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Dr Asieh Hosseini Tabaghdehi
Senior Lecturer in Strategy & Business Economy

Eastern Gateway 104h

  • Global Management

Research area(s)

My research expertise lies in AI and digital economy, digital ethics and corporate sustainability, with a particular focus on smart data governance issues, innovation strategy, business ethics and responsible digital ecosystem, and my research has been supported through Economics and Social Research Council at UK Research Institute (UKRI) grants. Specific research interests are:

  • Smart data governance issues, and corporate responsibility in responsible digital ecosystem
  • Digital humanity in modern communication and digital economy
  • The data economy
  • The link between digital efficiency strategy, and firm performance (with a particular focus on strategic and digital ethical issues in SMEs)
  • Embedding and sustaining responsible innovation as a management approach

Research grants and projects

Research Projects


Developing responsible creative crowd-working routinization within organisations
Funder: Brunel University London
Duration: January 2023 - June 2023

Project details

'Small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) digital footprints and their ethical implications during the COVID-19 outbreak and beyond'

Founder: UKRI

Duration: January 2021- July 2022

'The Journey towards a responsible AL and inclusive workforce in a digital economy: How to prepare for the future'

Founder: Brunel University London

Duration: November 2020- July 2021