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Kamal Kumar, Ph.D.

Kamal Kumar, Ph.D., P.E.

Associate Professor


Gauss-Johnson 234I




Mailing Address

Mechanical Engineering
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 0902
Moscow, Idaho 83844-0902

  • Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, 2007
  • M.S. Case Western Reserve University, 2004
  • B.Tech, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 1998

  • Alternative Hydrocarbon and Biofuel Fuel Combustion Chemistry
  • Catalytic Combustion
  • Solid Fuel Combustion
  • Internal Combustion Engines


  • E. Al-Gharibeh, R. Leathers K. Kumar and C.J. Sung. "Ignition and combustion characteristics of decanoic acid derived alkyl esters in a fuel ignition tester. Fuel, 276 (2020) 117982.
  • Q. Xu, R. Leathers, D. Savage, K. Kumar and C.J. Sung.32, 5, 6239–6251 "Influence of Blending n-Butanol with Isooctane and n-Heptane on Ignition Delay Times in a Fuel Ignition Tester", Energy & Fuels, 32(5) (2018) 6239–6251.
  • K. Kumar, C.J. Sung, B.W. Weber and J.A. Bunnell. "Autoignition of Methyl Propanoate and its Comparisons with Methyl Ethanoate and Methyl Butanoate", Combust. Flame, 188 (2018) 116-128.
  • B.W. Weber, J.A. Bunnell, K. Kumar, and C.J. Sung. "Experiments and modeling of the autoignition of methyl pentanoate at low to intermediate temperatures and elevated pressures in a rapid compression machine", Fuel, 212 (2018) 479-486.
  • J.W. Hartwig, G. Mittal, K. Kumar, and C.J. Sung. "System Validation Experiments for Obtaining Tracer Laser Induced Fluorescence Data at Elevated Pressure and Temperature", Applied Spectroscopy, 72(4) (2018) 618-626.


  • S. Van Horn and K. Kumar "n-Heptane Autoignition and Speciation in a Rapid Compression Expansion Machine", Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 14–15, 2019.
  • S. Stuhlman and K. Kumar "Modulated Thermogravimetric Experiments on Argonne Premium Coal Samples with Combustion Gas Analysis", 11th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, California, March 24-27, 2019.
  • S. Stuhlman, E. Al-Gharibeh, S. Beyerlein, K. Kumar "Ignition and Self-Sustained Catalytic Combustion of Methane Oxygen Mixtures in a Platinum Microtube", 11th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, California, March 24-27, 2019.
  • E. Al-Gharibeh, K. Kumar "Speciation Studies during Low-to-Intermediate Temperature Oxidation of n-heptane in a Motored Engine", 11th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, California, March 24-27, 2019.
  • S. Stuhlman and K. Kumar "Combustion of Graphite Nanoparticles with Copper (II) Oxide in a Thermogravimetric Analyzer with Evolved Gas Analysis", Paper 38IE-0021, Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Oregon State University, Cascades, March 25-27, 2018.

Contact Us

Engineering Physics Building Rm. 324K

Mailing Address:

Mechanical Engineering
875 Perimeter Drive MS 0902
Moscow, ID 83844-0902

Phone: 208-885-6579

Email: medept@uidaho.edu