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Development of an innovative sustainable baking system


Development of an innovative sustainable baking system for producing a range of high quality gluten free and derivative gf baking products with enhanced functional properties


NFF is a manufacturer with a strong heritage in biscuit making which began in 1936. The company has produced gluten-free (GF) baked products but has encountered a number of problems related to consistency of product quality and waste.

The project addresses the following challenges:

  • Review existing GF production process
  • Optimising formulation, processing and packaging of gluten-free products
  • Minimisation and utilisation of food processing waste
  • Energy Reduction and resource efficiency
  • Development of functional attributes for a new generation of GF products


  • Resource efficiency strategy implemented to reduce the operational cost
  • Energy efficiency improved resulting with 5% of energy savings
  • New products with good sensorial and textural properties were developed


biscuit baking
innovative baking system
tonnage of product
Tonnage of product produced and energy consumed


  • Consumers: launched a new generation of gluten-free products for the consumers suffering from Coeliac disease
  • Industry: improved competitiveness of the company with developing new products and opening new markets
  • Society: organised an event for the members of Coeliac, UK, North East branch
  • Environment: developed future Green Supply Chain with improving overall sustainability (energy efficiency and waste reduction)


Journal paper:

Noya, I., Vasilaki, V., González-García, S., Kleynhans, C., Tassou, S., Moreira, M.T., Stojceska, V. Katsou, E. An environmental evaluation of food supply chain using life cycle assessment: a case study on gluten free biscuit products. Journal of Cleaner Production. Submitted.


Stojceska, V. Kleynhans, C. Tassou, S. 2015. Development of sustainable management system for a gluten-free commercial bakery. Cereal Foods World, 146.

Kleynhans, C., Parker, N., Vasilaki, V., Katsou, E., Stojceska, V. and Tassou, S. Improving the environmental performance of the production process in a commercial bakery: A case study. IUFoST, 2016. 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology. Greening the global Food Supply Chain through Innovation in Food Science and Technology. Dublin. Ireland.

Meet the Principal Investigator(s) for the project

Dr Valentina Stojceska
Dr Valentina Stojceska - PhD in Food Engineering – School of Biosystems Engineering, University College Dublin Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) –Manchester Metropolitan University BSc in Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering - Faculty of Technology, St. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje

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Project last modified 02/10/2023