%PDF-1.2 %туЯг 10 0 obj << /Length 11 0 R >> stream BT 43.56 726.6 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf -0.009 Tc 0.033 Tw (College of Natural Resources Policy Analysis Group) Tj 0 -14.28 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0136 Tc 0.0645 Tw ( Jay O\222Laughlin, Director) Tj 0 -14.16 TD /F1 9.96 Tf -0.0134 Tc 0.0046 Tw ( P.O. Box 441134, ЙћЖГДЋУНТщЖЙЩч, Moscow, ID 83844-1134) Tj 0 -13.68 TD -0.0148 Tc 0.0059 Tw ( Phone: 208-885-5776 e-mail: jayo@uidaho.edu ) Tj 0 -13.56 TD -0.0154 Tc 0.0065 Tw ( FAX: 208-885-6226 website: http://www.cnr.uidaho.edu/pag ) Tj 342 32.52 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0038 Tc 0.0547 Tw ( College of Natural Resources ) Tj 0 -15.24 TD -0.0116 Tc 0.0625 Tw ( Experiment Station) Tj -18 -15.24 TD -0.0185 Tc 0.0693 Tw ( Steven B. Daley Laursen, Director) Tj -191.28 -611.04 TD /F1 8.04 Tf -0.0083 Tc 0.0532 Tw (College of Natural Resources Policy Analysis Group \226 ЙћЖГДЋУНТщЖЙЩч) Tj -79.32 -13.8 TD -0.004 Tc 0.0489 Tw (Established by the Idaho legislature in 1989 to provide objective analysis of the impacts of natural resource proposals.) Tj 35.52 -13.92 TD 0.0021 Tc 0.0427 Tw (Issue Briefs are timely summaries of research reports relevant to current natural resource topics. ) Tj ET 70.8 72.24 466.56 1.08 re f BT 68.64 624.36 TD /F1 15.96 Tf 0.0153 Tc -0.0122 Tw ( Issue Brief No. 3) Tj 122.64 0 TD /F2 15.96 Tf 0 Tc -0.03 Tw ( ) Tj -122.64 -31.68 TD /F1 15.96 Tf 0.0065 Tc -0.0034 Tw ( September 2003) Tj ET 72.72 581.4 468.24 1.68 re f q 200.52 0 0 40.68 363.72 713.16 cm /im1 Do endstream endobj 11 0 obj 1557 endobj 14 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /im1 /Width 1200 /Height 243 /BitsPerComponent 1 /Decode [ 1 0 ] /ColorSpace /DeviceGray /Length 15 0 R >> stream џџРџџРџџРџџР`џџРрџџР 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?џјр?џџрџџјџРџџўџ€џџџџ€џџџ€џ?џџРџџџрўџџрќџ№ќџјј?ќјў?№ў№џрџ€џрџРџРџрџРџрџ€№џ€јџ?ќўќўўќџќџ€јџР?јџР№џррџ№џрџ№џрјџРќџР?ўџ€џџ€џџџџџпўџџќџџќџџјџџјџџ№џџ№џр?џрџРџ€џ€џџўўќјјp endstream endobj 17 0 obj 7099 endobj 20 0 obj << /Length 21 0 R >> stream Q BT 276.72 346.2 TD /F1 14.04 Tf -0.009 Tc 0 Tw (Summary) Tj -96.72 -32.4 TD 0.004 Tc 0.0529 Tw (Prospective purchasers and operators of) Tj -10.2 -16.2 TD 0.0101 Tc 0.0468 Tw (businesses in \223Superfund\224 hazardous waste) Tj -4.8 -16.2 TD 0.0093 Tc 0.0475 Tw (cleanup sites, such as northern Idaho\222s Silver) Tj 17.04 -16.2 TD 0 Tc 0.0562 Tw (Valley, face potential liability for cleanup) Tj 0 -16.2 TD 0.0197 Tc 0.0372 Tw (costs. This is less of a concern for small) Tj -5.28 -16.2 TD 0.009 Tc 0.0479 Tw (businesses since the 2002 Brownfield Act) Tj -3.96 -16.2 TD -0.0068 Tc 0.0637 Tw (amendments to Superfund law that provide) Tj 56.52 -16.2 TD -0 Tc 0.0575 Tw (some relief from liability. ) Tj ET 154.8 181.92 1.08 184.32 re f 457.56 181.92 1.08 184.32 re f 154.8 365.16 303.72 1.08 re f 154.8 181.8 303.72 1.08 re f 150.36 177.36 2.76 193.32 re f 460.32 177.36 2.76 193.32 re f 150.36 367.92 312.72 2.76 re f 150.36 177.36 312.72 2.76 re f BT 141 502.68 TD /F0 20.04 Tf -0.0139 Tc -0.0373 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 158.76 -42 TD /F1 12 Tf 0.024 Tc 0 Tw (by) Tj -97.08 -13.8 TD 0.0173 Tc 0.0067 Tw (Jay O\222Laughlin, Professor and Director) Tj -35.28 -13.8 TD 0.0095 Tc 0.0145 Tw (College of Natural Resources Policy Analysis Group) Tj 63.48 -13.8 TD 0.015 Tc 0.009 Tw (ЙћЖГДЋУНТщЖЙЩч, Moscow) Tj ET 72 643.68 468.12 1.68 re f endstream endobj 21 0 obj 1407 endobj 4 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 12 0 R >> /XObject << /im1 14 0 R /im2 16 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents [ 10 0 R 18 0 R 20 0 R ] >> endobj 27 0 obj << /Length 28 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (1 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 165 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 1) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 261.48 704.52 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.012 Tc 0.012 Tw (Short Summary) Tj -207.48 -28.08 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0125 Tc 0.0125 Tw (Before 2002, prospective purchasers and operators of businesses in Superfund hazardous waste cleanup) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0185 Tc 0.0185 Tw (sites, such as northern Idaho\222s Silver Valley, faced potential liability for cleanup costs. As reported in) Tj T* -0.0265 Tc 0.0265 Tw (PAG Report #6 \(MacCracken and O\222Laughlin 1991\), Superfund law can attach liability, like a tar baby,) Tj T* -0.02 Tc 0.02 Tw (to buyers, sellers, agents, and lenders, thereby casting a dark cloud over potential economic development) Tj T* -0.0157 Tc 0.0157 Tw (activities. Potential liability has been reduced for small businesses by the 2002 Brownfields Act) Tj T* -0.0159 Tc 0.0159 Tw (amending CERCLA, the Superfund law. ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0249 Tc 0.0249 Tw (Because of the recent changes in Superfund law, U.S. Senator Larry Craig\222s office in Coeur d\222Alene) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0236 Tc 0.0236 Tw (requested that the College of Natural Resources Policy Analysis Group at the ЙћЖГДЋУНТщЖЙЩч modify) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0172 Tc 0.0172 Tw (its earlier findings as they are published on the Internet. This PAG Issue Brief is intended to do that. This) Tj T* -0.0241 Tc 0.0241 Tw (brief does not offer legal advice, but provides a summary of and references to more thorough analyses) Tj T* -0.0143 Tc 0.0143 Tw (available for those concerned about Superfund liability, who would be wise to seek legal counsel. ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0082 Tc 0.0082 Tw (The remainder of this issue brief summarizes the 2002 Brownfields Act provisions affecting) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.023 Tc 0.023 Tw (Superfund liability. A brief history of Superfund law \(CERCLA\), especially liability, is provided for) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0092 Tc 0.0092 Tw (context. Conclusions are that because of partial reform of Superfund law and other development) Tj T* -0.0182 Tc 0.0182 Tw (assistance programs, Silver Valley communities have a brighter future.) Tj 177.84 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0033 Tc 0.0273 Tw (Liability Reform Summary) Tj -177.84 -28.08 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0219 Tc 0.0219 Tw (Superfund law \(\223CERCLA\224\) was amended by the Brownfields Act in January 2002 to protect a variety) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0184 Tc 0.0184 Tw (of groups from liability, including those who sent only very small quantities of hazardous waste to a) Tj T* -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (Superfund site, who only sent municipal solid waste, and several categories of \223innocent