Publications Review or Described
(Most of these were donated to the AACC by the author or publisher)
Name/Date |
Title |
Vol(No):Pg |
Abraham, Terry, ed., 2007 |
"Chinese Servants in the
West" |
24(2):1 |
Ahmad, Diana L., 2007 |
"The Opium Debate and Chinese
Exclusion Laws . . . " |
24(2):1-2 |
Akin, Marjorie H., James C. Bard, and Kevin
Akin, 2016 |
"Numismatic Archaeology of North America: A
Field Guide" |
33(3):2 |
American Public Media Reports and the
Smithsonian National Museum of American History, 2018 |
"Order 9066" (Podcast) |
35(1):1 |
Anderson, E. N., 1988 |
"The Food of China" |
6(2):2 |
Ang See, Teresita, ed., 2000 |
"Intercultural Relations…: The Ethnic Chinese" |
18(3):2 |
Armero, Carlos, and Ben
Rapaport, 2005 |
"The Arts of an Addiction:
Qing Dynasty Opium Pipes and Accessories" |
23(1):1 |
Asian American Bar Association of New York,
2012 |
"AABANY Law Review" (Asian American historic
trials) |
30(3):2 |
Asian/American Center |
"Working Papers" |
6(3):2 |
Bacho, Peter, 1997 |
"Dark Blue Suit and Other Stories" (Filipinos) |
15(1):6 |
Barlow et al, 1988 |
"Chinese in Oregon: A Resource Directory" |
6(1):2 |
Bell, Grimwade, & Ritchie |
"Archaeology of the Overseas Chinese ..." (Australasia) |
10(1):5 |
Bentz, Linda, and William Gow, 2012 |
"Hidden Lives: A Century of Chinese American
History in Ventura County" (California) |
30(1):1 |
Brock et al, 1989 |
"... LaFarge Site, Redlands, California" |
7(2):2 |
Bronson, Bennet, and Chuimei Ho, 2023 | “Chinese Opium in America, 1850–1920” | 40(4):2 |
Bronson, Bennet, and Chuimei Ho, 2015 |
"Coming Home in Gold Brocade: Chinese in
Early Northwest America" |
32(2):1 |
Brott, Clark |
"Moon Lee One" (California) |
1(2):3 |
Brown, Daniel, James 2021 | “Facing the Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heros in World War II” | 39(4):2 |
Brown, Mel |
"Chinese Heart of Texas: The
San Antonio Community 1875 to 1975" |
22(1):1 |
Bu Gao Ban |
Newsletter, NY Chinatown History Project |
3(1):3 |
Buell et al; Schwartz ed., 1984 |
"Chinese Medicine on the Golden Mountain" |
1(2):3 |
Burton, Jeffery et al, 1999 |
"Confinement and Ethnicity … Relocation Sites" (internment/incarceration sites) |
17(2):2 |
Burton, Jeffery et al, 2001 |
"I Rei To: Archaeological… Manzanar…Cemetery…" |
19(1):1-2 |
Burton and Farrell, 2001 |
"This is Minidoka: An Archeological Survey…" |
19(2):2 |
Center for Desert Arch., 1998 |
"Archaeology in Tucson" (Chinese gardeners) |
15(3):2 |
Ceramics Analysis Lab |
Newsletter |
2(1):3 |
Chan, Anthony, 1983 |
"Gold Mountain" (mainly Canada) |
1(4):3 |
Chan, Sucheng, 1986 |
"This Bittersweet Soil" |
5(1):2 |
Chen, Yong, 1997 |
"... Chinese Emigration ... "(article) |
15(1):6 |
Chang, Jason Oliver, 2017 |
"Chino: Anti-Chinese Racism in Mexico
1880-1940" |
34(4):2 |
Chen, Henry, 1998 |
"Chinese Studies Forum" |
15(4);2 |
Cheng, Lucie, 1984 |
"Linking Our Lives" (women, Southern California) |
2(2):3 |
Cheung & Yogi, 1988 |
"Asian American Literature" (annotated bibliography) |
