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Doctor of Philosophy, Current Student, ý鶹, Moscow, Idaho, Fall 2021 Present, History Juris Doctor, ý鶹 College of Law, Moscow, Idaho, May 2012, Emphasis in Native American Law and Natural Resource Law Master of Arts, ý鶹, Moscow, Idaho, May 2007, Philosophy Bachelor of Arts, ý鶹, Moscow, Idaho, May 2005, Philosophy and History Certificates and Licenses: Idaho State Bar, October 2012 present (inactive January 2018 to present) EXPERIENCE: Teaching, Extension and Research Appointments: (List position titles and locations since receipt of Bachelors degree) Instructor, Philosophy, Fall 2014 to present, ý鶹, Politics and Philosophy Dept., Moscow, Idaho Lecturer, Philosophy, Fall 2014 to Summer 2018, ý鶹, Politics and Philosophy Dept., Moscow, Idaho Instructor, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019 Global Student Success Program at ý鶹, Moscow, Idaho Instructor, Adult Basic Education, Fall 2007 to Summer 2009, Idaho State University, Pocatello and Blackfoot, Idaho Teaching Assistant, Philosophy, Fall 2010 to Spring 2011, Fall 2005 to Spring 2007 Academic Administrative Appointments:(List position titles and locations since receipt of Bachelors degree) Non-Academic Employment including Armed Forces: (List title, brief description, date) Staff Attorney, Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc., Lewiston, Idaho, July 2012 to March 2017 Provided Civil Legal Services to indigent clients in a variety of areas, including domestic relations, domestic violence protection orders, housing, consumer protection, and tribal law Research Assistant, ý鶹, College of Law, Moscow, Idaho, Spring-Summer, 2011 Assisted Professor Dale Goble with revisions to the textbook, Negligence Consulting: (List company/institute name, title, brief description, date) TEACHING ACCOMPLISHMENTS: (Academic and Extension teaching) Areas of Specialization: Ethics, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Law, Buddhism, History of Courses Taught: (title, course number, date(s)) Philosophy 103: Ethics, Fall 2014 to Fall 2021 Philosophy Honors 103: Spring 2020, Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 Philosophy 201: Critical Thinking, Spring 2018 to Spring 2019, Spring 2020 Philosophy 207: Business Ethics, Fall 2019 to Spring 2020 Philosophy/Religious Studies 307: Buddhism, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2021 Philosophy 320: History of Ancient Philosophy, Fall 2020 Philosophy 321: History of Modern Philosophy, Spring 2021 (current semester) Philosophy 325: Historical Figures (Continental Philosophy) ISEM 101: The Good Life: East and West, Fall 2018, Fall 2019 Philosophy 499: Directed Study: Marx, Spring 2019 Philosophy 499: Directed Study: Indian Thought, Fall 2019 Philosophy 499: Directed Study: Islamic Thought, Spring 2020 Students Advised: Undergraduate Students: (advised to completion of degree, number per year) Graduate Students: Advised to completion of degree-major professor (student name, degree, and date) Served on graduate committee (student name, degree, and date) Materials Developed: (non-scholarship activity) Courses Developed: ISEM 101: The Good Life: East and West Philosophy 325: Historical Figures (Continental Philosophy) Non-credit Classes, Workshops, Seminars, Invited Lectures, etc.: Honors and Awards: SCHOLARSHIP ACCOMPLISHMENTS: (Including scholarship of teaching and learning, artistic creativity, discovery, and application/integration) Publications, Exhibitions, Performances, Recitals: Refereed/Adjudicated: (i.e. books, book chaps., journals, proc., abstr., etc.; provide citations-author, date, title, publisher) Peer Reviewed/Evaluated: (i.e. journals, articles, proceedings, abstracts, etc.) Other: (reports, proceedings, papers, citations and references, performances) Refereed/Adjudicated (currently scheduled or