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EXPERIENCE IN ACADEMIA 2004 to Present UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO COLLEGE OF LAW, Moscow, Idaho, Weldon Schimke Distinguished Professor of Law. 2015, Spring UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HASTINGS COLLEGE OF LAW, ý鶹ing Professor 2010-11 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF LAW, ý鶹ing Professor, Areas of teaching responsibility included, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals and Partnerships, U.S. International Income Taxation (LL.M.) and Elder Law (J.D.). 1995 to 2002 UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO COLLEGE OF LAW, Moscow, Idaho, Acting Dean, July 1, 1995 to January, 1997; Dean, January, 1997 to July, 2002 (on leave 1999-2000). 1999-2000 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA SCHOOL OF LAW, Perth, Australia, ý鶹ing Professor (Sabbatical Leave). 1988 to Present UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO COLLEGE OF LAW, Moscow, Idaho, Associate Professor, 1988 to 1994; Professor, 1994 to present. Areas of teaching responsibility have included business planning, elder law, estate planning, evidence, federal income taxation of individuals, corporations, partnerships, and trusts, U.S. international income taxation and federal estate and gift taxation. Summer, 1992 T.C. WILLIAMS SCHOOL OF LAW, UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND, Richmond, Virginia. ý鶹ing Associate Professor. Spring, 1992 MARSHALL-WYTHE SCHOOL OF LAW, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY, Williamsburg, Virginia, ý鶹ing Associate Professor. Summer, 1991 GONZAGA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW, Spokane, Washington, ý鶹ing Associate Professor. 1987-88 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, COLLEGE OF LAW, Gainesville, Florida. Interim ý鶹ing Assistant Professor. PUBLICATIONS TC \l1 " BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS The Fundamentals of Federal Taxation (with Jeffrey Maine) Carolina Academic Press (5th Ed 2018 ), (4th Ed 2017 ), (3rd Ed 2013 ), (2nd Ed 2010), (1st Ed 2007). Accompanying Teachers Manual. Problems and Solutions for Federal Income Taxation (with Jeffrey Maine) Carolina Academic Press (2nd ed. 2019), (1st ed. 2016). Practitioner's Guide to Natural Disasters, Commerce Clearing House (1994). What You Ought to Know About Natural Disasters and Your Taxes, Commerce Clearing House, (1994). LAW REVIEW ARTICLES Individual Income Tax Reform (In progress) Wealth Transfer Tax Planning for 2020 and Beyond (with Jeffrey Maine) (In progress) Medicaid Planning in Idaho (with Aaron Roepke) 52 Idaho Law Review 507-46 (2016) SSRN Abstract ID  HYPERLINK "http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2680385" \o "This will take you to the public abstract page." \t "PublicAbstract" 2680385 Medicaid Planning California Style (with Vanessa Stroud) 41 ACTEC L.J. 301-350 (2016) Medicaid Spend Down, Estate Recovery and Divorce: Doctrine, Planning and Policy, 23 Elder Law Journal 41-82 (2015) SSRN Abstract Id.  HYPERLINK "http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2567041" \o "This will take you to the public abstract page." \t "PublicAbstract" 2567041 Wealth Transfer Tax Planning for 2013 and Beyond (with Jeffrey Maine) 2013 BYU Law Rev. 879-948 (2013), SSRN Abstract Id.  HYPERLINK "http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2214422" \o "This will take you to the public abstract page." \t "PublicAbstract" 2214422 Preserving Wealth and Inheritance through Medicaid Planning for Long Term Care (with Sean Bleck and Barbara Isenhour) 17 Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law 153-196 (2013) SSRN Abstract Id.  HYPERLINK "http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=2126111" \o "This will take you to the public abstract page." \t "PublicAbstract" 2126111; excerpted in Rebecca Morgan et al, Elder Law in Context (Aspen 2017). The Fundamentals of Wealth Transfer Tax Planning: 2011 and Beyond (with Jeffrey Maine), 48 Idaho Law Review 385-440 (2011). SSRN Abstract Id.  