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Exterior scaffolding Work Platform Boom lift Scissor lift Leading edge Stairwell Other fall hazards in the work area METHOD OF FALL ARREST OR FALL RESTRAINT Fall Protection Equipment: Full Body Harness Body Belt Lanyard Dropline Fall Protection Work Plan, continued: Lifeline Restraint line Horizontal lifeline Rope grab Deceleration device Shock absorbing lanyard Locking snap hooks Safety nets Safety monitor Guardrails Catch platform Scaffolding platform ASSEMBLY, MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION, DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES Assembly and disassembly of all equipment will be done according to manufacturers recommended procedures. Specific types of equipment on the job are: Additional information on this equipment may be found: A visual inspection of all safety equipment will be done daily or before each use. Any defective equipment will be tagged and removed from use immediately. The manufacturers recommendations for maintenance and inspection will be followed. UI Fall Protection Work Plan, continued: HANDLING, STORAGE AND SECURING OF TOOLS AND MATERIALS Toe boards will be installed on all scaffolding and work platforms and all openings or holes will be covered as needed to prevent tools and equipment from falling. Specific/Additional handling, storage and securing procedures that must be followed include: OVERHEAD PROTECTION Hard hats are required on all job sites for all personnel who may be exposed to overhead hazards. Warning signs will be posted to caution of existing hazards whenever they are present. Debris nets will be used if conditions warrant additional protection. Specific/Additional overhead protection will include: RESCUE PROCEDURES INJURED WORKER REMOVAL Normal first aid procedures should be performed by certified individuals as the situation requires. Initiate Emergency Medical System (EMS) Dial 9-911 Phone location: First-aid kit / AED location: (Circle/specify those that apply) Elevator location: Crane/Bucket Truck/Lift Platform/Other location: (Circle/specify those that apply) UI Fall Protection Work Plan, continued: Rescue considerations. When personal fall arrest systems are used, the job site supervisor or designated competent person must assure that employees can be promptly rescued or can rescue themselves should a fall occur. The availability of rescue personnel, ladders, or other rescue equipment should be verified before work begins. In some situations, equipment which allows employees to rescue themselves after the fall has been arrested may be desirable, such as devices which have descent capability. TRAINING & INSTRUCTION PROGRAM All employees authorized to apply the procedures and use the equipment specified in this fall protection plan will be given the opportunity to review this plan and given instructions on the proper use of the specific fall protection devices they will be using by a competent person. Each employee who will be permitted to work under this plan must sign below to verify they have been provided this opportunity and instruction. Job Site Supervisor or Designated Competent Person: Date: * A COPY OF THIS WORK PLAN SHOULD BE AVAILABLE ON THE JOB SITE WHILE WORK IS BEING PERFORMED 8/05 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 4 /0=X]4 9 I P u I J  / 2 E J N Q U k n o p h'>*hi06hi06>*h'h: hi06>*hi06 hoZ>*hoZh]bhhhEmhZFf5h:hZFf5>*hZFfhEmhI"5CJaJhEmhZFf5CJaJ>/0=>J K | }   # $ I J o p gdi06 & Fgdi06$a$gdEm   I J r s * 7 8 \ i j gd' & Fgd'gdi06      @ H   * / 1 8 \ a c h 057<9qy»ӛhYhhs5hYhhYh5>*hYhhs5>*h hshs hs>*hshYhh'5 hYh5 hYh5>*hYhh'5>*hNSh' h'>*hi06 hi06>*=j 0=>xy*+89wxxgds & Fgdsgd'xy%&34ABV & Fgd| & FgdsgdsX@z6<=_nz|}~]_stuz|Ͼ h:>* h>*hh(hYhh5 hYh5 hYh5>*hYhh5>*hhEm>*CJaJhEmhEm>*hEmCJaJhEmhEmCJaJ hEm>*hEmh] h|>*h|hshi065VWXYDEz{=_`mn{ & Fgd|gd|{|}~tu & Fgdgdgdi06gd|,6t{    ǾǾh$vWmHnHujh$vWUh$vWh]bh6CJaJh]bh]b6CJaJhNSh]h h:>*h:, 56$a$gdYh^gd:gdi06&1h:pYh/ =!"#$h%@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List4@4 YhHeader  !4 @4 YhFooter  !HH (c Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4/0=>JK|}#$IJopIJrs   *78\ij0=>xy*+89wxxy    % & 3 4 A B V W X Y D E z {   = _ ` m n { | } ~ tu 5600p0p0p0p0p000p0p0 0 0 00 0 0p00p 00p0000p0 0p0 00000 0 0 00 0 000 0 00000 0000000000p0p000p00p000 0000000000 00 0(0 0(00 0 000 0 00 000000p 00p0000000000 0000000000 00p00000 000000 0 00 0 0080 00 000p0p00 000000p00p00p0000p00p00p00p00000000000 0@00Xs###&  j xV{  &!M=~N=ԉO=:P=mrh  k =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace KS  3333330=}$EJps8bj0>xB V { 2georgepJ2Vȟ808^8`0o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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