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Dr Inge Dornan
Acting Deputy Dean - CBASS / Divisional Lead / Reader in the History of Race and Gender

Marie Jahoda 228

  • Politics
  • Politics and History
  • Social and Political Sciences


I'm interested in supervising students on subjects related to race and gender in Britain, the Caribbean and North America from the 18th-20th centuries

Research supervision

Current PhD students:

Monica Fernandes, Beyond Borders: A Transnational History of the Black Sash and FEDSAW c.1952-62 Winner of the Best PhD Dissertation in the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences 2019.  

Bhaskar Dasgupta, The Impact of EIC Spice Imports into British Society and Culture c.1500-1800.

Nicole Maib, Revisiting British Perceptions of the American Revolution, 1763-1783 

Emma Jane Jackson Mitchell, Harris's List of Covent Garden Ladies, 1757-1795