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Dr Nadarajah Manivannan
Senior Lecturer

Research area(s)

Emission Control using Non-thermal plasmaBiometrics - Fingerprint recognitionSensors for wearabel applications such as sports and healthcareElectronic System Engineering such blind reading and optical system for pattern recognition

Smart cities - Human cnetered approachSocial Media and AI applications

Research Interests

Major Research

  • Plasma and microwave technologies in emission control: Have been working on two funded projects (DEECON, FP7 EU and MAGS, InnovateUK) those involve emission control of marine diesel engine.  The technologies used are non-thermal plasma using microwave irradiation and electron beam, microwave dielectric heating, activated carbon based adsorption and microwave regeneration.
  • Optical pattern recognition: The work on optical pattern recognition explores 4f optical correlator for challenging optical information processing tasks. This work is in collaboration with the photonics group at Imperial College, London.
  • Fingerprint biometrics: A range of fingerprint biometrics areas of research are explored; liveness detection of fingerprint, cancelable fingerprint template generation, multi-model biometric fusion techniques, fingerprint in M-health

Successful Research/Travel Grant Income

  • CI of an Innovation volucher with Carbon Capture ( April 2024 to Dec 2024)
  • CI of an Industrial Project with Pyrocore (£0.27 m), Emission Control project  (September 2019 to August 2021)
  • PI of an EU Innovation voucher - Touch devices for Blind reading (May 2018 to May 2019)
  • PI of TeachBrunel Project, Learning Electronics with the use of MATLAB (May 2017 to May 2018)
  • PI of EPSRC research base exhaust funding  (Jan 2017 – March 2017)
  • CI(R) of a two year ( Feb 2014 – Jan 2015)  research funding from InnovateUK (£1.2m), Marine Flue Gas Plasma Treatment System (MAGS)
  • Travel grants to attend and present at national and international conferences.
    • Royal Academy of Engineering for attending 8th IEEE international symposium intelligent systems and informatics in Serbia in Sept 2010
    • Registration waiver for SPIE, Orlando 2011 conference
    • Brunel Research School for attending VITAE conference in Edinburgh in Nov 2012
    • EU project DEECON project funded to four international conferences 2011-2014
    • InnovateUK funding (MAGS) to attend one international conference 2016
    • Brunal VISA awad to attend DUST conference in Italy in 2016

Research links

Research group(s)

  • IEHS