HYPERLINK "http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=1749670" \o "This will take you to the public abstract page." \t "PublicAbstract" 1749670  TC \l1 " Taxation and the Sabbatical: Doctrine, Planning and Policy (with Robert Pikowsky), 63 The Tax Lawyer 375-410 (2010). SSRN Abstract Id.  HYPERLINK "http://papers.ssrn.com/abstract=1584826" \o "This will take you to the public abstract page." \t "PublicAbstract" 1584826 Voluntary Impoverishment to Obtain Government Benefits, 13 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 81-109 (2003). Equal Taxation: A Commentary, 29 Hofstra Law Review 529-45 (2000). The Modern Law Dean, 50 Journal of Legal Education 398-413 (2000). Tax Problems in Community Property States: Problems and Planning Opportunities During Divorce, with Jeffrey Maine, 30 Family Law Quarterly 173-197 (1996). The Fundamentals of Estate Tax Planning, with Jeffrey Maine, 32 Idaho Law Review 197-252 (1996). Rationalizing Injustice: The Supreme Court and the Property Tax, 22 Hofstra Law Review 79-144 (1993). Indeterminacy, Complexity and Fairness: Justifying Rule Simplification in the Law of Taxation, 68 Washington Law Review 1-78 (1993). Liars Should Have Good Memories: Legal Fictions and the Tax Code, 64 University of Colorado Law Review 1-55 (1993). State Adoption of a Value Added Tax: A Desperate Act in Search of the Proper Occasion, 71 Nebraska Law Review 192-208 (1992). Federal Income Taxation and Community Property Law: The Case for Divorce, 44 Southwestern Law Journal (now S.M.U.) 1087-1138 (1991). State Administration of a National Sales Tax: A New Opportunity for Cooperative Federalism, 9 Virginia Tax Review 243-71 (1989). The Quiet Passing of the Separate Incidence Rule, 41 The Tax Lawyer 831-46 (1988). BOOK REVIEWS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS Tax Planning and Sabbatical Leaves, (with Robert Pikowsky) The Chronicle of Higher Education (2/08/2011). Remarks Upon the Retirement of Dean Emeritus and Professor Sheldon Vincenti, 38 Idaho Law Review 523-24 (2002). Managing the Deans Ceremonial Role, 34 University of Toledo Law Review 127 (2003) Idaho's Law School as the Millennium Approaches, 38 The Advocate 9 (October 1995). Ch. O:2 Valuation of Stock, CCH Federal tax Service (1995). (Revision only) The Merger Puzzle (Reviewing Samuel C. Thompson, Jr., Reform of the Taxation of Mergers, Acquisitions, and LBOs), 1 Florida Tax Review 553-61 (1993); abstracted at 60 Tax Notes 739-40 (1993). Community Income, Federal Income Taxation and Divorce, 34 The Advocate 22-24 (1991). The Latest Turn of the Screw in Estate Planning: The Legislative Attack on Disproportionate Transfers, 32 The Advocate 24-27 (1989). Gift Wrapping the Estate Freeze, 41 Tax Notes 1335-41 (December 19, 1988). PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REVENUE CABINET OF KENTUCKY, Legal Services Section, Frankfort, Kentucky. Attorney Manager/Assistant Attorney General for Tax matters. Chief tax counsel for the State of Kentucky. 1985-86. Attorney Principal. 1982-85. KENTUCKY ATTORNEY GENERAL, Frankfort, KY. Assistant Attorney General. Litigation of Consumer Protection matters. 1979-80. EBLEN, MILNER, ROSENBAUM & WILSON, Lexington, KY. Associate. 1978-79. THE WISER OIL COMPANY, Sistersville, W. Va. Assistant to the Vice-President. 