6(2):2 |
Chew, Ron, ed., 1994 |
"Reflections of Seattle's Chinese Americans" |
12(1):5 |
Chin, Doug, 1987 |
"Legacy of Washington State's Early Chinese ..." |
4(2):2 |
Chinese-Am. Lib. Assn., 1990 |
"Chinese American Resources Guide" |
9(1):2 |
Chinese Hist. Soc. of America |
"Chinese America: History & Perspectives 1995" |
12(4):2 |
Chinese Historical Society of Southern
California, 2005 |
"Portraits of Pride" | 22(2):2 |
Chinese Historical Society of Southern
California, 2011 |
"Portraits of Pride II" |
29(3):2 |
Chong, Denise, 1994 |
"The Concubine's Children" |
13(1):2 |
Chow, Lily, 1996 |
"Sojourners in the North" |
14(2):[5] |
Choy, Philip P., 2014 |
"Interpreting 'Overseas Chinese' Ceramics
Found on Historical Archaeology Sites: Manufacture, Marks,
Classification, and Social Use" (Web publication) |
31(3):2 |
Choy, Philip, and others, 1995 |
"The Coming Man" |
12(3):2 |
Chung, Sue Fawn, 2011 |
"In Pursuit of Gold: Chinese American Miners
and Merchants in the American West" (especially Eastern
Oregon and Northeastern Nevada) |
28(3):2 |
Chung, Sue Fawn, 2015 | "Chinese in the Woods: Logging and Lumbering
in the American West" |
33(1):5 |
Chung, Sue Fawn, and
Priscilla Wegars, eds., 2005 |
"Chinese American Death
Rituals: Respecting the Ancestors" |
22(4):1 |
Clark, Bonnie J., 2020 |
"Finding Solace in the Soil: An Archaeology
of Gardens and Gardeners at Amache." |
38(1):2 |
Cohen, Alvin, 2000 |
"Introduction to Research in Chinese Source Materials" |
19(1):2 |
Cohen, Lucy, 1984 |
"Chinese in the Post-Civil War South" |
5(4):2 |
Commission on WRIC, 1997 |
"Personal Justice Denied" |
16(3):6 |
Corrigan, Gina, 2001 |
"Miao Textiles from China" |
21(2):5 |
Costello, Julia, 1988 |
"...Chew Kee Store" (California) |
5(3):2 |
Costello et al., 2001 |
"… Golf Club Rehabilitation …"(California – Japanese) |
20(3):1 |
Dalby, Liza Crihfield, 2001 |
"Kimono: Fashioning Culture" |
19(4):2 |
Daniels et al, 1986 |
"Japanese Americans" |
4(4):2 |
Daniels, Roger, 1988 |
"Asian America" |
6(3):2 |
Davidson-Hues, Janet, ed.,
2007 |
"Minidoka on My Mind: Recent
Work by Roger Shimomura" |
24(4):2 |
de Cristoforo, Violet, 1992 |
"J'Accuse" |
9(2):2 |
de Cristoforo, Violet, 1997 |
"May Sky – There is Always Tomorrow … Haiku" |
16(3):6 |
Densho, 2012 |
"Densho Encyclopedia" (Web resource for
Japanese American history during World War II) |
29(3):1-2 |
Ding, Guang-xun, ed., 1985 |
"A New Chinese -English Dictionary" |
7(1):2 |
Ding, Loni, 1998 |
"Ancestors in the Americas, Part 2" (video) |
15(2):2 |
Dougher, Sarah, 1998? |
"Sent Out on the Tracks ... Sinophobia ... Olympia" |
15(3):2 |
Duchesne, Isabelle, ed., 2000 |
"Red Boat on the Canal: Cantonese Opera ..." |
21(2):5 |
Ehrenreich et al, 1985 |
"Annotated Bibliography ... Chinese History & Archaeology" |
2(3):3 |
Esposito, Virginia, 2014 |
"Rice Bowls and Dinner Plates: Ceramic
Artefacts from Chinese Gold Mining Sites in Southeast New
South Wales ..." |
31(4):1-2 |
Farkas, Lani Ah Tye, 1998 |
