ࡱ> ^`]a bjbjxx .<N\N\ Z Z 8<Z<F(EEEEEEE$HJEE4EEEG@0C"7@wA$EE0FA@K*KHCKCEEFKZ > : IRIC BASIC LABORATORY SAFETY PLAN Introduction - The ý鶹 recognizes and supports the importance of laboratory teaching and research activities conducted at the university. The university also recognizes the many different applications hazardous materials have in an institutional environment. The purpose of this Laboratory Safety Plan is to promote these activities while providing procedures that will ensure the safety of personnel working in laboratories when handling hazardous chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents, or while operating certain types of equipment that could cause physical harm. Users must perform a hazard assessment prior to operations and determine the nature of all hazards and use appropriate control measures to mitigate the hazards present. This Laboratory Safety Plan is specific to Integrated Research and Innovation Center (IRIC). Contact Information: Primary Contact:Russell McClanahanPhone:208-885-1527Department:Office of Research Assurances Inventory- The following hazardous chemicals are used or stored in this area: S:\URO\ORA\IRIC\IRIC Safety\IRIC Chemical Inventory (Non-Project) Safety Data Sheets- Safety data sheets (SDSs) are an essential source of information regarding the chemical composition and hazards presented by a material.SDS information includes: physical data, toxicity and health effects, first aid recommendations, reactivity data, storage and disposal information, recommended protective equipment, and spill or leak response procedures. An SDS also provides valuable information for medical personnel in the event of an injury or exposure involving a hazardous material.SDSs must be current and reflect those materials that are being stored and used in the laboratory. Internet SDSs are acceptable. However, there should be hard copies of the SDSs in a location known to all lab personnel, in case of an electronic system failure. The following website provides SDS information:  HYPERLINK "http://hazard.com/msds/index.php" http://hazard.com/msds/index.php. Located in IRIC 144A, Building Services Room. Standard Operating Procedures- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and/or laboratory protocols that detail how certain laboratory tasks are accomplished, including where pertinent safety information is located (Note: a hazard analysis must be conducted for each SOP and included with each procedure). See Attached Personal Protective Equipment - The following safety equipment is required for entry and/or working in this laboratory: For laboratory personnel who work in the lab- Eye protection Safety glasses are the minimum required protection at all times in a laboratory.Safety goggles must be worn when working with chemicals or engaging in activities could involve splash hazards, flying debris, particulates, dusts, mists, or aerosols. Gloves Each SOP may require the use of different types of gloves depending on the materials involved. Please review your procedures, SDS, and other information for the chemicals that you are using to determine the appropriate glove to use. Footwear- Closed toe shoes are the minimum required protection at all times in a laboratory. Some SOPs may require the use of specialized footwear. Please review your procedures to determine the appropriate footwear for your application. Clothing A lab coat is the minimum required protective clothing when working with chemicals and biological agents. Each SOP may require the use of different types of chemical protective clothing depending on the materials involved. Please review your procedures and the SDS, and other information for the chemicals that you are using to determine the appropriate protective clothing to use. For visitors to the lab- Eye protection Safety glasses are the minimum required protection at all times in a laboratory.Safety goggles must be worn when activities involving splash hazards, flying debris, the generation of particulates, dusts, mists, or aerosols are taking place. Footwear- Closed toe shoes are the minimum required protection at all times in a laboratory. First Aid Each work area will have a first aid kit in a conspicuously marked location. The first aid kit should be checked monthly. The first aid kit should contain at a minimum: Items listed in the ý鶹 standardized first aid kit guidelines. The list can be found on the following website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.uidaho.edu/safety/FacilityInspections/FacilityInspectionsHome.htm" http://www.uidaho.edu/safety/FacilityInspections/FacilityInspectionsHome.htm. A copy of the Blood-Borne Pathogen Safety Guidelines posted near the first aid kit Emergencies The locations of the master utility shutoffs for gas and electric should be identified and labeled if possible. Personnel should be familiar with their departments unit emergency response plans. Gas Cylinders- The Flex Laboratories have gas cylinder storage at east end of each laboratory. No flammable or toxic gases can be stored at these locations, only inert gases can be stored here. Flammable/toxic gases will need to be stored away from exit doors. Applicability - All personnel who use the ý鶹 laboratory facilities, or who participate in a ý鶹 sponsored activity that involves hazardous materials in laboratories are expected to comply with the provisions of this manual. Personnel including, but not limited to, faculty, staff, teaching and research assistants, and students are responsible for conducting activities in laboratories and handling hazardous materials in a safe manner as specified in this manual. Procedures are to be established in the laboratory safety plan that will provide appropriate protection to non-university personnel, including visitors, tour groups, maintenance and repair personnel, who would have reason to enter the laboratory. All university departments are responsible for ensuring employees are provided with, and understand, a laboratory safety plan applicable for the specific work area.      !#$%3N ` e h    % * 0 6 y $ % * A P d 㶮xqih5xB*ph h$Yh5xh5xB*ph h$YhYi h$Yh\Q hB*phhYiB*phhYiB*phh$YhYi5h$Yh\Q 5h$Yhx5hM^h`Phah5xh4h>hYi5>* hYi5\hYi haJhYi haJhv haJhOWh$Y)"#%$ % $$Ifa$gd K> $$Ifa$$a$^gdgd & Fgd$a$$a$gd t $$Ifa$gdh $$Ifa$gd5xskd$$Ifl0@ ," 064 la z $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$skd$$Ifl0@ ," 064 la  ! 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