2017-2018 Professional and Scholarly Organizations: Member, American Philosophical Association Member, Feminist Ethics and Social Theory Member, North American Society of Social Philosophy Outreach Service: Organizer, SWIP-IN online conference at Gonzaga university, May 2020 Organizer, SWIP-IN regional event hosting Dr. Myisha Cherry (UC Riverside) for a book talk at Book People in Moscow, ID and a workshop at U of I, Spring 2019 Community Service: None Honors and Awards: None PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTS: (workshops and seminars attended) Teaching: Summer Online Institute (CETL), ý鶹, Summer 2018 QPR training, ý鶹, Spring 2018 Scholarship: Outreach: Administration/Management:     JOHNSON, Casey Rebecca Page PAGE 4 &',-46DEJKNRVWXYgh          % 1 ; < _ `  ޴h9h1>hZhZ\ h?\ hDb\h?OJQJhi h/;hZhDb hz8+hZ h?5 h?CJh? h?5CJD&'XY  1 ` }$  8Tp 4$4`4a$$  8Tp 4$d^`da$$  8Tp 4$a$$  8Tp 4$[^[`a$$ 8Tp $80^8`0a$ 5 6  $ 8Tp $`a$$ 8Tp $a$gd }$^a$ $@&^a$$a$$ 8Tp $a$    " & ' 3 5 6 9 < O Q [ ] _ q } ~   2 3 4 5 8 9 ƽ huaJ h OaJ hGaJ hG5aJhGhG\aJ hG\aJ hR5aJhRhRaJh }h }aJ h }aJ heAaJ hZaJheAheAaJ h?aJh }h }5aJ h }5aJ h?5aJ3 3 4 l m ! 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