submitted): (provide citations) Peer Reviewed/Evaluated (currently scheduled or submitted): Presentations and Other Creative Activities: (i.e. slide sets, web pages, video productions, etc., provide date and location) Professional Meeting Papers, Workshops, Showings, Recitals: (provide date and location) July 2021 International Thomas Merton Society General Meeting Paper: The Knight of Faith and Solitude: Thomas Mertons Reading of Kierkegaards Fear and Trembling June 2019 International Thomas Merton Society General Meeting Paper: Ex-Patriots of the Church: Common Spiritual Threads of Thomas Merton and Simone Weil April 2011 - Graduate Environmental Philosophy Conference, University of Montana Paper: Anadromy, Residency, and Hatcheries: Steelhead and the Definition of Species under the Endangered Species Act, February 2008 University of Memphis Graduate Philosophy Conference Paper: A New Colossus: Hospitality and the Community to Come with Todd Trembley April 2007 Loyola Universitys 2007 Brennan Conference - Social Inquiry: Constructing the Political Paper: Between the Necessity and Violence of Community: De/Construction and the Community to Come with Todd Trembley Patents: (provide title/description, patent number and date) Grants and Contracts Awarded: (provide principal and co investigators, title, sponsor, funding dates, amount) Honors and Awards: SERVICE: Major Committee Assignments: (National, State, District, County, University, College, Departmental and dates) Professional and Scholarly Organizations (including memberships, committee assignments, editorial services, offices held and dates) International Thomas Merton Society Idaho State Bar Outreach Service: (Including popular press, interview articles, newspaper articles, workshops-seminars-tours organized, Extension impact statements) Community Service: (non-academic unrelated to employment) Moscow City Sustainable Environment Commission January 2021 to present Idaho State Bar Well-Being Task Force March 2020 to present Second District Bar Association President, April 2015 April 2016 Secretary-Treasurer, April 2014 April 2015 Moscow City Fair and Affordable Housing Commission November 2013 March 2018 Vice-chair: January 2015 January 2017 Honors and Awards: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: (workshops and seminars attended) Teaching: Scholarship: Outreach: Administration/Management:     Lyksett, Jamal (jlyksett@uidaho.edu) Page PAGE 2 %&',-DEJL[\]km   3 4 > ? @ w x     0 2 A B C ` ϲhTwzhTwz5hQ$shTwz0J5>*B*phhQ$shTwz5B*ph!jhQ$shTwz5B*Uph hTwz5hTwzh;rhe h/5 h/CJh/A%&'\]y$  8Tp 4$d^`da$$  8Tp 4$a$$  8Tp 4$[^[`a$$ 8Tp $80^8`0a$$ 8Tp $a$gd?C$a$gd?C  4   B C b c F  Z^`$ 8Tp $a$$  8Tp 4$a$$  8Tp 4$a$gdTwz$  8Tp 4$d^`da$gdTwz` a b c e m   ) 3 4 < = E F S f   $ f j k  Y Z e ƹƯ{{{{{wskhdhDJ5hO<h/hO<CJOJQJhdhO<5CJOJQJhdhe5CJOJQJhAmhe5CJOJQJheCJOJQJh;rh;rCJOJQJh;rCJOJQJh;rh;r5CJOJQJ\h/5CJOJQJh/CJOJQJ h/5 he5)F  j k Y Z <!$ 8Tp $^a$gd$ 8Tp $^a$gdd$ 8Tp $`a$$ 8Tp $a$ Z^`e f r s  *,<GHIRT^fh!45fstu<=>MfPQRefEF`afĿĿĿ hd5 h/\hd h/5h/ h/CJ h/5CJ hO<5CJhdhn!T5hhS5rhO<hdhDJ5hn!ThDJC!tu<=PQEF$ 8Tp $a$gdn!T$ & F 8Tp $a$gdn!T$ 8Tp $a$ T^T` ^`gdDJ$ 8Tp $`a$gdDJKd)g)*w"#T$ 8Tp $a$4HJKnp{2IVcdv"()*RfgúҴ޴޴شخúɞޞ h/5aJ h5aJhR3haJ hpaJ haJhR3hS5raJ hdaJhR3haJ hS5raJ h;raJ haJhdhS5rh/ h/5h;r hdhd9#)*,CDwy"#$8TUij#%&C#ijk #G\]^#Xجhdh/5aJhR3h5aJ h5aJ hR35aJhR3hR35aJhR3h/aJhR3h/\aJhR3h/5aJhR3h5aJATUij%&ij $ 8Tp $8^8`a$$ Z8Tp $8^8`a$$ 8Tp $a$ \]vw] W1$^`gddp^pgdd1$gd;rp^pgdp1$^`gd"$ 8Tp $8^8`a$ 8Tp $8^8`Xtvw|)\]cdϿيqaRhphdCJOJQJaJhphd5CJOJQJaJhhdCJOJQJ\aJhphdaJhphd5aJhpCJOJQJaJhphpCJOJQJaJhphp5CJOJQJaJhhpCJOJQJ\aJhphp\aJhphp5aJhdhR3aJhdh/aJhdh/\aJ W%f67T3 4 ] !!˽hTwzhaJ haJ h/aJhTwzh/aJhTwzh/CJhTwzh/5CJhTwzh/5aJ h/5hR3h/aJhR3h/5aJhR3hR3aJhdhR3aJhdhR35aJhdhdCJOJQJaJ3f673 T^T`$ 8Tp $a$$ 8Tp $8^8`a$ 8Tp $8^8`1$^`gdd1$^`gdd3 4 !!!! 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