parties\224) Tj T* -0.0111 Tc 0.0111 Tw (\(Bromm 2003, Reisch 2003\). The new law clarifies the \223innocent landowner\224 defense \(Meltz 2002,) Tj T* -0.0176 Tc 0.0176 Tw (Reisch 2003\). It also provides protection from Superfund liability for owners of land contaminated by a) Tj T* -0.0205 Tc 0.0205 Tw (source on contiguous property, and for prospective purchasers of property that is known to be) Tj T* -0.0169 Tc 0.0169 Tw (contaminated. These provisions essentially codify existing EPA policy \(Bromm 2003, Reisch 2003\).) Tj T* -0.0112 Tc 0.0112 Tw (According to the Real Estate Roundtable \(RER 2002\) the Brownfields Act does the following:) Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw ( \225) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0147 Tc 0.0147 Tw (Protects purchasers of brownfield properties from Superfund liability under CERCLA, even if they) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0114 Tc 0.0114 Tw (knew of the contamination at the time of purchase;) Tj -18 -14.16 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( \225) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0224 Tc 0.0224 Tw (Protects owners from Superfund liability if they hold property contaminated by pollution that) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0149 Tc 0.0149 Tw (migrated from other sources;) Tj -18 -14.16 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( \225) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0205 Tc 0.0205 Tw (Protects property purchasers \(and their tenants\) of contaminated properties from Superfund liability.) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0183 Tc 0.0183 Tw (In order to preserve this liability shield, purchasers must offer access and cooperation to regulators) Tj T* -0.016 Tc 0.016 Tw (and take \223reasonable care\224 steps with respect to prior releases. Although the government cannot) Tj T* -0.0212 Tc 0.0212 Tw (recover remediation costs from these purchasers, a lien may be placed on the property if its) Tj T* -0.0216 Tc 0.0216 Tw (unrecovered cleanup costs resulted in an increase of the property\222s value;) Tj -18 -14.16 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( \225) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0216 Tc 0.0216 Tw (Prohibits federal enforcement of Superfund regulations against any person \227 including a party who) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.023 Tc 0.023 Tw (owned or operated property at the time of a release \227 who cleans up a contaminated property under) Tj T* -0.0145 Tc 0.0145 Tw (a state voluntary cleanup program. This enforcement bar would be limited to eligible properties, but) Tj T* -0.0246 Tc 0.0246 Tw (exclude any site that has been already designated for cleanup under federal programs. This) Tj T* -0.0094 Tc 0.0094 Tw (enforcement prohibition is not absolute. In exceptional cases, the federal government could initiate) Tj T* -0.0241 Tc 0.0241 Tw (enforcement proceedings against a party who had completed a voluntary cleanup under state law;) Tj -18 -14.16 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( \225) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0222 Tc 0.0222 Tw (Protects owners of property contaminated by pollution that migrated from other property under) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0163 Tc 0.0163 Tw (separate ownership. Owners of property contiguous to sites with contaminated groundwater cannot) Tj T* -0.0124 Tc 0.0124 Tw (be required to undertake a ground water investigation or cleanup if that contamination flows under) Tj T* -0.0153 Tc 0.0153 Tw (the property, except in unusual circumstances; and) Tj ET endstream endobj 28 0 obj 6095 endobj 22 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 27 0 R >> endobj 30 0 obj << /Length 31 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (2 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 156.72 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 2) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 54 704.76 TD /F2 12 Tf ( \225) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0145 Tc 0.0145 Tw (Clarifies that compliance with the American Society for Testing and Materials \(ASTM\) due) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0147 Tc 0.0147 Tw (diligence standard meets the \223all appropriate inquiry\224 standard to establish an innocent landowner) Tj T* -0.0181 Tc 0.0181 Tw (defense for non-residential property. If a purchaser complies with the ASTM standard and finds no) Tj T* -0.0124 Tc 0.0124 Tw (contamination, a liability defense would exist if contamination is subsequently discovered. For a) Tj T* -0.0161 Tc 0.0161 Tw (purchaser of residential property, the due diligence standard is less demanding \(RER 2002\).) Tj 122.88 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0178 Tc 0.0418 Tw (History of Superfund Law \(\223CERCLA\224\)) Tj 218.88 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0.024 Tw ( ) Tj -359.76 -28.08 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0112 Tc 0.0112 Tw (Superfund is the principal federal program for cleaning up the nation\222s worst hazardous waste sites in) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.011 Tc 0.011 Tw (order to protect the public health and the environment from releases of hazardous substances \(MBA) Tj T* -0.0136 Tc 0.0136 Tw (2002, Reisch 2003\). It was created by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and) Tj T* -0.0226 Tc 0.0226 Tw (Liability Act, or CERCLA \(Publ. Law No. 96-510, enacted in 1980, as amended\). CERCLA, the) Tj T* -0.016 Tc 0.016 Tw (Superfund law, was designed to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites around the country. The law) Tj T* -0.0106 Tc 0.0106 Tw (also established a Superfund Trust Fund that was supported by dedicated taxes \(Reisch 2003\), primarily) Tj T* -0.0053 Tc 0.0053 Tw (excise taxes on petroleum and specified chemicals and a corporate environmental income tax \(NSPE) Tj T* -0.0152 Tc 0.0152 Tw (2002\). Before the collection of these taxes expired in 1995, they raised about $1.5 billion per year. Since) Tj T* -0.0163 Tc 0.0163 Tw (then, the only sources of Superfund Trust Fund revenues are those recovered from potentially) Tj T* -0.0044 Tc 0.0044 Tw (responsible parties \(PRPs\), interest on the Fund\222s investments, fines, and penalties \(NSPE 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0133 Tc 0.0133 Tw (Despite its good intentions, CERCLA and the Superfund program have proven to be bureaucratic,) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0193 Tc 0.0193 Tw (complicated, and costly \(NAIOP 2003; see, for example, DeLong 1997\). Superfund law has imposed) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.008 Tc 0.008 Tw (retroactive, and at times unfair, burdens on private citizens and companies without regard to their) Tj T* -0.0179 Tc 0.0179 Tw (negligence or fault, and it has curtailed economic growth and development \(NAIOP 2003\).) Tj 0 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0297 Tc 0.0537 Tw (Superfund Liability.) Tj 111.84 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0219 Tc 0.0219 Tw ( Under the Superfund liability scheme, when a property is purchased the new) Tj -111.84 -14.16 TD -0.0266 Tc 0.0266 Tw (landowner becomes liable for any release or threat of release of a hazardous substance at the facility.) