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Loan periods

All new students are automatically registered with the Library. For those starting in September there is no need to visit the LibTech, you can start borrowing at the self issue kiosks whenever you are ready. If you do encounter a problem then please speak to a member of Library staff. 

All new members of staff can join the Library. Just visit LibTech with your University ID and a copy of your contract of employment and we'll get your account up and running in no time.

Loan Periods and Allowances

Loan Periods

Non-loan: These are core titles which are kept available for reference. They have a red spine label*.

Week: These are Audiovisual items, so are non-renewable and non-reservable. They have a yellow spine label*.

Standard: Most Library stock is now 4 week loan, with auto-renewal up to 6 times. If an item is reserved then it will be recalled after 1 week of borrowing.  These items have a white label or no label*.

*This simplified loan system was introduced in September 2016, and whilst relabelling continues there will be some books with yellow labels in existence. Always check the loan period and due date that shows on the self-service machine when you borrow.

Loan Allowances

Undergraduates: 15 items

Taught postgraduates: 15 items

Research postgraduates: 20 items

University staff: 35 items

Fines and Charges

Overdue fines: All item types and loan periods are charged at 50p per day, per item.

Recall charges: Long Loan items can be recalled, but only after you have had them for 1 week. When you receive a recall notice you have 7 days to return the item to us. If the item has not been returned by this date recall charges are applied at £2 per day.

Lost Book Invoices: Items more than 4 weeks overdue will be assumed to be lost and an invoice for the replacement costs will be applied to your Library account. If the item remains overdue for more than 30 days the invoice will be passed to Student Finance and become a University Bill. University Bills have to be paid, regardless of whether the item is eventually returned to the Library

Renewing borrowed items

Standard items are loaned for 4 weeks, and will automatically renew 6 times if they have not been requested by another user. After this period you will need to physically bring the book back to the Library.  If the item cannot be renewed you will receive notification to your Brunel email address.

Audiovisual material is loaned for 1 week and cannot be renewed.

You cannot renew an item if:

  • It has been reserved by another user
  • Your fines have reached the £20 fine limit.

To check what items you have on loan and when they are due back, use the ‘’ feature on the Library web page.  To do this, go to the My Account link on the Library Homepage and log in with your Library card number. Select the 'Checkouts' tab.

Reserving items

You could check to see if the item you require is available as an e-resource.  Enquire at LibTech for more information.    

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, it may be that all the copies are out on loan. You can place a reservation on an item through the library catalogue, which reserves a copy for you and recalls it from the user who currently has it on loan. You will be notified via email (or SMS if you subscribe) that a copy has been returned to the Library and you can collect it within 7 days of the date on the email.

Returning items

Borrowed items can be returned using the returns units adjacent to LibTech - they will discharge your loans automatically and give you a receipt.

Please follow the on-screen instructions 'posting' one returned item at a time: waiting for the prompt before returning the next item. This returns unit sorts material, speeding up the process of getting material back on the shelves for the next user.

When the Library is closed you can return books through the book drop to the left of the main doors to the Bannerman Centre.

Need a reminder?

The Library system will automatically send you monthly account statements showing you recalled items and the new due date, current loans and their due dates, outstanding bills and the status of any reserved items. 

You will receive separate notices via email if:

  • An item has been auto-renewed for the maximum number of times and must be physically returned to the Library

  • An item has been recalled because another user wishes to borrow it.If you receive this notice, you will have 7 days to return the item; on the 8th day you will begin to accrue fines

These reminders are sent to your Brunel email address, but you can also opt to have them sent to you as an SMS (text) message. To receive these speak to staff at LibTech and have your mobile number added to your account. 

Please note that although these reminders are generally reliable, they are a courtesy service, and you should still keep track of your account - if there seem to be problems then it's important you let us know as soon as possible.