"Bury My Bones in America" |
16(1):2 |
Felton, Lortie, Schulz, 1984 |
"Chinese Laundry on Second Street" (California) |
1(4):3 |
Fiset, Louis, 1997 |
"Imprisoned Apart ... WWII ... Issei Couple" |
15(1):5 |
Fiset, Louis, and Gail
Nomura, eds., 2005 |
"Nikkei in the Pacific
Northwest: Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians in the
Twentieth Century" |
22(2):1 |
Flewelling, Stan, 2002 |
"Shirakawa: Stories from a Pacific Northwest Japanese American Community" |
20(1):1 |
[Fung, Eddie], 2007 |
"The Adventures of Eddie
Fung," ed. Judy Yung |
25(1):2 |
Gallop, Annabel, 1995 |
"Early Views of Indonesia" |
13(1):6 |
Gaylord, Mary, 1995? |
"Eastern Washington's ... Chinese & Other Pioneers" |
12(1):6 |
Ge, Chuangui et al, 1988 |
"A New English-Chinese Dictionary" |
7(1):2 |
Gear, Donald and Joan, 2003 |
"An Ancient Bird-Shaped Weight System ..." |
21(2):2 |
Gold, Martin, 2012 |
"Forbidden Citizens: Chinese Exclusion and
the U.S. Congress: A Legislative History" |
29(1):1-2 |
Gonick, Gloria, et al., 2002 |
"Matsuri! Japanese Festival Arts" |
21(4):2 |
Great Basin Foundation, 1987 |
"Wong Ho Leun" (Riverside, California, Chinatown) |
5(3):2 |
Greenwood, Roberta, 1996 |
"Down by the Station: Los Angeles Chinatown ..." |
14(2):[5] |
Hagaman, Wallace, 2001 |
"Chinese Temples…Nevada City…Grass Valley" (California) |
18(2):1 |
Hagaman with Cottrell, 2004 |
"The Chinese Must Go!" (Truckee, California) |
21(3):1-2 |
Hagaman and Meals, 1999 |
"Nevada City, California, Chinese Quarter: …" |
16(4):2 |
Hampson & Greenwood |
"... China Point Park, Napa" (California) |
6(3):2 |
Hart, Arthur, 2002 |
"Chinatown: Boise, Idaho, 1870-1970" |
20(2):1 |
Helmers, Cheryl, 1988 |
"Warren Times - History of Warren, Idaho,
1862-1942" |
31(3):1 |
Hendryx & Rock, 1990 |
"The Chinese in Siskiyou County" (Yreka, California) |
7(4):2 |
Higashide, Seiichi, 2000 |
"Adios to Tears … Japanese-Peruvian Internee …" |
18(1):2 |
Higgins, Mike, and Les Tipton, 2013 |
"Ditch Walkers and Water Wars" (Chinese and
Eldorado Ditch, Oregon) |
30(2):2 |
Hing & Lee, eds., 1996 |
"The State of Asian Pacific America" |
13(2):2 |
Hoffman, Lisa M., and Mary L. Hanneman, 2021 |
Becoming Nisei: Japanese American Urban Lives in Prewar Tacoma. |
39(3):2 |
Hom, Dale, 2016 |
"Walk Don't Run: Growing Up Asian in Seattle" |
34(2):2 |
Hosokawa, Bill, 2002 |
"Nisei: The Quiet Americans" |
19(2):2 |
Humboldt National Forest |
"A Coloring Book of ... Chinese in NE Nevada" |
11(2):2-3 |
Imahara, Walter M., and David E. Meltzer (editors), 2022 | “Jerome and Rohwer: Memories of Japanese American Internment in World War II Arkansas” | 40(4):2 |
Jackson, Beverley, 1997 |
"Splendid Slippers" (shoes for bound feet) |
15(1):5 |
James, Ronald L., 1995 |
"Ruins of a World" (Snake River Canyon, Idaho) |
13(1):6 |
James & Raymond, 1998 |
"Comstock Women" (Nevada) |
15(2):2 |
Japanese Amer. Nat'l Museum |
"Moving Memories" (video) |
11(2):2 |
Johnson, Jack (editor), 2017 |
"Archaeology in Washington Volume 17:
