Gamified Virtual Worlds and Computer Simulation
Gamified Virtual Worlds and Computer Simulation
Our project aims to create a virtual world within Unreal Engine that allows players to create "computers" within a virtual computer lab. By making a simulated lab, it allows for flexibility and creativity within research and education by not having to worry about increased equipment costs and real world physical constraints and consequences.
Attend Our Technical Presentation
2 p.m. Friday, April 28 – Session 3
Team Members
Feichi Han - Computer Science
Trevor McGeary - Computer Science
Kaleb Browning - Computer Science
Daniel Conte de Leone - U of I Department of Computer Science
Faculty Advisor
Bruce Bolden - U of I Department of Computer Science
Meet Us In-Person at EXPO
Booth Number: 7
Join us in-person 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Friday, April 28, in the on the Moscow campus during our 30th annual Engineering Design EXPO! Browse all student team booths. Maps are available on-site.