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Dr Jaime Lazaro Nebreda
Research Fellow

Research area(s)

  • Fe-containing intermetallic compounds in Al alloys
  • Removal of impurities (Fe, Mn, oxides, gases,...) from Al and Mg melts
  • Development of High Shear Melt Conditioning (HSMC) technology
  • Up-scaling casting processes
  • Non-destructive testing (NDT) of electric vehicle components
  • X-ray computed tomography
  • 3D image analysis
  • Microstructure-properties relationship in materials
  • Improve generic properties of LPDC and HPDC components

Research Interests

  • processing - structure - properties relationship
  • Process quality control
  • purification and recyclability of materials

Research grants and projects

Project details

  • CirConAl – Circular and Constant Aluminium  
    • Funder: Advanced Propulsion Centre UK    Duration: 09/2022 – 08/2025
  • ALIVE – Aluminium Intensive Vehicle Enclosure  
    • Funder: Advanced Propulsion Centre UK    Duration: 07/2020 – 12/2023
  •  – The Future Liquid Metal Engineering HUB  
    • Funder: EPSRC    Duration: 11/2015 – 10/2023
  • LIBERATE – Lightweight Innovative Battery Enclosures using Recycled Aluminium Technologies  
    • Funder: Innovate UK    Duration: 09/2019– 02/2022
  • ACE–DC – Alliance casting European Development Centre  
    • Funder: Innovate UK    Duration: 06/2017 – 08/2021
  • REALITY (REALCAR3) – Recycling of Aluminium through Innovative Technology  
    • Funder: Innovate UK    Duration: 06/2017 – 03/2020
  • RecycAl – High Shear Processing of Recycled Aluminium Scrap for Manufacturing High Performance Aluminium Alloys 
    • Funder: European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)    Duration: 01/2014 – 12/2016
  • LiME HUB – EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineering   
    • Funder: EPSRC    Duration: 05/2010 – 10/2015