Archaeology of Japanese Americans" |
34(3):2 |
Johnson, Mark T., 2022 | “The Middle Kingdom under the Big Sky: A History of the Chinese Experience in Montana” | 40(3):2 |
Jones, Patricia, 1992 |
"... Chinese ... Ceramics ... Frolic Shipwreck" (California) |
11(3):5 |
Jorae, Wendy Rouse, 2009 |
"The Children of Chinatown: Growing Up Chinese American in San Francisco 1950-1920" (California) | 27(1):2 |
Kashima, Tetsuden, 2003 |
"Judgment without Trial: Japanese American Imprisonment ..." |
21(1):1 |
Kamei, Susan H., 2021 | “When Can We Go Back to America? Voices of Japanese American Incarceration during World War II” | 39(4):2 |
Kawamoto, Judy Y., 2020 |
“Forced Out: A Nikkei Woman’s Search for a Home in America” |
38(3):2 |
Keane et al., 1992 |
"The Chinese in Arizona, 1870-1950" |
9(3):2 |
Kelly, McAleer, 1986 |
"... Ohio Flat Mining District" (Trinity County, California) |
4(2):2 |
Kiyama, Henry, 1999 |
"The Four Immigrants Manga" |
16(4):2 |
KNPB-Channel 5, Reno, 1996? |
"Yinshan: Silver Mountain" (video) |
14(3):2 |
Ko, Dorothy, 2001 |
"Every Step a Lotus: Shoes for Bound Feet" |
20(4):2 |
Kwok & Quan, eds., 1994 |
"Origins and Destinations" |
12(3):2 |
Kuromiya, Yoshito, 2021 | “Beyond the Betrayal: The Memoir of a World War II Japanese American Draft Resister of Conscience” | 40(1):2 |
Lai, David, 1988 |
"Chinatowns" (Canada) |
5(4):2 |
Lai, David, 1991 |
"The Forbidden City within Victoria" |
10(1):2 |
Lai, Huang, Wong, 1980 |
"The Chinese of America: 1875-1980" |
1(2):3 |
LaLande, Jeffrey, 1982 |
"'Celestials'" (Oregon); NARN article |
1(1):3 |
Lau, Rebecca, 2010 |
"Mami: My Grandmother's Journey" |
35(1):2 |
Layton, Thomas, 1997 |
"Voyage of the Frolic: ... Merchants ... Opium Trade" |
15(1):5 |
Layton, Thomas, 2002 |
"Gifts from the Celestial Kingdom" |
19(4):2 |
Layton, Thomas N., 2021 |
The “Other” Dixwells: Commerce and Conscience in an American Family. | 38(4):2 |
Ledeboer, Leroy, 2002 |
"Spirit of the Son: The George Yoshino Story" |
19(4):2 |
Lee, Douglas, 1983 |
"Annals of the Chinese Historical Society in the Pacific Northwest" |
1(1):3 |
Lee, Douglas, 1984 |
"Annals of the Chinese Historical Society in the Pacific Northwest" |
2(3):3 |
Lee, Lim, Matsukawa, 2002 |
"Re/collecting Early Asian America" |
19(3):1-2 |
Lin, Stephen, 2000 |
"My Father's Martial Art" |
18(4):2 |
Ling, Huping, 1998 |
"Surviving on the Gold Mountain … Women …" |
17(2):5 |
Lister & Lister, 1989 |
"The Chinese of Early Tucson" |
7(1):2 |
Littlefield, Jon, 2011 |
"Between Two Worlds: Chinese of Marshfield,
Oregon" [Coos Bay] |
28(4):2 |
Liu, Thelma, 1993 |
"Just Thelma" |
10(4):3 |
Lowell, Waverly, 1996 |
"Chinese Immigration ... Records ... Regional Archives" |
14(2):[5] |
Ludwin, Peter, 2016 |
"Gone to Gold Mountain" |
33(4):2 |
Lundy, A. L. "Scrap," 1997 |
"The California Abalone Industry: A Pictorial History" |
14(2):6 |
Lydon, Jane, 1999 |
"'Many Inventions:' The Chinese in the Rocks, Sydney ... (Australia) |
16(4):2 |
Lydon, Sandy, 1985 |
