Juliet Marshall
Juliet Marshall
Associate Director of Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station
TAB 205
208-529-8376, Ext. 115
Idaho Falls Research and Extension Center
1776 Science Center Drive, Suite 205
Idaho Falls, ID 83402-1575
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
M.S., University of Delaware, Newark
B.S., University of Delaware, Newark
- Conduct research on cereal varietal adaptation, cropping systems, crop management and cereal root disease
- Develop, prepare and disseminate research-based information on culture and management of cereals, including production, disease and crop rotations
- Integrate efforts of cereal researchers and specialists, county agents, industry representatives, and commodity groups to develop educational programs, newsletters, publications, field demonstrations, films, videos and computer programs
- Cooperate with university, federal and other public and private personnel in Idaho and surrounding states
- Smiley, R. W., Marshall, J. M., Gourlie, J. A., Paulitz, T. C., Kandel, S. L., Pumphrey, M. O., Garland-Campbell, K., Yan, G. P., Anderson, M. D., Flowers, M. D., and Jackson, C. A. 2013. Spring wheat tolerance and resistance to Heterodera avenae in the Pacific Northwest. Plant Disease 97: xxx-xxx. Accepted for publication Nov 2012.
- Islamovic, E., Obert, D.E., Oliver, R.E., Harrison, S.A., Ibrahim, A., Marshall, J.M., Miclaus, K.J., Hu, G., Jackson, E.W. 2012. Genetic dissection of grain beta-glucan and amylose content in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Mol. Breeding. Received: 22 February 2012 / Accepted: 14 June 2012. DOI 10.1007/s11032-012-9764-1
- Smiley, R.W., Gourlie, J.A., Rhinhart, K.E.L., Marshall, J.M., Anderson, M.D. and Yan, G. 2012. Influence of Nematicides and Fungicides on Spring Wheat in Fields Infested with Soilborne Pathogens. Plant Dis. 96:1537-1547.
- Obert, D.E., A. Hang, G. Hu, C. Burton, K. Satterfield, C.P. Evans, J.M. Marshall, and E.W. Jackson. Registration of ‘Julie - 03AH6561-94’ high beta-glucan barley. Journal of Plant Registrations 2012. Vol. 5: 0: 0: - doi:10.3198/jpr 2011.12.0639crc
- Chen, J., Souza, E. J., Guttieri, M. J., O’Brien, K., Wheeler, J., Sorensen, L., Clayton, J., Chen, X.M., Goates, B. J., Hole, D., Brown, B. D., Marshall, J. M., and R. Zemetra. Registration of ‘UI SRG’ Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2012.
- Obert, D.E., A. Hang, G. Hu, C. Burton, K. Satterfield, C.P. Evans, J.M. Marshall, and E.W. Jackson. 2011. Registration of ‘Transit’ high beta-glucan barley. Journal of Plant Registrations Vol. 4: No. 5:1-3. DOI 10.3198/jpr2010.09.0539crc.
- Smiley, R. W., Marshall, J. M., and Yan, G. P. 2011. Effect of foliarly-applied spirotetramat on reproduction of Heterodera avenae on wheat roots. Plant Dis. 95:983-989.
- Chen, J., Souza, E.J., Zemetra, R.S., Bosque-Perez, N.A., Guttieri, M.J., Wheeler, J., O’Brien, K.L., Windes, J.M., Guy, S.O., Brown, B.D., Chen. X.M. 2010. Registration of ‘UI Winchester’ Spring Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations 4:224-227.
- Jackson, C.A., Windes*, J.M., Bregitzer, P., Obert, D.E., Price, W., and Brown, B. 2009. Phosphorus fertility effects on the expression of the low phytic acid barley phenotype." Crop Sci. 49:1800-1806.
- Obert, D., Evans, C., Windes, J.M., Wesenburg, D., Ullrich, S., Budde, A., Chen, X., and Jackson, E.W. 2009. Registration of ‘Endeavor’ Winter Barley. Journal of Plant Registrations Vol. 3: 124-126.