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Below are some select recent publications. A full range of publications can be seen at the publications link on the staff profiles, which can be viewed on our Members page.

  • Fisher, J. & Wlezien, C. (2011) The UK General Election of 2010: Explaining the Outcome. London: Routledge. ISBN 0415583012 pp.198 (Also Special Issue of Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties)
  • Uberoi, V., Coutts, A., McLean, I. and Halpern, D., Options for Britain II: Cross cutting policy issues - changes and challenges. Wiley-Blackwell (also a special issue of Political Quarterly).
  • Uberoi, V., Coutts, A., McLean, I. and Halpern, D., Options for a new Britain. Palgrave MacMillan
  • Fisher, J., Johnston, R., Cutts, D., Pattie, C. & Fieldhouse, E. (2013) ‘You get what you (don’t) pay for: The impact of volunteer labour and candidate spending at the 2010 British General Election’, Parliamentary Affairs. Published Online Early. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gst006
  • Fisher, J., Fieldhouse, E. & Cutts, D. (2013) ‘Members Are Not the Only Fruit: Volunteer Activity in British Political Parties at the 2010 General Election’, British Journal of Politics & International Relations. Published Online Early. DOI: 10.1111/1467-856X.12011
  • Johnston, R., Pattie, C., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. & Fisher, J. (2013) ‘The Long and the Short of it: Local Campaigning at the British 2010 General Election’, Political Studies. Published Online Early. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9248.12011
  • van Heerde-Hudson, J. & Fisher, J. (2013) ‘Parties heed (with caution): Public knowledge of and attitudes towards party finance in Britain’, Party Politics. 19 (1): 41-60.
  • Hansen, M. E., Klemmensen, R., Hobolt, S. B. & Bäck, H. (2013). ’Portfolio Saliency and Ministerial Turnover: Dynamics in Scandinavian Post-War Cabinets’, Scandinavian Political Studies. Published Online Early. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9477.12004
  • Hansen, M. E. (2013). ‘Towards an Understanding of Reshuffles of Committee Members between Elections in Parliamentary Systems: Evidence from the Danish case’. Journal of Legislative Studies 19 (4), forthcoming.
  • Ennser-Jedenastik, L. & Hansen, M. E. (2013). ‘The contingent nature of local party system nationalization: the case of Austria 1985-2009’, Local Government Studies 39. Published Online Early. DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2012.675328
  • Hansen, M. E. & Rasmussen, N. E. K. (2013). ‘Does running for the same party imply similar policy preferences? Evidence from voting advice applications’, Representation 49 (2), forthcoming, DOI:10.1080/00344893.2013.805161.
  • Uberoi, V. & Modood, T. (2013) ‘Inclusive Britishness- A Multiculturalist Advance’, Political Studies, 61(1). pp.23-42.
  • Uberoi, V. & Modood, T. (2013) ‘Has Multiculturalism In Britain Retreated?’, Soundings, 53(3). pp.129-142
  • Cutts, D., Johnston, R., Pattie, C., & Fisher, J. (2012) ‘Laying the foundations for electoral success: Conservative pre-campaign canvassing before the 2010 UK general election’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 22 (3): 359-75
  • Johnston, R., Pattie, C., Cutts, D. & Fisher, J. (2012) ‘Spending, contacting and voting: the 2010 British general election in the constituencies’, Environment and Planning A. 44: 1165-1184
  • Johnston, R., Pattie, C., Cutts, D. & Fisher, J. (2012) ‘We've got them on the list: contacting, canvassing and voting in a British general election campaign’, Electoral Studies. 31 (2): 317-29
  • Hansen, M. E. & Debus, M. (2012). ‘The Behaviour of Political Parties and MPs in the Parliaments of the Weimar Republic’, Party Politics 18 (5): 709-726.