"Chinese Gold" (Monterey Bay, California) |
2(4):3 |
Macgregor, Paul, ed., 1995 |
"Histories of the Chinese in Australasia & the South Pacific" |
16(2):2 |
Mackey, Mike, ed., 2001 |
"Guilt by Association: Japanese … Rocky Mountain West" |
18(1):2 |
Makabe, Tomoko, 1995 |
"Picture Brides: Japanese Women in Canada" |
16(3):6 |
Maniery, Mary L, Rebecca Allen, and Sarah
Christine Heffner, 2016 |
"Finding Hidden Voices of the Chinese
Railroad Workers: An Archaeological and Historical Journey" |
33(4):2 |
Mar, Wing, ed., 2005 |
"Portraits of Pride" |
22(2):2 |
Martin, Steven, 2007 |
"The Art of Opium Antiques" |
24(2):3-4 |
Martin, Steven, 2012 |
"Opium Fiend: A 21st Century Slave to a 19th
Century Addiction" |
29(1):2 |
Masuda, Minoru, 2008 |
"Letters from the 442nd: The
World War II Correspondence of a Japanese American Medic" |
25(4):1 |
McKanna, Clare V., Jr., 2002 |
"Race and Homicide in Nineteenth-Century California" |
20(2):2 |
McCunn, Ruthanne, 1988 |
"Chinese American Portraits" |
6(1):2 |
McCunn, Ruthanne, 1996 |
"Wooden Fish Songs" |
14(1):2 |
McCunn, Ruthannne, 2007 |
"Wooden Fish Songs" (with new
introduction and afterword) |
25(1):2 |
Merritt, Christopher W., 2017 |
"The Coming Man from Canton: Chinese
Experience in Montana, 1862-1943" |
34(3):2 |
Meyer, Bette, 1983 |
"Ainsworth: A Railroad Town" (Washington) |
1(4):3 |
Mih, Walter, 2010 |
"Breathing Exercise for Health" (Chi Gong
DVDs) |
27(4):2 |
Minnick, Sylvia, 1988 |
"Samfow: The San Joaquin Chinese Legacy" (California) |
5(2):2 |
Minnick, Sylvia Sun, [2014?] |
"Never a Burnt Bridge" (Chinese American
family history) |
31(1):2 |
Mires & Bullock |
"The Farmer and the Gatekeeper" (Carson City, Nevada) |
13(1):6 |
Mitsui, James, 1997 |
"... Three-Cornered World ..."(poems) |
15(1):6 |
Moosang, Faith, 1999 |
"First Son: Portraits by C. D. Hoy" |
17(1):2 |
Mudge, Jean, 1986 |
"Chinese Export Porcelain in North America" |
4(4):2 |
Mukerji, Betty-Lou, 2008 |
"Chinese Sewing Baskets" |
26(1):1-2 |
Mura, David, 1991 |
"Turning Japanese" |
10(1):2 |
Murowchick, Robert, ed., 1994 |
"China: Ancient Culture, Modern Land" |
12(1):6 |
Museum der Kulturen Basel, 2015 |
"Opium" |
32(2):2 |
Nelson, Christina, 1985 |
"Directly from China" |
6(1):2 |
Niiya, Brian, ed, 1993 |
"Japanese American History: An A-to-Z Reference" |
13(1):2 |
Nokes, R. Gregory, 2009 |
"Massacred for Gold: The
Chinese in Hells Canyon" |
26(4):1-2 |
Northwest China Council |
...Missionaries and Social Change in China (tapes) |
11(3):2 |
Obermayr, Erich, and Robert McQueen, 2016 |
"Historical Archaeology in the Cortez Mining
District: Under the Nevada Giant" |
34(1):2 |
Okihiro, Gary, 1994 |
Margins and Mainstreams |
11(2):2 |
Okihiro, Gary, 1996 |
Whispered Silences: Japanese Americans...WWII |
13(4):2 |
Okihiro, Gary, 1999 |
Storied Lives: Japanese American Students…. |
17(2):5 |
Pacific Science Center |
"China: 7000 Years of Discovery" |
1(3):2 |
Pacific Science Center |
"China's Ancient Technology" |
1(3):2-3 |
