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FORMTEXT Estimated Classroom Time Required for the Lesson: 1-2 class periods (55 min periods), depending on depth of student comments FORMTEXT Content Standard Alignment: Idaho Standards 9-12.G.4.2.1: Identify and describe the three branches of federal government, their powers, and responsibilities. 9-12.G.4.1.2: Analyze the essential philosophies, ideals, and objectives of the foundational documents of the United States, including the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and Federalist Papers Lesson Objectives/Instructional Outcomes: Students will: Describe the importance of impartiality for judges/justices while applying the rule of law to various cases. Identify advantages and disadvantages of some of the mechanisms (e.g., lifetime appointment, non-partisan election) used to insure the impartiality of judges/justices in the courts.  FORMTEXT Lessons Relationship to Unit Structure: This lesson fits well in the judicial branch unit, after lessons describing the structure of the judicial branch and how judges are appointed at the federal level and elected at the state level, before talking about specific cases. This lesson is meant to provide context to cases and help explain why federal judges/justices are appointed for life and why Idaho justices are elected on a non-partisan ballot.  FORMTEXT Instructional Materials/Resources: Vocabulary: Impartiality Independent Non-partisan Materials: Video Clips  HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_dmvX7A6z4"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_dmvX7A6z4 (Stephan Breyer talking about the independent judiciary) Big ThinkYouTube  HYPERLINK "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFzeWbJHSGU"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFzeWbJHSGU (Alexander Hamilton on Judicial Independence) The Federalist SocietyYouTube  FORMTEXT Methods and Instructional StrategiesConcept Prerequisites: Students should: Already be familiar with how judges/justices are appointed, and that federal judges/justices serve a lifetime term. Already be familiar with the concept of judicial review, at least in general terms. Understand that, for courts to act, they must wait for cases to come to them.  FORMTEXT Understand that the rule of law applies to all individuals, regardless of their standing. Anticipated Student Misconceptions: Independent means that judges/justices can do whatever they want. Interpreting the law is the same as making the law. Judges/Justices are required to be loyal to the people who helped them secure their appointment. FORMTEXT Introduction/Anticipatory Set: Start by having a class discussion (5-15 minutes) around the following question, or a similar one that might better fit your local culture. Two students skip finals without informing anyone at the school. Both will have to go before the superintendent to determine if they should be allowed to pass the class. Both have similar grades and behavioral records. However, one student is the child of a school board member whose recommendation helped get the job for the current superintendent. Is this a fair setup for the students? For the Superintendent? What makes it fair or unfair? How could the final decisions be skewed?  FORMTEXT Instructional Activities: After the opening discussion, review how judges/justices are appointed and the conditions of their terms. Have a discussion with students about what this means for the judges/justices as they go about hearing and deciding cases. These questions can help guide the discussion: Who does a justice have to be sure to please to keep his/her position? What happens if a president doesn't like the results of a federal court case? Adjust your questioning and comments to the students comments. Ask students to explain why some people might not like that justices serve for life and don't have to undergo a performance review. Students might come up with arguments similar to those in the Alexander Hamilton Video. Show the students the Alexander Hamilton video and follow up with these questions for classroom discussion: What fears did the Anti-Federalist have about an independent judiciary? How do the Federalist Papers respond to the idea that the judiciary would be too independent? Is there anything about an independent judiciary that could cause problems? As the discussion continues, ask student if there are times when even an independent judiciary might be tempted to judge unfairly? Ask about people associated with enemies of the state. The rule of law says that they need to be treated fairly under the law. Might the judiciary be tempted to ignore that mandate in this type of case? This will hopefully generate an interesting discussion and lead into the next video. Show students the Stephan Breyer video. Use these questions for discussion: Why is it a victory for the American Justice system that the court ruled against the President? What would it mean if the court ruled in favor of the President, even if rights were violated? Close the lesson with the exit ticket (see Wrap Up-Synthesis/Closure).  FORMTEXT Differentiation According to Student Needs: Students who have trouble writing could present material in a video clip or even through a slide show as an alternative to written assessments. The Alexander Hamilton video has closed captioning for those who benefit from this feature. Simplify presentations or guided notes by providing students, in advance, the material questions they will later be asked.  FORMTEXT Wrap Up- Synthesis/Closure: Close the lesson by reinforcing the importance of judicial independence, to ensure fairness in the court system. Have students answer the following question as an exit ticket, or as a prompt for a short homework essay: What could happen if the American Judiciary were not structured in a way that helped to guarantee its impartiality and independence and from political forces?  FORMTEXT Assessment (Formative and Summative): Assess students through the discussion and the exit ticket/essay. Questions relating to the independence of the judiciary should be included in subsequent quizzes and exams.  FORMTEXT Extension and Evaluation of the LessonThe independence of the judiciary should be reviewed and included as a sub-topic when reviewing various cases. Use case studies from various periods of US History that examine concepts relating to the judiciary. The exit ticket, and how well students connect the independent judiciary with a case study, can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the lesson and the need for further review. FORMTEXT  89:;PQ[\]^_`uv $ % Q R ׹׮̠נ}rjh8U)hWh8B* CJOJPJQJaJphhhOCJOJPJQJaJh8CJOJPJQJaJjh8Ujh8Ujh8Uh85OJPJQJh8h8CJ aJ #hWh85B*CJ\aJphh$y&hWCJaJ,9:;_` R lc $IfgdW=kd>$$If1`*/*4+4 :akp =kdj$$If1`*/*4+4 :akp $If $)^a$ R  ` a ~    }=kd$$If1`*/*4+4 :akp =kd$$If1`*/*4+4 :akp $If   $ % ( ) * Q R \ ] ^ _ ` a } ~  % &     % & > ? H I L M N 鬬頠hWh8CJOJQJaJh$y&CJOJQJaJh8CJOJQJaJh8CJOJPJQJaJj|h8Uh$y&hWOJPJQJh$y&h8OJPJQJh8OJPJQJh85OJPJQJjh8Uh81  ? 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