  • Mirwaldt, K. (2012) ‘The Small Projects Fund and social capital formation in the Polish-German border region: An initial appraisal’, Regional Studies. 46 (2).
  • Fisher, J., Cutts, D., & Fieldhouse, E. (2011) ‘The Electoral Effectiveness of Constituency Campaigning in the 2010 British General Election: The ‘Triumph’ of Labour?’, Electoral Studies. 30 (4): 816-28
  • Johnston, R., Pattie, C., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. & Fisher, J. (2011) ‘Local Campaign Spending at the 2010 General Election and its Impact: Exploring what Wider Regulation has Revealed’, Political Quarterly. 82 (2): 169-82
  • Fisher, J., van Heerde, J. & Tucker, A. (2011) ‘Why Both Theory and Empirics Suggest there is More than One Form of Trust: A Response to Hooghe’, British Journal of Politics & International Relations. 13 (2): 276-81
  • Hansen, M. E. (2011), ‘A Random Process? Committee Assignments in the Dáil Éireann’, Irish Political Studies 26 (3): 345-360.
  • Sarmiento-Mirwaldt, K. (2011) ‘Germans’ transnational contact and trust in other nations: A methodologically cosmopolitan approach’, German Politics and Society. 29:3.
  • Hough, D. & Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Wird alles anders? Oder viel Lärm um nichts? Die britischen Parlamentswahlen vom 6. Mai 2010’, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen. 41 (4): 725-739
  • Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Party Finance – Normal Service Resumed?’, Parliamentary Affairs. 63 (4): 778-801
  • Fisher, J., van Heerde, J. & Tucker, A. (2010) ‘Does one Trust Judgement Fit All? Linking Theory and Empirics’, British Journal of Politics & International Relations. 12 (2): 161-88
  • Hansen, M. E. (2010), ‘Committee Assignment Politics in the Danish Folketing’, Scandinavian Political Studies 33 (4): 381-401.
  • Hansen, M. E. (2010), ‘The Parliamentary Behaviour of Independents and Minor Parties in the Dáil Éireann 1937-2007’, Irish Political Studies 25 (4): 643-660.
  • Debus, M. & Hansen, M. E. (2010), ’Die Dimensionalität der Reichstage der Weimarer Republik von 1920 bis 1932‘, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 51 (1): 15-42.
  • Uberoi, V. & Modood, T. (2010) ‘Who Doesn’t Feel British? Divisions Over Muslims’, Parliamentary Affairs, 63 (2), pp.302-320.
  • Mirwaldt, K. (2010) ‘Contact, conflict and geography: What factors shape cross-border citizen relations?’, Political Geography, 29 (8).
  • Allen, N. and Mirwaldt, K. (2010) ‘Democracy-speak: party manifestos and democratic values in Britain, France and Germany’, West European Politics. 33 (4).
  • Fisher, J. (2009) ‘Hayden Phillips and Jack Straw: The Continuation of British Exceptionalism in Party Finance?’, Parliamentary Affairs. 62 (2): 298-317
  • Fisher, J. & Denver, D. (2009) ‘Evaluating the Electoral Effects of Traditional and Modern Modes of Constituency Campaigning in Britain 1992-2005’, Parliamentary Affairs. 62 (2): 196-210
  • Hansen, M. E. (2009), ‘Change and Lasting Impact Achieved, Survival Not: The Progressive Democrats 1985-2009’, Nordic Irish Studies 8: 135-150.
  • Hansen, M. E. (2009). ‘The Positions of Irish parliamentary actors 1937-2006’, Irish Political Studies 24 (1): 29-44.
  • Uberoi, V. (2009) ‘Multiculturalism & The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms’, Political Studies, 57(4), pp.805-827.
  • Uberoi, V. & McLean, I. (2009) ‘Britishness- a role for the state?’, Political Quarterly, 80: (s1) pp.41-54.
  • Fisher, J. & Denver, D. (2008) ‘From Foot-Slogging to Call Centres and Direct Mail: A Framework for Analysing the Development of District-Level Campaigning’, European Journal of Political Research. 47 (6): 794-826
  • Fisher, J. (2008) ‘Party Funding: Back to square one (and a half) or every cloud has a silver lining?’, Political Quarterly.79 (1): 119-25