1976-77. MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL AND SCHOLARLY ORGANIZATIONS ADMISSIONS TO THE PRACTICE OF LAW United States Supreme Court United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Commonwealth of Kentucky United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Bencher, Raymond G. McNichols American Inn of Court, 1998 to 2006. Member, American Law Deans Association (ALDA), 1997-2002 Member, American Bar Association (ABA) Member, ABA Tax Section Member, ABA Legal Education Section Member, Association of American Law Schools Tax Section Member, American Law Institute (ex officio), 1995-2002. GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS TC \l1 " Burton Ellis Research Fellowships, 2008-2016 Idaho State Board of Education, $200,000 Technology Grant, 1997 ý鶹 College of Law Research Grants, 1990, '92, '93, 94, 2002-07 ý鶹 Seed Grant, 1989. University of Florida Graduate Council Fellowship, 1987. SERVICE PAPER PRESENTATIONS AND SPEECHES Estate Planning for Farmers and Ranchers, The Wranglers, Moscow, Idaho, April 17, 2019. Cryptocurrencies, ý鶹 Renfrew Symposium, Moscow, Idaho, October 28, 2018. Cryptocurrencies for You and Me, The Wranglers, Moscow, Idaho, April 7, 2018. The Tax Treatment of Marriage and Divorce after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Continuing Education Seminar, Moscow Idaho, April 3, 2018. Medicaid Planning in Idaho, Advanced Estate Planning Conference, Boise Idaho, September 22, 2017. (with Aaron Roepke). Understanding the Tax Boilerplate in Partnership and LLC Agreements, Idaho State Bar Annual Meeting, Moscow, Idaho, July 13, 2017. Career Planning Strategies: Teaching, Scholarship and Service, Junior Faculty Retreat, Moscow, Idaho, February 20, 2016. Medicaid Planning and More, Gem State Tax Symposium, Boise, Idaho June 5, 2015. Using clickers in the Classroom, University of California Hastings College of Law, Faculty Presentation, April 1, 2015. How Multinational Corporations Avoid Income Taxes: The Double Irish Dutch Sandwich and Corporate Inversions, The Wranglers, Moscow Idaho, December 3, 2014. Elder Law, Estate Planning and Medicaid, St Marys Church, Moscow Idaho, October 12, 2014. Using Polling Technology in the Classroom, ý鶹 College of Law, Faculty Presentation, September 10, 2014. Same-Sex Couples After Windsor: Tax and Other Impacts on Families, Employees and Employers, Gem State Tax Symposium, Boise Idaho, June 13, 2014. The Federal Tax Consequences of Windsor, Deciphering DOMA: A Primer for Idaho Attorneys On Hollingsworth v Perry and U.S. v. Windsor, Idaho State Bar, Boise, Idaho, December 12, 2013 Issues in Elder Law, Aging in Place Seminar, Good Samaritan Village, Moscow, Idaho, November 18, 2013. Federal Tax Update, Headline News Seminar, Idaho State Bar, Moscow Idaho, November 15, 2013. Elder Law Overview, Aging in Place Seminar, Lewiston, Idaho Community Center, June 4, 2013. Medicaid Planning: Accessing Long Term Health Care for the Elderly in the United States, International Conference on Aging & Society, Vancouver B.C., November 5, 2012. Long Term Health Care Planning for the Elderly in the United States, (co-authored with Sean Bleck and Barbara Isenhour) Law and Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, June 7, 2012. Federal Wealth Transfer Tax Planning, Advanced Estate Planning Conference, Sun Valley, Idaho, September 10, 2011. Ethics Issues in Elder Law, 1st District Bar Meeting, Coeur DAlene, Idaho, November 2, 2009. 21 Things Every Boomers Lawyer Should Know About Elder Law, Idaho State Bar Meeting, Boise, Idaho, July 9, 2009. Recent Developments in Federal Taxation, Advanced Estate Planning Conference, Sun Valley Idaho, September 13, 2008. Taxation and the Sabbatical: Doctrine, Planning and Policy (with Robert Pikowsky), Law and Society Annual Meeting, Montreal CAN, June 1, 2008. Recent Developments in Federal Taxation, Advanced Estate Planning Conference, Sun Valley Idaho, September 9, 2006. Section 2036 and the Family Limited Partnership, CLE for Estate Planning Council of North Central Washington, Wenatchee, Washington, October 28, 2004. Allocations: The Partners Distributive Shares, CLE on Federal Taxation of Partnerships, Boise, Idaho, May 25, 2004 and May 29, 2003. The Dean's Sabbatical, 30th Annual ABA Deans' Workshop, San Diego, California, February 17, 2001. The Modern Law Dean, Work in Progress Faculty Roundtable, ý鶹 College of Law, October 12, 2000. Strategic Planning at the College of Law, Idaho State Bar Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho, July 28, 2000. Being at Law School in the USA and