Palouse Asian Am. Assn, 1990 |
"... Asian Americans in Idaho" (video) |
11(3):5 |
Pan, Lynn, ed., 1999 |
"The Encyclopedia of the Chinese Overseas" |
17(3):1-2 |
Poon, Wei Chi, 1982 |
"Directory of Asian Am. Collections in US" |
2(4):3 |
Powers, Jo Marie, 1998 |
"From Cathay to Canada: Chinese Cuisine ..." |
15(3):2 |
Praetzellis & Praetzellis, 1990 |
"... San Fong Chong Laundry ... Sacramento, California" |
8(1):2 |
Praetzellis & Praetzellis, 1997 |
"Historical Archaeology ... Chinese ... Sacramento, California" |
14(2):6 |
Rawitsch, Mark, 1983 |
"No Other Place: Japanese Amer ... Southern California" |
3(3):2 |
Reed, Jim, 1990 |
"Golden Mountain" (novel) |
12(1):6 |
Rice, Charles |
"Asian Americans and the
Military's Academic Training Programs (ASTP, ASTRP) at the
果冻传媒麻豆社 and Elsewhere during World War II" |
22(2):2 |
Riley & Etulain, eds., 2003 |
"Wild Women of the Old West" (see Wegars 2003) |
20(2):2 |
Ritchie, Neville, 1984 |
"... Arrowtown Chinese Settlement" (New Zealand) |
1(3):3 |
Ritchie, Neville, 1986 |
"Archaeology ... Chinese ... So. New Zealand" |
3(4):3 |
Ritter, Eric, see Woodrum,
Barbara |
Rogers, C. Lynn, 1997 |
"Making Camp Chinese Style" (RR - Nevada) |
14(3):2 |
Rogge, A., et al, 1992 |
"Historical Archaeology ... Phoenix" (Arizona) |
11(1):3 |
Ross, Douglas, 2009 |
"Identification and Dating of Japanese Glass
Beverage Bottles" (Web publication) |
29(1):2 |
Rudolph, Richard, 1974 |
"Chinese Archaeological Abstracts" (China) |
1(3):3 |
Sayers, Robert, 1987 |
"The Korean Onggi Potter" |
5(3):2 |
Schablitsky, Julie M., and
Christopher Ruiz, 2009 |
"Archaeological Monitoring
and Investigations along Oregon State Highway 238
Jacksonville, Oregon" (CD) |
27(1):2 |
Schiffer, Nancy, 1986 |
"Japanese Porcelain 1800-1950" |
4(1):2 |
Schulz & Allen, 2003 |
[Web] Bibliography - Archaeology & Architecture, Overseas Chinese |
20(1):2 |
Scott, Janet Lee, 2007 |
"For Gods, Ghosts and
Ancestors ... Paper Offerings" |
24(3):2 |
Shangraw & von der Porten, '81 |
"Drake and Cermeño Expeditions' Chinese Porcelain (California) |
2(2):3 |
Shimomura, Roger, 2004 |
"Stereotypes and Admonitions" |
21(1):2 |
Shin, H. K., 2001 |
"Remembering Korea 1950" |
18(4):2 |
Sing, Bill, ed., 1989 |
"Asian Pacific Americans ... How to Cover & Portray" |
7(2):2 |
So & Bunker, 1996 |
"Traders and Raiders on China's Northern Frontier" |
13(1):6 |
Stamey, Emily, 2007 |
"The Prints of Roger Shimomura ... 1968-2005" | 24(3):2 |
Stapp, Darby C., and Julia G. Longenecker, 2021 |
How Do We Reach More?: Sharing Cultural and Archaeological Research With Others. | 39(1):2 |
Stapp & Longenecker, 1984 |
(Pierce, Idaho, excavation report) |
2(1):3 |
Stewart, Todd, 2008 |
"Placing Memory: A
Photographic Exploration of Japanese American Internment" |
26(1):2 |
Striker & Sprague, 1993 |
"Excavations ... Warren Chinese Mining Camp ... (Idaho) |
11(4):2 |
Sundahl & Ritter, 1997 |
"West Redding Archaeology ... Chinese ..." (California) |
15(1):5-6 |
Sunseri, Charlotte, 2020 |