  • Hansen, M. E. (2008), ‘Reconsidering the party distances and dimensionality of the Danish Folketing’, Journal of Legislative Studies 14 (3): 264-278.
  • Hansen, M. E. (2008), ‘Back to the Archives? A critique of the Danish part of the manifesto dataset’, Scandinavian Political Studies 31 (2): 201-216.
  • Uberoi, V. (2008) ‘Do Policies of Multiculturalism Change National Identities?’, Political Quarterly, 79 (3), pp.404-417.
  • Hansen, M. E. (2012). ‘Voting in Dáil Éireann: The Changing Roles of Minor Parties and Independents 1937-2011’. In Liam Weeks & Alistair Clark (eds.) Radical or Redundant: Minor Parties and Independents in Irish Political Life. Dublin: History Press, pp. 219-234.
  • Uberoi, V. & Modood, T. (2012) ‘Multicultural Citizenship’, (Ed) J. Banks, Encyclopaedia of Diversity in Education, Sage pp.1518-1523.
  • Uberoi, V. & McGhee, D. (2012) ‘British Social Integration’, (Ed) J. Frideres & P. Spoonley, Social Integration in Global Perspective, McGill Press, pp. 59-79.
  • Fisher, J. (2011) ‘Legal regulation and political activity at the local level in Britain’ in Ewing, Tham & Rowbottom (eds) The Funding of Political Parties. London: Routledge. pp. 110-23.
  • Fisher, J., Cutts, D. & Fieldhouse, E. (2011) ‘Constituency Campaigning in 2010’ in Wring, Mortimore & Atkinson (eds) Political Communication in Britain: TV Debates, the Media and the Election. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp.198-217
  • Fisher, J. (2011) ‘State Funding and Political Parties: Truths Myths and Legends’ in Young & Jansen (eds) Money, Politics & Democracy: Assessing the Impact of Canada’s Party Finance Reforms. Vancouver: UBC Press. pp.19-36
  • Uberoi, V., Meer, N., Modood, T., Dwyer, C. (2011) ‘Feeling and Being British and Muslim’, (Ed)T. Modood & J. Salt, Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness, Palgrave Macmillan pp.205-225.
  • Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Party Finance – Normal Service Resumed?’ in Geddes & Tonge (eds) Britain Votes 2010. Oxford, Oxford University Press. pp. 193-216
  • Fisher, J. (2010) ‘Political Parties and Elections Act 2009 c12’ Current Law Statutes Annotated, Thompson Reuters. pp. 12-1 – 12-88
  • Uberoi, V. & Dwyer, C. (2010), ‘British Muslims & Community Cohesion’, (Ed) R. Phillips, Spaces of Hope for Muslims, London, Zed Books. pp.201-222
  • Denver, D. & Fisher, J. (2009) ‘Blair’s Electoral Record’ in Casey (ed) The Blair Legacy. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp. 23-38
  • Uberoi, V. & Saggar, S. (2009) ‘Diversity and Extremism’, (Ed) V. Uberoi, et. al, Options for a New Britain, Palgrave Macmillan pp.236-252.
  • Fisher, J., (2008) ‘Whither the Parties?’ in Hazell (ed) Constitutional Futures Revisited. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp. 249-66
  • Russell, A., Denver, D., Cutts, D., Fieldhouse, E. & Fisher, J. (2008) ‘Non-Party Activity in the 2005 UK General Election: “Promoting or Procuring Electoral Success”?’ in Farrell & Schmitt-Beck (eds) Non-Party Actors in Electoral Politics. Baden-Baden: Nomus. pp. 103-25.

Sarmiento-Mirwaldt, K. and Płoszaj, A. (2014) Building Social Capital in the Polish-German border region: An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of EU-funded Small Projects, Warsaw: EUROREG Reports and Analyses 6/2014 (also available in German and Polish)

  • Fisher, J. (2011) Analysis of Constituency Level Campaigning. Report Produced for Plaid Cymru

  • Fisher, J. (2011) Additional Data on Agent Attitudes and the Extent of Volunteer Involvement at the 2010 General Election. Report Produced for the Committee on Standards in Public Life

  • Fisher, J., Cutts, D. & Fieldhouse, E. (2010) Attitudes of Agents on the Administration of the 2010 General Election. Report Produced for the Electoral Commission