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0178 Tc 0.0178 Tw (Superfund is a strict liability statute and all parties are jointly and severally liable for \223all costs of) Tj T* -0.0208 Tc 0.0208 Tw (removal or remedial action incurred by the United States Government or a State\224 or \223any other necessary) Tj T* -0.0209 Tc 0.0209 Tw (costs or response incurred by any other person.\224 A new landowner could be held responsible for the) Tj T* -0.0165 Tc 0.0165 Tw (entire clean-up without actually causing the contamination \(MBA 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0117 Tc 0.0117 Tw (Potentially responsible parties \(PRPs\) are liable under the Superfund law for the costs of cleanup) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0126 Tc 0.0126 Tw (associated with releases of hazardous substances, and for damages in the form of monetary) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.015 Tc 0.015 Tw (compensation for injuries to publicly owned natural resources \(Reisch 2003\). The law\222s liability standard) Tj T* -0.0104 Tc 0.0104 Tw (is strict, joint and several, and retroactive. Generators of hazardous substances, transporters who selected) Tj T* -0.0096 Tc 0.0096 Tw (the disposal site, and past and present owners and operators of the site can all be held liable. The law) Tj T* -0.0104 Tc 0.0104 Tw (also allows PRPs to sue other parties, usually generators of hazardous waste, to contribute to the cost of) Tj T* -0.0069 Tc 0.0069 Tw (cleanup. This has sometimes led to hundreds of people, including small businesses, being brought into) Tj T* -0.0217 Tc 0.0217 Tw (Superfund\222s liability net. Because the law\222s stringent liability regime has drawn in many parties to pay) Tj T* -0.0115 Tc 0.0115 Tw (for hazardous waste cleanup, the law became unpopular in some quarters \(Reisch 2003\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0219 Tc 0.0219 Tw (The Superfund liability system has serious flaws \(ABC 2003\). Levels of cleanup under the law are) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0125 Tc 0.0125 Tw (inconsistent from one site to another. Cleanup costs and risk levels are very high because of a liability) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0188 Tc 0.0188 Tw (scheme generally considered unfair and conducive to excessive litigation. The average cost of cleanup is) Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.01 Tw (about $30 million per site. The law has been especially burdensome on small businesses and other minor) Tj T* -0.024 Tc 0.024 Tw (parties who get caught unfairly in the liability net \(ABC 2003\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.013 Tc 0.013 Tw (The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency \(EPA\) is responsible for administering the Superfund) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0148 Tc 0.0148 Tw (law. According to Helmstetter and Schiller \(2002\), the EPA always has been uncomfortable with) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (Superfund\222s impact on small parties. Even under its policy of fair and equitable enforcement, EPA\222s) Tj T* -0.0109 Tc 0.0109 Tw (modus operandi in Superfund litigation has been to concentrate on major potentially responsible parties) Tj T* -0.0081 Tc 0.0081 Tw (\(PRPs\). But the major PRPs frequently pursued their rights of contribution against all other PRPs,) Tj ET endstream endobj 31 0 obj 6555 endobj 29 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 30 0 R >> endobj 33 0 obj << /Length 34 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (3 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 165 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 3) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 54 704.76 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0112 Tc 0.0112 Tw (including local shopkeepers and the Little Sisters of the Poor. And because joint and several Superfund) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0113 Tc 0.0113 Tw (liability attached to any PRP that contributed a thimbleful of hazardous substances to the site, even the) Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.01 Tw (smallest parties were willing to pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars in settlement rather than) Tj T* -0.0067 Tc 0.0067 Tw (become enmeshed in Superfund litigation. The inequities often were most dramatic at municipal solid) Tj T* -0.0094 Tc 0.0094 Tw (waste disposal sites at which industrial waste and household trash had been commingled for decades. On) Tj T* -0.0179 Tc 0.0179 Tw (a case-by-case basis the EPA has tried to blunt third-party collection efforts against the smallest) Tj T* -0.0102 Tc 0.0102 Tw (contributors by granting them contribution protection for one dollar or other nominal amount; but EPA\222s) Tj T* -0.009 Tc 0.009 Tw (pre-emptive strikes often gave rise to additional litigation as the major PRPs either challenged EPA\222s) Tj T* -0.0115 Tc 0.0115 Tw (right to preempt, or sought a corrected allocation \(Helmstetter and Schiller 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0168 Tc 0.0168 Tw (In 1993, the EPA moved to address criticisms of the Superfund program by starting what became) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0194 Tc 0.0194 Tw (three rounds of 49 administrative reforms to make the agency\222s operation of the program faster, fairer,) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0173 Tc 0.0173 Tw (and more efficient \(Reisch 2003\). Although industry groups gave the EPA credit for improving the) Tj T* -0.0173 Tc 0.0173 Tw (program, many said additional changes requiring legislation were still needed. From an industry) Tj T* -0.0194 Tc 0.0194 Tw (perspective, reforms should have included replacing CERCLA\222s liability regime, reforming cleanup) Tj T* -0.0195 Tc 0.0195 Tw (standards and remedy selection, changing the law\222s provisions on natural resource damages, and) Tj T* -0.0126 Tc 0.0126 Tw (instituting a different means of funding the program \(Reisch 2003\).) Tj 0 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0017 Tc 0.0257 Tw (Superfund Reauthorization Attempts in the 1990s.) Tj 284.76 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0142 Tc 0.0142 Tw ( Although there were three serious proposals) Tj -284.76 -14.16 TD -0.0106 Tc 0.0106 Tw (to change Superfund law through comprehensive reauthorization in the 103rd to 106th Congresses \(i.e.,) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0147 Tc 0.0147 Tw (1993-2000\), none of these bills reached the floor in either chamber because of opposition by key) Tj T* -0.0124 Tc 0.0124 Tw (members \(Reisch 2003\). Several issues proved particularly challenging in these attempts to reauthorize) Tj T* -0.0182 Tc 0.0182 Tw (CERCLA. The issues most debated were liability, remedy selection, cleanup standards, state role, and) Tj T* -0.0198 Tc 0.0198 Tw (the amount of natural resource damages liable parties must pay. These issues are briefly discussed by) Tj T* -0.0139 Tc 0.0139 Tw (Reisch \(2003\), along with comments on how the reported bills during that time generally would have) Tj T* -0.0034 Tc 0.0034 Tw (dealt with these issues. ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0171 Tc 0.0171 Tw (Because the liability scheme of Superfund law \227 joint and several liability on a strict and retroactive) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0117 Tc 0.0117 Tw (basis \227 drew in many parties, sometimes hundreds at a particular site, in protracted and expensive) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0132 Tc 0.0132 Tw (litigation, the bills of the 1990s consequently provided protection against Superfund liability for more) Tj T* -0.0096 Tc 0.0096 Tw (than a dozen categories of parties. Not all categories appeared in each bill. To limit litigation the bills) Tj T* -0.0131 Tc 0.0131 Tw (would have established an allocation process, conducted by a neutral person, to divide cleanup costs) Tj T* -0.0124 Tc 0.0124 Tw (among responsible parties. Those not accepting the allocation would have been subject to CERCLA\222s) Tj T* -0.0097 Tc 0.0097 Tw (joint and several liability \(Reisch 2003\). These bills did not become law.) Tj 113.88 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.0018 Tc 0.0222 Tw (Liability Reform in 2002 \227 The Brownfields Act) Tj 269.52 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0.024 Tw ( ) Tj -383.4 -27.72 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0142 Tc 0.0142 Tw (Although Congress had been highly critical of the Superfund program throughout the 1990s, little) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0084 Tc 0.0084 Tw (movement to reform it occurred until late 2001 when legislation expediting the clean up of) Tj T* -0.0147 Tc 0.0147 Tw (\223brownfields\224 was enacted \(NSPE 2002\). In December 2001, Congress passed the Small Business) Tj T* -0.0152 Tc 0.0152 Tw (Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act \(Publ. Law No.107-118\). After President George W.) Tj T* -0.0143 Tc 0.0143 Tw (Bush signed the Brownfields Act on January 11, 2002, its amendments to the Superfund law \(CERCLA\)) Tj T* -0.0138 Tc 0.0138 Tw (may have blunted some criticism \(Reisch 2003\). The Brownfields Act attracted significant support from) Tj T* -0.0132 Tc 0.0132 Tw (environmental organizations, the real estate industry, and local governments \(RER 2002\). ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.007 Tc 0.007 Tw (The new law has two titles within it, reflecting the combined House and Senate bills. This brief) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0133 Tc 0.0133 Tw (refers to them together as the Brownfields Act, which revises or amends some portions of CERCLA.) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0134 Tc 0.0134 Tw (The Act reforms federal Superfund law, which has been the major hindrance to brownfields cleanup.) Tj T* -0.0171 Tc 0.0171 Tw (This Act provides liability protection for prospective purchasers, contiguous property owners, and) Tj T* -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (innocent landowners. In addition it authorizes increased funding for state and local programs that assess) Tj T* -0.0106 Tc 0.0106 Tw (and clean up brownfields \(White House 2002\). The Act authorizes $250 million annually from FY02-06) Tj ET endstream endobj 34 0 obj 6394 endobj 32 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 33 0 R >> endobj 36 0 obj << /Length 37 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (4 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 156.72 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 4) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 54 704.76 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0055 Tc 0.0055 Tw (to fund assessment and cleanup activities, with $200 million authorized to fund state and local grants for) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0104 Tc 0.0104 Tw (brownfields assessment and cleanup, and $50 million for grants to enhance state and local cleanups) Tj T* -0.0093 Tc 0.0093 Tw (\(NSPE 2002\). The Act also provides common sense relief from Superfund liability for small business) Tj T* -0.0067 Tc 0.0067 Tw (owners who sent waste or trash to waste sites, thus protecting innocent small businesses while ensuring) Tj T* -0.0062 Tc 0.0062 Tw (that polluted sites continue to be cleaned up by those most responsible for the contamination \(White) Tj T* -0.0087 Tc 0.0087 Tw (House 2002\).) Tj 0 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.0234 Tc 0 Tw (What is a \223brownfield\224?) Tj 136.56 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0.024 Tw ( ) Tj 6.72 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0205 Tc 0.0205 Tw (There are approximately 400,000 \223brownfield\224 sites in the country. The) Tj -143.28 -14.16 TD -0.0079 Tc 0.0079 Tw (EPA defines these as abandoned, idled, or underutilized industrial or commercial facilities where) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0137 Tc 0.0137 Tw (expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination \(MBAA) Tj T* -0.006 Tc 0 Tw (2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0131 Tc 0.0131 Tw (Brownfields differ from Superfund sites in the degree of contamination. Superfund sites pose a real) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0075 Tc 0.0075 Tw (threat to human health and/or the environment. Brownfields, on the other hand, do not pose serious) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0236 Tc 0.0236 Tw (health or environmental threat. Instead they represent an economic or social threat because they prevent) Tj T* -0.0091 Tc 0.0091 Tw (development and therefore stifle local economies \(NSPE 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0116 Tc 0.0116 Tw (While brownfields can present excellent redevelopment opportunities, they are an underutilized asset) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0088 Tc 0.0088 Tw (that could help communities address a number of issues, including revitalizing urban areas, increasing) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (tax revenues, and promoting