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Innovative techniques for precise atraumatic placement of cochlear implant

Funder: Action on Hearing Loss
Duration: October 2017 - September 2020


Name Telephone Email Office
Dr Nikolaos Boulgouris Dr Nikolaos Boulgouris
T: +44 (0)1895 267629
E: nikolaos.boulgouris@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 267629 nikolaos.boulgouris@brunel.ac.uk Howell Building 235
Dr Xinli Du Dr Xinli Du
Reader - Robotics & Autonomous Systems
(Principal investigator)
T: +44 (0)1895 265848
E: xinli.du@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 265848 xinli.du@brunel.ac.uk Tower A 310


Hafeez, N., Du, X., Boulgouris, N., Begg, P., Irving, R., Coulson, C. and et al. (2022) ''. Applied Sciences, 12 (13). pp. 1 - 14.

Journal article

Hafeeza, N., Du, X., Boulgouris, N., Begg, P., Irving, R., Coulson, C. and et al. (2021) ''. Hearing Research, 412. pp. 1 - 9. ISSN: 0378-5955

Journal article

Hou, L., Du, X., Boulgouris, NV., Hafeez, N., Coulson, C., Irving, R., et al. (2021) ''. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 64 (9). pp. 3685 - 3696. ISSN: 1092-4388

Journal article

Hou, L., Du, X., Boulgouris, N., Hafeez, N., Coulson, C., Irving, R., et al. (2021) ''. Otology and Neurotology, 42 (5). pp. 713 - 720. ISSN: 1531-7129

Journal article

Hafeez, N., Du, X., Boulgouris, N., Begg, P., Irving, R., Coulson, C. and et al. (2020) 'Towards Unblinding the Surgeons: Complex Impedance for Electrode Array Insertion Guidance in Cochlear Implantation'.ISAAR 2019. Nyborg, Denmark. 20 - 23 August. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological Research. pp. 29 - 36.

Conference paper

Du, X., Hou, L., Boulgouris, N., Coulson, C., Irving, R. and Begg, P. (2018) 'A Robotic Sensing System for Cochlear Implant Electrode Array Insertion'.

Conference paper