
Pre-Physical Therapy, Focus

First steps toward a career as a physical therapist.

The pre-physical therapy (PT) focus is an advising program to help students select courses and become well prepared for application to physical therapy school.

The steps toward your career as a physical therapist begin by taking the required pre-PT courses, completing your undergraduate degree, and gaining required clinical experience. Course work will include chemistry, physics, anatomy, physiology, biology, psychology and statistics. Common pre-PT majors include biology, exercise science, psychology, and nutrition. You will also need to seek out volunteer opportunities to shadow physical therapists and to work with patients in a variety of clinical settings.

Completing these steps are prerequisites for applying to a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program for three additional years of specialized training.

This program is a good fit if you:

  • Enjoy learning about the human body
  • Like to work with people and to help others
  • Are interested in caring for people’s health

This program prepares you to become a:

  • Physical therapist

Available On-Campus

More degrees below. Enjoy!