Research Publications
- Paul Lewin, Philip Watson and Anna Brown. 2017. . Regional Studies, 52 (6): 781-792.
- Lauryn Ringwood, Philip Watson and Paul Lewin (2018). . Journal of Urban and Regional Policy.
- Mindes, S.; Lewin, P.; and Fisher, M. 2022. Intergenerational and ethnonational disparities in Hispanic immigrant self-employment. Ethnicities.
- Mindes, C.H, & Lewin, P.A. (2021) Self-employment through the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of linked monthly CPS data. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16.
- Fisher, M. and Lewin, P. 2019. Profitable Entrepreneurship or Marginal Self鈥怑mployment? The Bimodality of Latina Self鈥怑mployment in the United States. J Small Business Management.
- Monica Fisher and Paul Lewin. 2018. . Small Business Economics
- Newman, S., M.S. Carroll, P.J. Jakes, D. Williams, L. Higgins. 2014. . Society and Natural Resources, 27(11), DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2014.918234.
- Newman, Soren, Matthew S. Carroll, Pamela J. Jakes, L. Higgins. 2014. . Environmental Hazards, 13(1): 21-37.
- Newman, Soren, Matthew S. Carroll, Pamela J. Jakes, T. Paveglio. 2013. . Journal of Forestry, 111(3): 167-174.
- Saul, D., S. Newman, T. Lee, S. Peterson, S. Devadoss, D. Shrestha, N. Sanyal. 2014. . Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development. pp. 1–17.
- Roop D. J., D. S. Shrestha, D. A. Saul, S. Newman. 2014. . Transactions of the ASABE. 57(3): 927-935.
- Roop D. J., D. S. Shrestha, D. A. Saul. 2013. . Transactions of the American Society of Biological and Environmental Engineers 56(5):1933-1941.
- Knight, Kyle W., S. Newman. 2012. . Society & Natural Resources, 26(4): 1–17.
- Pilgeram, Ryanne and Russell Meeuf. 2015. Good Food, Good Intentions: Where Pro-Sustainability Arguments Get Stale in U.S. Food Documentaries. 9(1): 100-117.
- Pilgeram, Ryanne. 2013. . Sociology Compass 7(2): 123-134.
- Pilgeram, Ryanne and Russell Meeuf. 2014. , Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis 3(1): 1-19.
- Fisher, M.; Lewin, P.; Pilgeram, R. 2021. Farmworkers and the Gender Wage Gap: An Empirical Analysis of Wage Inequality in U.S. Agriculture. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
- Dentzman, K.; Pilgeram, R.; Lewin, P.; and Conley, K. 2020 Queer Farmers in the 2017 US Census of Agriculture. Society & Natural Resources,
- Pilgeram, R.; Dentzman, K.; Lewin, P. and Conley, K. 2020 How the USDA Changed the Way Women Farmers are Counted in the Census of Agriculture. Choices 35 (1).
- Pilgeram, Ryanne and Bryan Amos. 2014. . Rural Sociology 80(1): 16-38.
- Pilgeram, Ryanne. 2012. . Race, Class & Gender 19(1/2): 37-60.
- Pilgeram, Ryanne. 2011. , Rural Sociology 76(3): 375–393.
- Pilgeram, Ryanne. 2007. . Gender, Work and Organization 14 (6): 572-595.
- Paul Lewin and Willem Braak. 2015. Social Returns to Education: Strengthening Rural Economies. Bellwether Education and J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation.
- Paul Lewin and Willem Braak. 2014. Economic Returns to Education in Idaho. Bellwether Education and J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation.
- Jaffee, D. and S. Newman. 2013. . Rural Sociology, 78(1): 1-28.
- Jaffee, D. and S. Newman. 2013. . Organization and Environment, 26(3): 318-335.
- Newman, S., D. Saul., R. Keefe, R. Jacobson, T. Laninga, J. Moroney. 2017. . Forest Science. 63(6):614-620.
- Jacobson, R., R. Keefe, A. Smith, S. Metlen, D. Saul, S. Newman, T. Laninga, D. Inman. 2016. . Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. doi:10.1002/bbb.1659.
Extension & Outreach Publications
- Lewin, P. and W. Braak. Hand in hand: Education and economic development in Idaho. Rural Opportunity Consortium of Idaho. June 2015
- Braak, W. and Lewin, P. 2015. . Journal of Extension, 53 (4).
- Lewin, P. and Braak, W. 2016. The Dollar Game: Play scenarios to grow a local economy, ECS10. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension.
- Heninger, K; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. Tips for Entrepreneurs – Money manager for business owners, BUL990. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Bartles, K.; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2020. Tips for Entrepreneurs – Expanding a business, the physical site, BUL949. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Chavez Garcia, B; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2020. Tips for Entrepreneurs – Expanding a business, Adding paid employees, BUL947. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Gooden, K.; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2019. Tips for Entrepreneurs – Regulation for Selling Prepared Foods, BUL946. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Gooden, K.; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2019. Consejos para Emprendedores – Regulaciones para Vender Alimentos Preparados, BUL946s. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Meier, J.; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2019. Tips for Entrepreneurs – What to Think about when Starting a Business, BUL945. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Meier, J.; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2019. Consejos para Emprendedores – Qué hay que Considerar al Comenzar un Negocio, BUL945s. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Gooden, K.; Dearien, C.; Rumel, J.; and Lewin, P. 2020. Your Rights and Responsibilities – Notario Fraud, BUL948. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension and Rural Studies Program.
- Kissam, E. and Lewin, P. 2016. Costs and Benefits of Applying for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), BUL904. 果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension.