Weeds of the West
If you have a weed you want identified, please bring a sample to the UI Extension, Bannock County office. We can help identify them and provide ideas on how to stop or prevent them. For more information visit the .
Creepy, Crawling Critters
Do you have concerns about the creepy, crawling critters at your house? For help managing insects and pests visit the website. We offer a wide range of informational bulletins to help you with your infestations. Please visit our for information on, Beneficial Insects, Insect Pests, Insect Pollinators and Pests and Pesticides.
Trees and Gardens
If you have questions regarding problems with your lawn or trees we have a Horticulture specialist in our office to assist you. Please call us at 208-236-7310.
Edible Wild Berries of Southeast Idaho
The UI Extension, Bannock County office has Edible Wild Berries of Southeast Idaho (PDF). This bulletin has all the wild berries found in our area, with pictures and descriptions of each. It also includes great recipes on freezing, drying and canning.