Australia Some Comparisons, Student and Faculty Seminar, University of Western Australia Law School, Perth, Australia, May 1, 2000. An Overview of Income Taxation of Australians Doing business or Investing in the USA, Sponsored by the University of Western Australia Law School for the Perth Law Society, Perth, Australia, 5 April, 2000. Trends in Legal Education in the United States, Boise Bar Association Meeting, May 15, 1999. The Law School as the Millennium Approaches, Idaho State Bar Meeting, Boise, Idaho, July 14, 1998. Idahos Law School: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Idaho State Bar Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho, June 23, 1997. Indian Clinics and other Curricular Developments, Five States Judicial Conference, Whitefish, Montana (July 2, 1996). The State of Legal Education, Idaho Trial Lawyers Association Annual Meeting, Post Falls, Idaho. (June 7, 1996). Corporate Separations, 37th Annual Idaho State Tax Institute, Pocatello, Idaho. (October 13, 1995). Deans' Panel, Five States Judicial Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota (July 17, 1995). Greetings to the Bar, Idaho State Bar Convention, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (July 12, 1995). Rationalizing Injustice: The Supreme Court and the Property Tax. Work in progress seminar, 1993 Conference on Constitutional Law, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (June 14, 1993). Sponsored by the Association of American Law Schools. Moderator, Convocation on Lawyering at the Appellate Level. ý鶹 College of Law, Moscow, Idaho (February 26, 1993). State Adoption of a Value Added Tax: A Desperate Act in Search of the Proper Occasion. Second National Conference on Issues and Ideas in Multistate Taxation: Old Dilemmas/New Approaches; Washington D.C. (October 10, 1991). Sponsored by The Multistate Tax Commission. Divorce, Community Property, and the Federal Income Tax. Idaho State Bar Meeting; Sun Valley, Idaho (July 18, 1991). Taxation of Income from Trusts and Estates. Clearwater Estate Planning Council, Clarkston, Washington (August 14, 1990). S Corporations in the Small Business World. 16th Gonzaga Tax Institute, Priest Lake, Idaho (October 13, 1989). COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS & OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Chair, College of Law Promotions & Tenure Committee, 2019-20 Chair, College of Law Curriculum Committee, 2019-20, Member 2017-19 Member, College of Law Appointments Committee, 2017-18 (Reference Librarian) Chair, College of Law Third Year Review Committee, 2017-18 Member, Advisory Board of the Gem State Tax Symposium. 2016 to present Member, University Spread Pay Taskforce 2015-16 Member, McClure Center for Public Policy Director Search Committee, 2012-13 Member, Committee on Committees 2012-13 Representative, University Research Council, 2012 Chair, College of Law Honor Code Revision Committee, 2011-13 Chair, University Faculty Senate 2009-10 Member, Presidents Cabinet 2009-10 Vice Chair, Faculty Council 2008-09 College Representative, Faculty Council/Senate 2007-10 Chair, Committee on Committees 2008-09 Member, University Budget and Finance Committee, 2007-08 Member, University Sabbatical Leave Evaluation Committee, 2007-10 Chair, College of Law Tenure and Promotions Committee, 2008-09 Member, College of Law Tenure and Promotions Committee, 2006-08 Member, College of Law Career Services Committee, 2006-7 Chair, College of Law Career Services Committee, 2006-7 Chair, College of Law Career Resources Committee 2004-06. Member, College of Law Diversity Committee 2005-06. Member, University Vision and Resources Taskforce, 2004. Member, University Promotions Committee, 2003-04. Member, College Admissions Committee, 2003-04, 1993-95. Member, University Fiscal Emergency Committee, 2001-02. Member, Deans Council, 1995-2002. Chair, Advancement Vice President Search Committee, 1997. Member, Board of Directors, Martin Peace Institute 1995-2000. Member, Administrative Hearing Board. 