sustainable growth. In order to participate in brownfields redevelopment,) Tj T* -0.0108 Tc 0.0108 Tw (lenders and developers must determine an acceptable balance of risk and potential return on investment.) Tj T* -0.0185 Tc 0.0185 Tw (This determination requires analysis of a complex array of state and federal environmental laws and) Tj T* -0.0164 Tc 0.0164 Tw (regulations \(MBAA 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0157 Tc 0.0157 Tw (The Mortgage Bankers Association of America \(MBAA 2002\) believes that environmental laws) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0093 Tc 0.0093 Tw (should facilitate redevelopment of urban areas, including brownfields sites, and provide appropriate) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0167 Tc 0.0167 Tw (protections against liability for lenders and developers. MBAA joined with other industry groups in) Tj T* -0.0071 Tc 0.0071 Tw (support of legislation that will clean up and redevelop thousands of brownfield sites across the nation.) Tj T* -0.0106 Tc 0.0106 Tw (MBAA testified at Congressional hearings in support of the Brownfields Amendments legislation and) Tj T* -0.0143 Tc 0.0143 Tw (lobbied for its passage \(MBAA 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0074 Tc 0.0074 Tw (The Brownfields Act will aid states and localities in cleaning up polluted industrial sites \(MBAA) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0147 Tc 0.0147 Tw (2002\). The act provides: [1] the application of federal prevailing wage rates to new state grant programs) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0097 Tc 0.0097 Tw (for cleanups; [2] the exemption of small businesses from liability if they do not contribute a significant) Tj T* -0.0085 Tc 0.0085 Tw (amount of waste; [3] an exemption for innocent purchasers from having to pay decontamination costs if) Tj T* -0.0072 Tc 0.0072 Tw (toxic waste is found on a site after it has been purchased; and [4] a finality provision limiting EPA\222s) Tj T* -0.0149 Tc 0.0149 Tw (ability to require further cleanup of a site that has been declared clean, except in the following instances:) Tj T* -0.0025 Tc 0.0025 Tw ([a] if a state requests EPA to intervene; [b] EPA determines contamination has crossed state lines; [c]) Tj T* -0.0033 Tc 0.0033 Tw (there is \223imminent and substantial\224 endangerment to the environment and the public; or [d] EPA) Tj T* -0.0109 Tc 0.0109 Tw (determines there is new information \(MBAA 2002\). ) Tj 0 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0092 Tc 0.0332 Tw (Liability Reforms.) Tj 100.56 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0159 Tc 0.0159 Tw ( The Brownfields Act \(Public Law No. 107-118\) is divided into two Titles. Title I,) Tj -100.56 -14.16 TD -0.0079 Tc 0.0079 Tw (subtitled the Small Business Liability Protection Act, carves out small-contributor exemptions from) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (CERCLA liability with respect to pending and future Superfund litigation \(Helmstetter and Schiller) Tj T* -0.0086 Tc 0.0086 Tw (2002\). These provisions should provide much-welcomed liability relief to small businesses and parties) Tj T* -0.0434 Tc 0.0434 Tw (sending only very small \() Tj 121.08 0 TD /F4 12 Tf -0.0072 Tc 0.0072 Tw (de micromis) Tj 58.92 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0047 Tc 0.0047 Tw (\) amounts of hazardous substances to a Superfund disposal site,) Tj -180 -14.16 TD -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (parties that otherwise would be subject to CERCLA\222s harsh liability provisions \(Brendel 2002\). Under) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0095 Tc 0.0095 Tw (the small business liability provisions of the law, Section 107 of CERCLA was amended to provide an) Tj T* -0.0018 Tc 0.0018 Tw (exemption for businesses that disposed of less than 100 gallons of liquid or less than 200 pounds of solid) Tj T* -0.0128 Tc 0.0128 Tw (hazardous material. It also exempts from Superfund liability households or businesses that employ no) Tj T* -0.0079 Tc 0.0079 Tw (more than 100 workers and those that disposed of only municipal solid waste at a Superfund site \(NSPE) Tj ET endstream endobj 37 0 obj 6472 endobj 35 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F1 8 0 R /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 36 0 R >> endobj 39 0 obj << /Length 40 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (5 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 165 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 5) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 54 704.76 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.006 Tc (2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0092 Tc 0.0092 Tw (Title II, subtitled the Brownfields Revitalization and Environmental Restoration Act of 2001,) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0137 Tc 0.0137 Tw (codifies and authorizes funding for a national program for the cleanup and redevelopment of) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0096 Tc 0.0096 Tw (contaminated real estate \(Helmstetter and Schiller 2002\). The remainder of this section provides an) Tj T* -0.0152 Tc 0.0152 Tw (overview of the liability reforms in both Title I and Title II, as it is sometimes difficult to tell from the) Tj T* -0.0156 Tc 0.0156 Tw (references cited herein which title deals with which form of liability relief.) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0153 Tc 0.0153 Tw (The Act offers these liability-reducing features: [1] the innocent-landowner defense, available to) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0121 Tc 0.0121 Tw (persons who acquire land after the hazardous substance is put there, and who \(among other things\) find) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0103 Tc 0.0103 Tw (no contamination before acquisition despite \223all appropriate inquiry\224; [2] use of the innocent-landowner) Tj T* -0.0273 Tc -0.0327 Tw (status as a basis for early ) Tj 122.04 0 TD /F4 12 Tf -0.0013 Tc 0.0013 Tw (de minimis) Tj 52.32 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0.001 Tc -0.001 Tw ( settlement with EPA; and [3] exemption of the \223bona fide) Tj -174.36 -14.16 TD -0.0182 Tc 0.0182 Tw (prospective purchaser\224 from \223owner\224 and \223operator\224 liability despite pre-acquisition awareness of) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0117 Tc 0.0117 Tw (contamination on the property, if certain conditions are met \(see Meltz 2002 for details\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0145 Tc 0.0145 Tw (The Act clarifies the Superfund law\222s \223innocent landowner\224 defense. CERCLA provides a defense) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0185 Tc 0.0185 Tw (against liability for a person who unknowingly purchased contaminated land, provided the person made) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0112 Tc 0.0112 Tw (\223all appropriate inquiry\224 prior to the transaction. The Act spells out what comprises all appropriate) Tj T* -0.0179 Tc 0.0179 Tw (inquiry for the purchaser to qualify as an innocent landowner under the law. These provisions would) Tj T* -0.0216 Tc 0.0216 Tw (apply to all contaminated sites, not just brownfields \(Reisch 2003\). Lenders and recyclers were granted) Tj T* -0.0091 Tc 0.0091 Tw (relief in other legislation \(Reisch 2003\). ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0145 Tc 0.0145 Tw (In addition, the Act discourages PRPs from bringing third-party contribution actions against exempt) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.024 Tc 0.024 Tw (parties by shifting the burden of proof to the private-party plaintiffs and by creating the risk of an) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0164 Tc 0.0164 Tw (attorney\222s fee award to a prevailing defendant. Thus, the decision whether or not to sue small) Tj T* -0.0083 Tc 0.0083 Tw (contributors in the future will, for the most part, be left to the EPA, which probably will decline to do so) Tj T* -0.0152 Tc 0.0152 Tw (unless it determines that a particular party has contributed significantly to the contamination ) Tj T* -0.007 Tc 0.007 Tw (\(Helmstetter and Schiller 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0184 Tc 0.0184 Tw (The EPA issued interim guidance clarifying some of the conditions that contiguous property owners) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0187 Tc 0.0187 Tw (\(\223CPOs\224\), bona fide prospective purchasers \(\223BFPPs\224\), or innocent landowners \(\223ILOs\224\) must meet to) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0133 Tc 0.0133 Tw (qualify for the liability limitations provided in the Brownfields Act \(Bromm 2003\). In addition, the EPA) Tj T* -0.0154 Tc 0.0154 Tw (issued guidance on the definition of eligible response site provided in the law and how the agency plans) Tj T* -0.0041 Tc 0.0041 Tw (to implement its authorities to exclude particular sites from the definition of an eligible response site.) Tj T* -0.0124 Tc 0.0124 Tw (Both guidance documents clarify how the EPA intends to use its enforcement discretion in specific) Tj T* -0.0093 Tc 0.0093 Tw (situations not to pursue certain potentially liable parties. Links to the EPA Website addresses containing) Tj T* -0.0185 Tc 0.0185 Tw (these guidance documents \(e.g., Bromm 2003\) are provided by the EPA \(2003\). As the EPA gains more) Tj T* -0.0241 Tc 0.0241 Tw (experience implementing the Brownfields Act, the agency may revise this guidance. According to) Tj T* -0.005 Tc 0.005 Tw (Bromm \(2003\), the EPA welcomes comments on this guidance and its implementation, with comments) Tj T* -0.0126 Tc 0.0126 Tw (submitted to contacts identified by Bromm \(2003\). ) Tj 216 -28.56 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.0098 Tc 0 Tw (Conclusions) Tj -216 -28.08 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0143 Tc 0.0143 Tw (Although the Brownfields Act did not provide the total overhaul of CERCLA that many Superfund) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0187 Tc 0.0187 Tw (critics had hoped for, the law does revise several key liability provisions \(Brendel 2002\). In sum, this) Tj T* -0.0083 Tc 0.0083 Tw (legislation is designed to spur the redevelopment of contaminated industrial/commercial properties) Tj T* -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (\(known as \223brownfields\224\) by [1] authorizing increased funding for assessment and remediation of these) Tj T* -0.016 Tc 0.016 Tw (brownfield sites; [2] providing \(or clarifying\) liability protection for certain landowners under the) Tj T* -0.0168 Tc 0.0168 Tw (Superfund statute \(e.g., bona fide prospective purchasers, contiguous property owners and innocent) Tj T* -0.0119 Tc 0.0119 Tw (landowners\); [3] providing liability relief for some generators of municipal solid wastes \(e.g., small) Tj T* -0.0168 Tc 0.0168 Tw (businesses, non-profits\), and for very small \() Tj 213.96 0 TD /F4 12 Tf -0.0072 Tc 0.0072 Tw (de micromis) Tj 58.92 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0107 Tc 0.0107 Tw (\) contributors of hazardous substances at) Tj -272.88 -14.16 TD -0.0113 Tc 0.0113 Tw (federal Superfund sites; and [4] providing a bar on enforcement by the U.S. Environmental Protection) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0179 Tc 0.0179 Tw (Agency \(EPA\) at sites where response actions are conducted in compliance with a state brownfield) Tj ET endstream endobj 40 0 obj 6560 endobj 38 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 5 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 39 0 R >> endobj 43 0 obj << /Length 44 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (6 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 156.72 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 6) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 54 704.76 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.019 Tc 0.019 Tw (cleanup program. These legislative changes should not only serve as an incentive to reuse and redevelop) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0103 Tc 0.0103 Tw (brownfield properties, but also should have an impact upon the disposition of any real estate in the) Tj T* -0.0086 Tc 0.0086 Tw (United States \(Howard 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0284 Tc 0.0284 Tw (In the past, concerns about Superfund liability have discouraged many property owners and) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0131 Tc 0.0131 Tw (developers from getting involved with brownfield projects \(Hird 2002\). The liability reform in the) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0167 Tc 0.0167 Tw (Brownfields Act provisions are intended to allay those concerns by providing substantial protection for) Tj T* -0.0235 Tc 0.0235 Tw (new purchasers and property owners undertaking voluntary cleanup. But the liability reform protections) Tj T* -0.0089 Tc 0.0089 Tw (are not absolute: Each comes with qualifications and exceptions, so that the federal government may) Tj T* -0.0145 Tc 0.0145 Tw (take enforcement action in unusual cases. Nonetheless, the very existence of these protections, even) Tj T* -0.0136 Tc 0.0136 Tw (though incomplete, should encourage purchasers and developers to undertake brownfield projects \(Hird) Tj T* -0.006 Tc 0 Tw (2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.009 Tc 0.009 Tw (Overall, this legislation should increase the reuse and redevelopment of brownfields sites by) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0111 Tc 0.0111 Tw (providing new funding mechanisms for eligible entities and additional liability protections for real estate) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0121 Tc 0.0121 Tw (purchasers and developers \(Howard 2002\). The liability protection provisions of this new legislation) Tj T* -0.023 Tc 0.023 Tw (may alter the way that buyers and sellers deal with real estate and related transactions. For example, to) Tj T* -0.0164 Tc 0.0164 Tw (maximize the applicability of the prospective purchaser provisions, new buyers will likely be much more) Tj T* -0.0172 Tc 0.0172 Tw (careful in developing a \223baseline\224 to demonstrate that the contamination occurred entirely before the) Tj T* -0.0161 Tc 0.0161 Tw (acquisition. It also should be recognized that there are plenty of \223soft\224 words throughout the legislation) Tj T* -0.0167 Tc 0.0167 Tw (that may spawn litigation in the future \(Howard 2002\).) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0151 Tc 0.0151 Tw (The future is looking brighter for some Silver Valley communities, and not only from potentially) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0112 Tc 0.0112 Tw (reduced Superfund liability that should encourage new businesses. For example, in 2004 the EPA will) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0159 Tc 0.0159 Tw (provide the largest single grant of Superfund money in the nation \($15 million\) to help Kellogg) Tj T* -0.0093 Tc 0.0093 Tw (transform into a four-season destination resort. Eagle Crest Communities, owner and operator of the) Tj T* -0.0043 Tc 0.0043 Tw (Silver Mountain ski area, will spend $10.5 million to build a golf course, 1000 housing units, and a 140-) Tj T* -0.0126 Tc 0.0126 Tw (acre light industrial park \(Geranios 2003\). ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0137 Tc 0.0137 Tw (In addition, the first steps for approval of federal assistance funds have been taken to help Wallace) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0114 Tc 0.0114 Tw (upgrade the historic Pulaski Trail. During the 1910 fires that swept through the Coeur d\222Alene and) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.011 Tc 0.011 Tw (Bitterroot Mountains in Idaho and Montana, at least 85 people died and one-third of Wallace burned to) Tj T* -0.0137 Tc 0.0137 Tw (the ground. During this episode, often called the Big Blowup, U.S. Forest Service Ranger Ed Pulaski) Tj T* -0.0189 Tc 0.0189 Tw (saved the lives of 38 of his crew by herding them into a mine entrance near Wallace as flames engulfed) Tj T* -0.0286 Tc 0.0286 Tw (the area. Later he invented a firefighting tool widely used today, a hybrid axe and mattock called a) Tj T* -0.0075 Tc 0.0075 Tw (Pulaski. Reconstruction of the trail and mine entrance are the first elements in a plan that includes) Tj T* -0.007 Tc 0.007 Tw (developing a National Wildfire Education Center and Museum in Wallace or Silverton \(Pulaski Project) Tj T* -0.006 Tc 0.006 Tw (2003\). ) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0112 Tc 0.0112 Tw (Prospective purchasers and operators of businesses in Superfund sites, like the Silver Valley, would) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.02 Tc 0.02 Tw (be well advised to seek legal counsel regarding Superfund cleanup liability. The Brownfields Act) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0126 Tc 0.0126 Tw (provisions described herein may provide significant relief from the otherwise burdensome liability) Tj T* -0.0126 Tc 0.0126 Tw (scheme of Superfund law.) Tj ET endstream endobj 44 0 obj 5143 endobj 41 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 42 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 43 0 R >> endobj 46 0 obj << /Length 47 0 R >> stream BT 54 745.68 TD 0 0 0 rg /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0 Tw (7 ) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc (!) Tj 165 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.0139 Tc -0.0139 Tw (Superfund Liability Reform in 2002) Tj 314.16 0 TD /F3 12.48 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0 Tw (!) Tj 8.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc ( 7) Tj ET 54 742.08 504.12 1.08 re f BT 256.92 704.52 TD /F0 12 Tf 0.0232 Tc 0.0008 Tw (References Cited) Tj -202.92 -28.08 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0094 Tc 0.0094 Tw (Associated Builders and Contractors \(ABC\). 2003. Superfund/Brownfields. Arlington, VA. Available) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0071 Tc 0.0071 Tw (online at \(accessed July 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0181 Tc 0.0181 Tw (Brendel, J.R. 2002. New brownfields law reforms Superfund liability. Thorp, Reed & Armstrong LLP,) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0099 Tc 0.0099 Tw (Pittsburgh, PA. Available online at www.thorpreed.com/legalnews.html \(accessed September 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0207 Tc 0.0207 Tw (Bromm, S.E. 2003. Interim guidance regarding criteria landowners must meet in order to qualify for) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.014 Tc 0.014 Tw (bona fide prospective purchaser, contiguous property owner, or innocent landowner limitations on) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0114 Tc 0.0114 Tw (CERCLA liability \(\223common elements\224\). Memorandum, March 6, U.S. Environmental Protection) Tj T* -0.0154 Tc 0.0154 Tw (Agency, Washington, DC. Available online at www.epa.gov/compliance/resources/policies/cleanup/) Tj T* -0.0137 Tc 0.0137 Tw (superfund/common-elem-guide.pdf \(accessed September 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.021 Tc 0.021 Tw (DeLong, J.V. 1997. ) Tj 97.32 0 TD /F4 12 Tf -0.005 Tc 0.005 Tw (Superfund XVII: The Pathology of Environmental Policy.) Tj 275.4 0 TD /F2 12 Tf 0.0029 Tc -0.0029 Tw ( Competitive Enterprise) Tj -354.72 -14.16 TD -0.0136 Tc 0.0136 Tw (Institute, Washington, DC. Available online at www.cei.org/gencon/025,01197.cfm \(Accessed) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.008 Tc 0.008 Tw (September 2003\). ) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0086 Tc 0.0086 Tw (Geranios, N.K. 2003. Silver Valley looks for a silver lining: feds throw in with residents to turn mining) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0099 Tc 0.0099 Tw (center into tourist mecca. ) Tj 124.08 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0.006 Tc -0.006 Tw (Lewiston Morning Tribune) Tj 129.48 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0086 Tc 0.0086 Tw (, August 3, p. 1E.) Tj -271.56 -14.16 TD -0.0087 Tc 0.0087 Tw (Helmstetter, C.H., and B.E. Schiller. 2002. Superfund reform shields small contributors and encourages) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0271 Tc 0.0271 Tw (brownfields buyers. Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP, St. Louis, MO. Available online at) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0133 Tc 0.0133 Tw (www.spencerfane.com/content/content/145.asp \(accessed August 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0064 Tc 0.0064 Tw (Hird, D.B. 2002. Memorandum to Real Estate Roundtable re the Brownfields Revitalization and) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0103 Tc 0.0103 Tw (Environmental Restoration Act of 2001. Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP, Washington, DC. Available) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0096 Tc 0.0096 Tw (online at http://rer.org/media/newsreleases/reformbill.cfm \(accessed June 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (Howard, L.P. 2002. New brownfields legislation and superfund reform: New funding and liability) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.008 Tc 0.008 Tw (protections available. ) Tj 105.48 0 TD /F4 12 Tf -0.0131 Tc 0.0131 Tw (The Administrative Watch) Tj 125.04 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0069 Tc 0.0069 Tw ( 4\(1\); Babst, Calland, Clements & Zomnir, PC,) Tj -230.52 -14.16 TD -0.0072 Tc 0.0072 Tw (Pittsburgh, PA. Available online at www.bccz.com/publications_fram.html \(accessed August 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.011 Tc 0.011 Tw (Meltz, R. 2002. \223Innocent landowners\224 and \223prospective purchasers\224 in the Superfund Act. RS21167,) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0203 Tc 0.0203 Tw (Congressional Research Service, The Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Available online at) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0127 Tc 0.0127 Tw (www.cnie.org/nle/crsreports/waste/waste-37.pdf \(accessed June 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0148 Tc 0.0148 Tw (Mortgage Bankers Association of America \(MBAA\). 2002. MBAA issue paper: Environmental issues.) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0123 Tc 0.0123 Tw (Available online at www.mbaa.org/library/isp/2002_5/03_03.html \(accessed September 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0159 Tc 0.0159 Tw (National Association of Industrial and Office Properties \(NAIOP\). 2003. Government affairs:) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0087 Tc 0.0087 Tw (Brownfields & brownfields remediation tax. Washington, DC. Available online at) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0135 Tc 0.0135 Tw (www.naiop.governmentalaffairs/superfund.cfm \(accessed June 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0163 Tc 0.0163 Tw (National Society of Professional Engineers \(NSPE\). 2002. Issue brief: Superfund & brownfields.) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0139 Tc 0.0139 Tw (Available online at www.nspe.org/govrel/gr2-4026.asp \(accessed June 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0068 Tc 0.0068 Tw (Pulaski Project. 2003. FY2004 congressional appropriation for the Pulaski Trail Project leaps first) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0125 Tc 0.0125 Tw (hurdle. Available online at www.pulaski-project.org \(accessed September 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0058 Tc 0.0058 Tw (Real Estate Roundtable \(RER\). 2002. Bulletin: Brownfields reform bill signed into law \227 Provides) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0186 Tc 0.0186 Tw (property owners federal clean-up liability protection. Available online at http://rer.org/media/) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.018 Tc 0.018 Tw (newsreleases/reformbill.cfm \(accessed July 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0106 Tc 0.0106 Tw (Reisch, Mark \(2003\). Brownfields and superfund issues in the 108th Congress. Congressional Research) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0281 Tc 0.0281 Tw (Service Issue Brief IB10114, The Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Available online at) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0138 Tc 0.0138 Tw (www.ncseonline.org/nle/crsreports/03Jun/IB10114.pdf \(accessed September 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.014 Tc 0.014 Tw (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency \(EPA\). 2003. Brownfields liability and cleanup issues. Available) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0105 Tc 0.0105 Tw (online at www.epa.gov/swerosps/bf/liab.htm \(accessed September 2003\).) Tj -18 -14.16 TD -0.0082 Tc 0.0082 Tw (White House, The. 2002. Press release fact sheet: President signs legislation to clean environment &) Tj 18 -14.16 TD -0.0076 Tc 0.0076 Tw (create jobs, Jan. 11. Available online at www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/01/) Tj 0 -14.16 TD -0.0049 Tc 0.0049 Tw (20020111-4.html \(accessed June 2003\).) Tj ET endstream endobj 47 0 obj 6646 endobj 45 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 42 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F2 12 0 R /F3 23 0 R /F4 25 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 46 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F0 /BaseFont /Arial,Bold /FirstChar 31 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 750 278 333 474 556 556 889 722 238 333 333 389 584 278 333 278 278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 333 333 584 584 584 611 975 722 722 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 556 722 611 833 722 778 667 778 722 667 611 722 667 944 667 667 611 333 278 333 584 556 333 556 611 556 611 556 333 611 611 278 278 556 278 889 611 611 611 611 389 556 333 611 556 778 556 556 500 389 280 389 584 750 556 750 278 556 500 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 750 750 750 278 278 500 500 350 556 1000 333 1000 556 333 944 750 750 667 278 333 556 556 556 556 280 556 333 737 370 556 584 333 737 552 400 549 333 333 333 576 556 278 333 333 365 556 834 834 834 611 722 722 722 722 722 722 1000 722 667 667 667 667 278 278 278 278 722 722 778 778 778 778 778 584 778 722 722 722 722 667 667 611 556 556 556 556 556 556 889 556 556 556 556 556 278 278 278 278 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 549 611 611 611 611 611 556 611 556 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /FontDescriptor 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /Arial,Bold /Flags 16416 /FontBBox [ -250 -220 1236 930 ] /MissingWidth 750 /StemV 153 /StemH 153 /ItalicAngle 0 /CapHeight 930 /XHeight 651 /Ascent 930 /Descent -220 /Leading 180 /MaxWidth 1030 /AvgWidth 480 >> endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Arial /FirstChar 31 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 750 278 278 355 556 556 889 667 191 333 333 389 584 278 333 278 278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 278 278 584 584 584 556 1015 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 722 778 667 778 722 667 611 722 667 944 667 667 611 278 278 278 469 556 333 556 556 500 556 556 278 556 556 222 222 500 222 833 556 556 556 556 333 500 278 556 500 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