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In Ali Farazmand Ed. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, 2016. Peer Reviewed/Evaluated: The Effects of the COVID Pandemic on Political Efficacy and Trust, with Bert Baumgaertner and Florian Justwan. Forthcoming at American Politics Research. Racism on Two Wheels? An Examination of Urban Bikeways and Gentrification in American Cities. Chapter in Edited Volume, Environmental Philosophy, Politics, and Policy. Lexington Books. The Local Revolution under Second-Order Devolution: The Effect of County Governments on TANF Administration." Policy Studies Journal. LocalOfficialsasPartisanOperatives: The Effect of CountyOfficialson Early Voting Administration, with HYPERLINK "https://www.misericordia.edu/page.cfm?p=1083" R. Lucas Williamsand HYPERLINK "https://www.montevallo.edu/academics/colleges/college-of-arts-sciences/behavioral-social-sciences/faculty-staff/andrea-eckelman/" Andrea Eckelman. Social Science Quarterly 101(4), 1475-1488. Translating Descriptive Representation into Substantive Representation in the Face of Electoral Constraints: The Case of Texas School Districts." Urban Affairs Review: 1078087419844028. 2019. From Barrios to Condos: The Effects of Gentrification on Descriptive Representation," with Jason Casellas. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 4(1): 216-255. 2019 The Financial Crisis, Fiscal Federalism, and the Creditworthiness of U.S. State Governments," with Justin Kirkland and Patrick Shea. Statistics, Politics, and Policy 9(1). 2018. Other: Book Review for The Economic Other: Inequality in the American Political Imagination by Meghan Condon and Amber Wichowsky. Forthcoming in Political Science Quarterly. Healthcare Workforce Shortages in Idaho. Forthcoming, Idaho at a Glance Policy Brief for the McClure Center. While California Expands Insurance Coverage, Texas Blocks Health ReformDespite Greater Needs. Scholars Strategy Network, February 2014 with Ling Zhu. Ridesharing as a Complement to Transit. 2012. Transit Cooperative Research Program: Transportation Research Board. With Gail Murray, Mark E. Chase, and Eunice Kim. Peer Reviewed/Evaluated (currently scheduled or submitted): The Policy Effects of Electing Women to County Government. With R. Lucas Williams Professional Meeting Papers, Workshops, Showings, Recitals: The Policy Effects of Electing Women to County Government. Presented at APSAs Womens Workshop: June 2021. The Social Welfare Policy Trade-Offs Between the Book-End Generations. Presented at the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA: September 9-13, 2020. The Policy Effects of Electing Women to County Government. Presented at the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago, IL: April 2020. [Cancelled due to COVID] The Partisan Advantage in Selecting Voting Location Types. Presented at the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, PR: January 9-11, 2020. [Unable to attend because of earthquake] The Policy Effects of Electing Women to County Government. Presented at the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, PR: January 9-11, 2020. [Unable to attend because of earthquake] The Pink Wave: An Examination of Women Running for Local Office. Presented at the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC: August 29-September 1, 2019. The Policy Effects of Electing Women to County Government. Presented at the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC: August 29-September 1, 2019. Urban Income Inequality: An Examination of Municipal Market Conditioning. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL: April 4-7, 2019. Urban Income Inequality: An Examination of Municipal Market Conditioning. Presented at the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA: August 30-September 2, 2018. The Politics of Caretaking: Intersectional Gender Representation in the States. Presented at the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA: August 30-September 2, 2018. County-State Partnerships Role in Welfare Policy: The Conditional Effect of County Institutions on TANF Participation Rates." Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL: April 5-8, 2018. The Effect of Institutional Characteristics on Fiscal Inequalities: The Case of Texas School Districts." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Public Management Research Conference, Washington, DC: June 8-10, 2017. From Barrios to Condos: The Effects of Gentrification on Latino Representation." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, BC: April 13-15, 2017. With Jason Casellas. Local Officials as Partisan Operatives: An Examination of Early Voting Sites in Texas Counties." Presented at the 112th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA: September 1-4, 2016. With Andrea Eckelman and R. Lucas Williams. The (Dis)Enfranchisement of Poor, Minority Voters: The Case of Early Voting Site Selection in Texas." Presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, San Juan, PR: January 6-9, 2016. With Andrea Eckelman and R. Lucas Williams. The Conditional Effect of Credit Ratings on the Reelection of Incumbent Mayors. Presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA: September 3-6, 2015. The Partisan Divergence (and Convergence) of Preferences for Urban, Suburban, and Rural Areas from 1950-2014." Presented at the 85th Annual Southern Political Science Conference, New Orleans, LA: January 15-17, 2014. SERVICE: Major Committee Assignments: Data Science Task Force, ý鶹, 2019-present Political Science Curriculum Committee, Department of Politics and Philosophy, ý鶹, 2018- present Professional and Scholarly Organizations American Political Science Association (Public Policy; Race, Ethnicity and Politics; and Urban and Local Politics Sections) 2014-present Midwest Political Science Association 2017-present Public Management Research Association 2016-present Southern Political Science Association 2014-present Outreach Service: Speaker, Institutional Reform & Kootenai County. Kootenai County Democrats Club. Moscow, ID. April 30, 2021. Speaker, The 2020 Election: What Just Happened? Kootenai County Democrats Club. Moscow, ID. November 20, 2020. Panelist, Is This Normal? A Review of the 2020 Election. Renfrew Colloquium Moscow, ID. November 17, 2020. Adviser to Extended Learning Internship, Johannes Vangsnes, Moscow High School. Spring 2020. While California Expands Insurance Coverage, Texas Blocks Health ReformDespite Greater Needs. Scholars Strategy Network, February 2014 with Ling Zhu. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Scholarly Conferences: APSA: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 EITM: 2014 MPSA: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 PMRC: 2017 SPSA: 2015, 2016, 2020 WPSA: 2017, 2021     LAST, First Middle Page PAGE 2 &'(-/>AFHIKLOPQRSacvwx    5 6 7 V W Y a b c t } ~  h/CJOJQJ hs5hs hX5hX hXhXhXoh,7hhKhw'hHI h/5 h/CJh/ h/5CJB&'(RSwx 6 }}$  8Tp 4$4`4a$$  8Tp 4$d^`da$$  8Tp 4$a$$  8Tp 4$[^[`a$$ 8Tp $80^8`0a$6 7 b c ~  K M   2 $ 8Tp $`a$ Z^`gdeG Z^`$ 8Tp $a$$  8Tp 4$a$   K M    1 2 E F ] ^ b c k l  * z heG5 h/\h/heG hXohXohXohXohXo\ hXo5 h/5heGh/CJOJQJh/CJOJQJhsheGCJOJQJheGCJOJQJh@CJOJQJh,7CJOJQJhs5CJOJQJhsCJOJQJ/2 l + , > D R$ 8Tp $a$$ 8Tp $`a$$ 8Tp $`a$gdXo* + , = > L ! 8 : C D m n q z | <DEFGQRSVlnv|}ha.hhXo heG5h^Shw' heGheGh,7heGh@ h@aJ heGaJh/ h/5 heGh/H-;=HQUVbcdjvz{   GVxzڸ hTaJ h`hTh`hT h`h` h`heG h/5 heGheGheG h@h@h@h^Sh,7 h,7h,7ha.hCc  Ga<rs$ 8Tp $a$$ 8Tp $]^a$gd/a  >Va 6:;<=DEUVlqrst!KWX潹h. h.5\ hhh h5\ hP}5\hP}h/ h/ah^Sh*Eh^S h^S5 heG5 h/5 heGh,7heG h`hT hThThTh`:KXm|12Kfu$ 8Tp $a$Xflmoy{|}*-123?JKLWefgnstuv(h/ h/5 hP}hP}hP} h0ah0ah0a h0a5\ hP}5\ h.h.hw'h.K+-de ! 8Tp $gd,78^8gd,7$ Z8Tp $a$gdt$ Z8Tp $8^8`a$gdT$ Z8Tp $8^8`a$()*+-bm     67GHacdef{|  !"-FGѼ hTh,7 h,75 h,7h,7 h,76] hXoh,7h,7 hXo5hh6]h h5h/hT h/5 hT5EGbc78FSTUfglmn  '9:;IVW޼뭭 h,7h,7 hXohXohXo hThXoh.U8h.U8\h.U8h.U86\]hXohXo0J\jhXohXoU\hXohXo\ h,75h,7h,7h,76] hTh,7=!:;]{]]]$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gdT$ Z8Tp $8^8`a$$ Z8Tp $8^8a$gd,7$ Z8Tp $8^8`a$gdXo$ Z8Tp $a$gd,7 8Tp $8^8`gd,7 :;RVWj0:;PRTVW\]^_`ghijq)+:<DEFQSZehtht5 ht6]hththt6]aJ htaJ ht5 h/5 hTh/ hThT hT5hThXoh,7F]_hi'n$ 8Tp $a$gdT$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gd~L$ Z8Tp $8^8`a$gdt$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gdt1$gdt$ 8Tp $8^8`a$  "'(\]txy 'LNOPTXefghin\ghpuxyӿĸ h24h24 h245h24 hthh h5 hT5 hthH hH h~L hThT h/5h/hTH'(fgaa$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gd$ 8Tp $a$gd$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gdt 8Tp $8^8`gdt 8Tp $gdT$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gdT n o 1!2!!!""E#F###$ 8Tp $8^8`a$$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gdt$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gd24$ 8Tp $8^8`a$gdXo   < D G I O S T V g h l m n o p q u !!!!!!!!"!-!0!1!2!3!4!g!h!m!u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hththt ht5 h24h24 hth24 h245h24h245\h24P!!!!!! 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