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Dr Geeta Ludhra
Senior Lecturer in Education / Associate Dean (Equality and Diversity: Staff)

Gaskell 070

Membership and affiliation

  • Research Group Memberships:
  • External Examiner roles:
    • I am currently External Examiner for Leeds Beckett University and examine their 'MA in Race Education and Decolonial Thought' within the Carnegie School of Education.
    • Previous External Examiner roles have included: Reading University PGCE, Chichester University BA (QTS) and Durham University PGCE.
  • School Governor Roles:
    • I have been a Governor at three schools over the last 10 years, sitting on English, safeguarding and curriculum committees. 
  • CommUNITY Projects: I have created and set-up a registered community interest company (CIC), focussing on three key areas: 
    1. Intergenerational connections and stories;
    2. A monthly women's writing group (we are currently writing our first community/charity book);
    3. I lead community educational nature events in the Chilterns AONB countryside. As part of my Secretary of State DEFRA appointed role, I raise awareness of diversity and inclusion issues in natural landscapes, with a focus on people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people and those from underrecognised communities. 
    • I am a Secretary of State Board appointed Board Member of the Chilterns Conservation Board (DEFRA) 
    • Particular interest and focus: Promote broader representation and widening access to protected landscapes, encouraging more diverse groups in society to enter, engage and feel 'safe'. As a British South Asian woman, I draw on my 'insider' position within particular communities to encourage people of colour to enter natural landscapes for enjoyment and holistic health.  I have spoken at national and European conferences, and given keynotes on this topic.
    • My nature work was picked up by BBC Woman's Hour (I was an invited speaker on the theme of 'Aspire to Adventure', October 2021)  
    • I have been on the Steering Commitee for Chalkscapes Greenspaces engagement work, amplifyng more inclusive ways of working with diverse communities in Luton. See: 
    • Visiting Fellow with the Open University, working with Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences Department 
    • Working with the Museum of English Rural Life in Reading on a research project working with asylum seeking and refugee women. 
    • Working with National Parks on developing more inclusive policies to attract broader audiences, and a mentor on their New Perspectives Bursary Awards Scheme. See: 

Media interests

I have been on BBC Asian Network, BBC Woman's Hour and BBC Berkshire in relation to my doctoral findings and community impact work in the community. 

Social media handles:

Twitter: @educatinggeeta

Instagram pages:


@educatinggeeta (women's writing community)

@dadimaschilternswalks (Conservation and nature)