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Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory

Physical Address:
753 Perimeter Drive

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2270
Moscow, ID 83844-2270

Phone: 208-885-6663

Email: kspawton@uidaho.edu

Web: uidaho.edu/seed-potato


The U of I Seed Potato Germplasm Program in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences works to establish, maintain and distribute disease free germplasm and mini-tubers for domestic and international seed potato growers and researchers. The program provides a unique service to growers and researchers in the Northwest and throughout the world. It is the only laboratory where the entire collection of PVMI lines is maintained. It is also the only lab that does virus clean-up of new experimental lines coming into the Tri-State Program. Experimental lines are cleaned, maintained and distributed to growers and researchers. The program also provides education and training for undergraduate students leading to careers in this field.


  • 250,000: average number of plantlets produced
  • 300: potato varieties maintained and propagated
  • 2: full-time staff dedicated to the program
  • 4: students working in the program
  • 3,670: square feet of lab and greenhouse space
  • 80+: growers and researchers directly served each year
  • 12+: countries that order plantlets annually

The Vandal Theory Podcast

Award-winning stories showcase U of I researches exploring and solving real-world problems.

Episode 2.8: Jenny Durrin — The Potato Nursery


Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory

Physical Address:
753 Perimeter Drive

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2270
Moscow, ID 83844-2270

Phone: 208-885-6663

Email: kspawton@uidaho.edu

Web: uidaho.edu/seed-potato