ࡱ> DFC -bjbj 42{{ TT8Tvjj:$n !E0999p9999g>eM9F0v9!#!9!9x9Q|v!T t: Butte County 4H Market Animal Sale Association Parent Membership Agreement Member: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _____________________ _State:________________ Zip Code; _____________ Home Phone______________Cell Phone______________Email Address_________________ Children Expected to Participate in Market Animal Sale NumberChildBirthdaySpecie123456I understand that the 4-H market animal sale is a Butte County tradition supported by the Butte County 4-H program and Butte County Fair, but it is not a part of the U of Is youth education program. I understand that Only youth whose parents have jointed the Association and have agreed to the minimum participation outlined in the membership agreement will be permitted to participate in the sale. {Bylaws: Article 3 Paragraph B2} I understand that the success of the sale is the responsibility of the 4-H members and their parents, other interested volunteers and not the ý鶹, The Butte County 4-H program, the Butte County fair board, or the Butte County commission, although many of the same people may contribute to the success of the sale. I understand that children become eligible for the sale by completion of their 4-H livestock projects according to the standards of the U of I 4-H program and the Butte County 4-H Leaders Council and their policies and procedures. I understand that as a member, I/we need to participate in the various activities required to successfully hold a youth market animal sale. I volunteer to participate in the following activities related to the sale: " Assist my children in inviting qualified buyer to the sale " Attend Sale Committee Meetings " Assist in preparing and/or serving the buyers appreciate supper m Assist in preparing pre and post sale advertising m Assist in preparing thank you posters during the fair m Assist in delivering thank you poster to the buyers m Assist with the bookkeeping, invoicing and collections at the sale m Assist is sorting livestock before or after the sale m Assist in delivering livestock to slaughter facilities after the fair m Assist in preparing invoices and statements after the sale. ./6KQ  + 9 C Q ^ o p   ! " C O [ _ ` z | z |  ! 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