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Mailing Address:
1776 Science Center Drive, Suite 205
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Phone: 208-529-8376

Fax: 208-522-2954

Web: uidaho.edu/cals/idaho-falls

Mailing Address:
1693 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210

Phone: 208-397-4181

Fax: 208-397-4311

Web: uidaho.edu/cals/aberdeen

USDA-ARS Cereal Root Disease Project

The UI Extension Cereals program conducts research on cereal root diseases in Idaho under the USDA-Agricultural Research Service.

This project is part of the USDA Root Disease & Biological Control Research Program based out of Pullman, Washington.


The objective of this cooperative research is to:

  • Identify, characterize and control soilborne pathogens of wheat and barley, such as Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Gaeumannomyces, Bipolaris and/or Fusarium, which cause root and crown rot diseases
  • Identify the effects of cropping systems on root pathogen population size and diversity, and on disease epidemiology
  • Identify useful wheat and/or barley germplasm with performance against root pathogens


Root and crown rot diseases will be identified and characterized through a combination of laboratory, greenhouse and field studies.

The ecology of root pathogens and effects of cropping system on pathogen population size, as well as diversity and disease epidemiology, will be determined using plant pathology, microbiology and molecular biology methods and approaches.

Wheat and barley germplasm will be screened for resistance or tolerance to root pathogens in the field and greenhouse.

A combination of agronomic practices and biological and chemical treatments will control root disease.

Explore other projects under the through the USDA-ARS website.


Mailing Address:
1776 Science Center Drive, Suite 205
Idaho Falls, ID 83402

Phone: 208-529-8376

Fax: 208-522-2954

Web: uidaho.edu/cals/idaho-falls

Mailing Address:
1693 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210

Phone: 208-397-4181

Fax: 208-397-4311

Web: uidaho.edu/cals/aberdeen