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This is where we find the requirement for what is often called Effort Certifications.After-the-Fact Activity Records_The Personnel Activity Report (PAR) reflects an after-the-fact reporting of faculty activities.!After-the-Fact Activity ReportingBy signing the form we are certifying that the effort we expended is reasonably reflected in the accounts from which we were paid. !After-the-Fact Activity ReportingWe recognize that the Personnel Activity Reports contain your best estimate of how your time was used. A reasonable degree of tolerance is appropriate. If, however, the payroll does not reasonably reflect how your effort was expended, payroll cost transfers are required. Personnel Activity ReportsThe Grant & Contract Office is the custodian for completed Personnel Activity Reports (PAR). The PARs are produced by G&C three times per year, July, September, & January. These correspond with Spring Semester, Summer Session, and Fall Semester.  Personnel Activity ReportsFor Classified Staff paid from a  K account, a PAR is required quarterly. A PAR is produced for all university personnel who are paid directly from a sponsored agreement, have pledged cost sharing to a sponsored agreement, or are in a position classified as faculty.   Personnel Activity ReportsPostdoctoral students, as well as graduate students, also receive a PAR, and especially if they are working on a grant or contract. Personnel Activity ReportsIt is important for department personnel to notify Grants & Contracts of individuals who are new to the university and/or fill positions which directly support grant or contract activity. Personnel Activity ReportsThe PAR looks something like this: ý鶹 PERSONAL ACTIVITY REPORT xxxx nwrpart Date VNUMB ____________ Indicator: NAME ______________ Reporting Period: ___________________ to:_________________ Ave Hours Per Week:______ ORGN FUND PERCENT SALARY FRINGD INST RES PS ADM SS COM CD PD TOTAL % FM TO % ORGN ORGN Cost Share (enter ORGN & Percent) _______ _____ _______ Total $___________ _______ _____ _______ Total $___________ _______ _____ _______ Total $___________ I confirm etc, etc. I confirm etc, etc. ____________________________ _________________________________ #  Personnel Activity ReportsoInformation from the payroll system is printed under, ORGN, FUND, PERCENT, SALARY, and FRINGE when the form is printed. The individual signing the form is to fill in the percentage of effort expended in the activities noted such as, Instruction, Research, Public Service, Administration, Student Services, Committees, Course Development, and Professional Development.ppPersonnel Activity ReportsInstructions for completing the PAR are printed on the back. This includes a description of what activities should be considered Instruction, Research, etc. COST SHARINGThe PAR is also used to record cost sharing contributed from personal effort. The from ORGN (FM) will be one of the ORGNs (budgets) listed in the center of the form. The to ORGN is the budget you will fill in. 6R O" QUESTIONS? ?`WRAP UP ZThe information provided by the PARs is used: In the audit process to verify compliance with OMB requirements and effort committed in the proposal. To certify that the faculty have performed the work for which they are paid. To calculate the faculty effort included in the F&A rate proposal To complete the final financial report to the sponsor.B.,., ` ` ̙33` 333MMM` ff3333f` f` f` 3>?" dd@,|?" dd@   " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> $(    6@k P  T Click to edit Master title style! !  0m   RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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