1993-95. Representative, Association of American Law Schools House of Representatives, 1993. Member, College Library Committee, 1988 to 1993. Alternate Non-tenured Member, College Tenure & Promotions Committee, 1988 to 1993. Law School Faculty Secretary, 1990-91. Faculty Sponsor, Student Division, Idaho State Bar Corporations and Securities Section; 1989 to 1995. Faculty Advisor, Idaho Law Review, 1989-90. PROFESSIONAL AND MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE Member, Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Investment Committee, 2014-19 Member, Law School Admission Council (LSAC) Board of Trustees 2014--17 Member, ABA Site Inspection Team for University of Richmond School of Law, Spring, 2015. Chair, LSAC Audit Committee 2009-13 Member, LSAC Board of Trustees, 2009-13 Member, LSAC Executive Compensation Committee, 2011-13 Chair, LSAC Board of Trustees Nominating Committee, 2012-2013 Member, LSAC Board of Trustees Nominating Committee, 2011-2012 Member, LSAC Finance and Legal Affairs Committee, ex officio, 2009-10 Member, Technology Committee, American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, 2007-08. Member, Finance and Legal Affairs Committee, Law School Admission Council, 2007-09. Chair, ABA Site Inspection Team for University of New Orleans-Loyola School of Law, Spring, 2008. Chair, ABA Site Inspection Team for Samford University Cumberland School of Law, Spring, 2006. Member, Board of Trustees, 2004-08, Secretary-Treasurer, Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, 2007-08. Chair, ABA Site Inspection Team for University of Cincinnati College of Law, Spring, 2004. Member, Board of Trustees, Idaho Optional Retirement Plan, 2003-09 Member, Standards Review Committee, American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, 2003-6. Member, Audit Committee, Law School Admission Council, 2001-07. Inspector, ABA Site Inspection for University of New Mexico School of Law Summer Abroad Program in Guanajuato, Mexico, June 2003. Inspector, ABA Site Inspection for Capital University Law School Summer Abroad Program in Passau, Germany, June 2002. Inspector, ABA Site Inspection for Widener University School of Law Summer Abroad Program in Geneva, Switzerland, June 2002. Chair, ABA Site Inspection Team for Ave Maria School of Law, Fall, 2001. Evaluator, ABA Site Evaluation for Hastings College of Law LL.M. Program for Foreign Lawyers, May 11, 2001. Member, ABA Site Inspection Team for University of Nevada-Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law, Spring, 2001. Member, Curriculum Committee, ABA Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, (1998 to 2001). Member, ABA Site Inspection Team for North Carolina Central School of Law, Fall,1998. Member, ABA Site Inspection Team for South Texas College of Law, Fall,1996. Reporter, Convocation on the Education of Lawyers and Law Students, Sponsored by the Idaho State Bar, Boise, Idaho, September, 1995. Member, Board of Directors, Idaho Law Foundation (ILF) 1995 to 2002. Board Liaison, ILF Technology Committee 1995-99. Member, ILF Law Related Education Committee, 1995-98. Member, Board of Directors, Festival Dance & Performing Arts Association, Inc., 1995-98. Director, Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) Summer Institute, Moscow, Idaho. Summer, 1994. HONORS AND AWARDS Idaho Law Review, Outstanding Faculty Advisor, 2011-2012 Law School Admission Council, Distinguished Service Award, 2011, 2016, 2017 ý鶹 Alumni Award for Faculty Excellence, 2005, 2004, 1995, 1992, 1989. ý鶹 College of Law Distinguished Service Award, 2002. ý鶹 College of Law Advisory Council Service Award, 2002. TC \l2 " Idaho Law Foundation Service Award, 2002. Outstanding Service Award, Idaho State Bar, 1997. Peter E. Heiser Award (annual award from the graduating Idaho law students to their selection as the outstanding law professor), 1994, 1993, 1990. Florida Graduate Council Fellow, 1986-87. 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