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PURPOSE/SCOPE/APPLICABILITY (include activity abstract and objectives) Research Activity Description (include activity approach) 2.2 List any bounding conditions. RISK AND CONTROLS: Add lines to the table below as needed to adequately describe hazards and controls for the tasks you will be doing. Task: Identify any tasks that have associated hazards or require controls to prevent equipment damage Hazard(s): Identify any hazards associated with the task that may cause personal injury or equipment damage. Examples of hazards include burns, falls, chemical contact, chemical inhalation, cuts, abrasions, etc. Engineering Control(s): Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the worker and the hazard. Well-designed engineering controls can be highly effective in protecting workers and will typically be independent of worker interactions to provide this high level of protection. Engineering Controls are methods of eliminating, reducing, or controlling employee exposures to a chemical or physical agent by modifying the source or reducing the quantity of contaminants released into the work environment. Examples include safety interlocks, sound dampening materials to reduce noise levels, ventilation systems (fume hoods), self-capping syringe needles, etc. Administrative Control(s): Methods of controlling or reducing duration, frequency, and severity of employee exposure to hazardous chemicals or situations by job rotation, work assignment, time periods away from the hazard, or training in specific work practices designed to reduce the exposure. These control measures have many limitations because the hazard itself is not actually removed or reduced. PPE: Devices worn by the worker to protect against hazards in the laboratory environment. Respirators, gloves, safety shoes, and hearing protectors are examples. TaskPotential HazardsControls (Engineering and Administrative)PPE   AREA HAZARDS AND OFF-NORMAL CONDITIONS Area Hazard or Off-Normal ConditionResponse EXPORT COMPLIANCE Responsibility for Export Compliance lies with each CAES member institution. FACILITY CONDITIONS List any facility conditions that must be met before beginning work, e.g., facility exhaust is operational, building pressure is negative, fume hoods are operational and functioning properly, facility argon supply is adequate. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES POST-PERFORMANCE ACTIVITIES List activities that will need to take place to close out work, e.g., post-experimental clean-up, equipment dismantling and removal, actions taken to render the laboratory safe for the next research activity, removal of chemicals, etc. The intent is to not leave legacy items in the laboratory after the end of the project. Written justification from the Research Lab Manager is required for storage of any items. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION 6.1 Additional Documents Supporting this Project Plan 6.2 References DRAWINGS AND DIAGRAMS APPENDICES Appendix A, Chemical Inventory Appendix B, Waste Generation  Name and CAS NumberNFPAChemical StateConcentration Amount used per day Frequency of UseMax. Storage VolumeUse or Exposure DurationHealth - Fire - Reactivity -  Type of WasteAnticipated VolumeContainer TypeDisposal ResponsibilityList any special needs/requirements for storage and handling and disposal of wastes. If a spill occurs, how will it be cleaned up?      CAES-048 Rev 0 XX/XX/21 CAES Work PlanPage  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 3  @ABCDEFGq ûrrrrkrkbRRRh)h"5CJOJQJ\h)h"aJ h)h"h)h"CJOJQJh)h"5CJOJQJh)hlaJ h)hlh)hl>*CJaJ h)h2h2h2CJaJh2CJaJh2h2CJaJh2h25CJ\aJh75CJ\aJh25CJ\aJh2h25CJ\aJ ABCDE~u $Ifgd?wkd$$If940`'0)4 9af4ytGL /$Ifgd?EFG{{n [$If^gd"? 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