Phillip Wharton
Phillip Wharton
Associate Professor
Aberdeen Research and Extension Center
Aberdeen Research and Extension Center
1693 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210
Ph.D., University of Reading, UK
BSc., University of Reading, UK
- The biology and host-pathogen interactions of fungal diseases on potatoes
- Etiology and epidemiology of potato diseases
- Wood, E.M., Miles, T., Wharton, P.S., 2013. The use of natural plant volatile compounds for the control of the potato postharvest diseases, black dot, silver scurf and soft rot. Biological Control 64, 152-159.
- Wharton, P.S., Kirk, W.W., Schafer, R.L., and Tumbalam, P., 2012 Evaluation of biological seed treatments in combination with management practices for the control of seed-borne late blight in potato. Biological Control 63, 326-332.
- Gachango, E., Kirk, W., Schafer, R., and Wharton, P.S., 2012. Evaluation and comparison of biocontrol and conventional fungicides for control of postharvest tuber diseases. Biological Control 63, 115-120.
- Woodhall, J.W., Lutomirska, B., Peters, J.C., and Wharton, P.S., 2012. Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 3 is predominant in potato tubers in Poland. Plant Disease in press. Available online at /PDIS-05-12-0482-PDN.
- Woodhall, J.W., Wharton, P.S., and Peters, J.C., 2012. First Report of Rhizoctonia solani AG4 HG-II Infecting Potato Stems in Idaho. Plant Disease 96(11), 1701.
- Woodhall, J.W., Belcher, A.R., Peters, J.C., Kirk, W.W., and Wharton, P.S., 2012. First report of Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2IIIB infecting potato stems and stolons in the USA. Plant Disease 96(3), 460.
- Wharton P.S., Fairchild, K., Belcher, A., and Wood, E. 2012. First Report of In-Vitro Boscalid-Resistant Isolates of Alternaria solani Causing Early Blight of Potato in Idaho. Plant Disease 96(3), 454.
- Kirk, W.W., *Rojas, A., Tumbalam, P.G., Gachango, E., Wharton P.S., Abu El-Samen, F., Douches, D., Coombs, J., Thill, C., Thompson, A. 2010. Effect of different genotypes of Phytophthora infestans (Mont. de Bary) and temperature on tuber disease development. American Journal of Potato Research. Vol. 87(6), 509-520.
- Kirk, W.W., Abu-El Samen, F., Tumbalam, P., Wharton, P.S., Douches,D., Thill, C.A., Thompson, A. 2009. Impact of different US genotypes of Phytophthora infestans on potato seed tuber rot and plant emergence in a range of cultivars and advanced breeding lines. Potato Research 52, 121-140.
- Kirk, W. W., Wharton, P.S., Schafer, R. L., Tumbalam, P., Poindexter, S., Guza, C., Fogg, R., Schlatter, T., Stewart, J. Hubbel, L. and Ruppal, D. 2008. Optimizing fungicide timing for the control of Rhizoctonia crown and root rot of sugar beet using soil temperature and plant growth stages. Plant Disease 92, 1091-1098.
- Wharton, P.S., Kirk, W.W, Duynslager, L., and Baker, K.M., 2008. A web-based interactive system for risk management of Phytophthora infestans in potato canopies in Michigan. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 61, 136-148.
- Wharton P.S., and Schilder, A.C., 2008. Novel infection strategies of Colletotrichum acutatum on ripe blueberry fruit. Plant Pathology 57, 122-134.
- Photograph on the front cover of the American Journal of Potato Research, May-June 2007 issue.
- Micrograph on the front cover of Plant Disease, April 2005 issue.
- Second prize in the Olympus Inc. Bioscapes International Digital Imaging Competition 2004.
- Micrograph on the front cover of Anales del Jardin Botànico de Madrid issue 1 vol. 61, 2004.
- Micrograph on the front cover of the journal Phytopathology, Feb 2001 issue.
- APSnet “Image of the Week”, illustrating sporulation of Blumerilla jaapii on tart cherry leaves. American Phytopathological Society website.
- Final Year Prize in Biological Sciences for the top senior in the class, University of Reading, 1993.