Alliance Rises in the West: Labor, race, and Solidarity in Industrial California. | 39(2):2 |
Svinth, Joseph, 2003 |
"Getting a Grip: Judo in the Pacific NW…" |
20(3):2 |
Takami, David, 1999 |
"Divided Destiny … Japanese Americans in Seattle" |
17(2):6 |
Tamura, Teresa, 2013 |
"Minidoka: An American Concentration Camp"
(Idaho) |
30(4):2 |
Tateishi, John, 1999 |
"And Justice for All: An Oral History … Camps" |
17(2):6 |
Thiel, J. Homer, 1997 |
"... Chinese Gardener's Household, Tucson ..." (Arizona) |
15(1):6 |
Tong, Benson, 1994 |
"Unsubmissive Women: Chinese Prostitutes ... (San Francisco, California) |
11(3):2 |
Tuna Canyon Detention Station Coalition, 2018 |
Only the Oaks Remain: The Story of Tuna Canyon Detention Station. | 38(4):2 |
Turnipseed, Donna, et al, 1994 |
"Florence Tells Her Secrets" (Idaho) |
12(4):2 |
U.S. Census, 1920 |
"1920 Federal Population Census" |
9(1):2 |
Urashima, Mary F. Adams, 2014 |
"Historic Wintersburg in Huntington Beach"
(Japanese, California) |
31(4):2 |
Utah State Historical Soc. |
Materials related to Chinese and Japanese in Utah |
9(3):5 |
Van Wormer, Stephen, et al., '98 |
"At Home on Gold Mountain … San Diego …" (California) |
16(3):6 |
Venit Shelton, Tamara |
"Herbs and Roots: A History of Chinese
Doctors in the American Medical Marketplace." |
38(2):2 |
Volmer, John, et al., 2000 |
"Clothed to Rule the Universe: Ming to Qing Textiles ..." |
21(2):6 |
Voss, Barbara L., 2015 (guest editor) |
"The Archaeology of Chinese Railroad Workers
in North America" |
33(1):5 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 1985 |
"Annotated Bibliography of Opium ..." |
3(1):3 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 1993 |
"Asian American Bibliography" |
11(4):2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 1993 |
"Hidden Heritage: Historical Archaeology ... Chinese" |
9(2):1-2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 1995 |
"The Ah Hee Diggings ... Granite, Oregon ..." |
12(3):2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 2000 |
"Chinese at the Confluence: Lewiston's Beuk Aie Temple" |
17(2):2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 2001 |
"Uncovering a Chinese Legacy … Centerville, Idaho …" |
19(3):2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 2003 |
"Polly Bemis: A Chinese American Pioneer" |
20(1):2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 2003 |
"Polly Bemis: Lurid Life …" (in Riley & Etulain, 2003) |
20(2):2 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 2010 |
"Imprisoned in Paradise:
Japanese Internee Road Workers at the World War II Kooskia
Internment Camp" |
27(1):1 |
Wegars, Priscilla, 2020 | "Polly Bemis: The Life and Times of a Chinese
American Pioneer" |
37(4):2 |
Wickberg, Edgar, 1982 |
"From China to Canada" |
2(2):3 |
Women's Book Committee, 1992 |
"Jin Guo: Voices of Chinese Canadian Women" |
10(1):2 |
Woodrum, Barbara, with Eric
Ritter, 2009 |
"Fluming the Hogback:
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