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Partnership with Nouveau Limited (trading as ActivCare Coaching)

Funder: Arrow/ERDF
Duration: January 2019 - March 2019

ActivCare Coaching wanted to develop a health app to assist older adults and their families to engage in regular physical activity safely in their own home and monitor their progress. The business school team developed a health app journey map. I provided expertise in health behaviour change and technology adoption, based on my paper on health marketing communications (Manika & Gregory-Smith, 2017, Journal of Marketing Communications; see health marketing communication guide developed at: http://danaemanika.co.uk/download.html).


Name Telephone Email Office
Professor Danae Manika Professor Danae Manika
Acting Executive Dean - CBASS / Professor - Marketing and Business Education
T: +44 (0)1895 268798
E: danae.manika@brunel.ac.uk
+44 (0)1895 268798 danae.manika@brunel.ac.uk Eastern Gateway 216