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Written Evidence: Preparing for the winter - Dr Ahmed F. Zobaa


During the winter of 2022-23, the UK faced significant challenges in its energy sector, marked by unprecedented domestic prices. This Evidence, submitted by Dr Ahmed F. Zobaa (Reader in Electrical and Power Engineering, Brunel University London), delves into the multi-faceted causes of these disruptions, from grid adaptability issues to regulatory responses.

Key recommendations:

  • A modernised grid infrastructure, enhanced grid-scale energy storage, and flexible interconnections should be prioritised.
  • Beyond diversifying the energy mix, introducing smart grids, enhancing storage solutions, and raising public awareness about demand-response initiatives are crucial.
  • Energy companies should proactively engage with struggling customers, offer flexible payment plans, and collaborate with NGOs and governments for assistance programs.
  • Ofgem should focus on a proactive, data-driven approach, anticipate market challenges, and ensure continuous stakeholder engagement.
  • It would be more effective to embrace a comprehensive energy strategy. Facilitate publicprivate partnerships, streamline bureaucratic processes, and encourage R&D in emerging energy technologies.
  • An adaptive pricing mechanism bolstered by stringent oversight, regular reviews, and transparent communication should be championed for a balanced market.

Read the full written evidence here

This evidence was submitted in response to




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Eliza Kania