Finance Classes
We offer classroom-style presentations where participants are given valuable, research-based information. We also offer workshops with an additional element of hands-on participation.
Need we say more?
Learn ways to balance your time, manage your stress, feed your body, move your body and rest your body. Each class offered individually or as a five-hour workshop.
Learn the ins and outs of banking and how to use its perks to benefit you financially.
Dude, Do you want to live with your parents until you are 30?!?! Although home is a nice place, UI Extension is here to help you make your mark on the world. In just one hour, you will get some pretty great advice on what life will be like after graduating from high school, how to make the most of your money and your education, and how to prepare for college while not breaking the bank or requiring you to live in your parents’ basement. Bring your mom and dad too.
Should I buy new or used? Am I getting a good deal? What you need to know to make the best decision when purchasing a vehicle.
Learn the basics of credit and how to make it work for you, not against you. With new regulations on consumer credit, this is a great opportunity to learn how new laws will affect your credit and financial future.
Are you looking for a way to simplify your life? With busy schedules, emotional attachments and too much “stuff,” we can start feeling out of control and stressed. This fun-filled, laugh-out-loud class challenges you to cut the clutter and restore your balance and peace of mind by simplifying the “noise” it makes.
- Declutter Your Life —
- Handout (pdf)
- Life raft exercise (pdf)
Also view
- Simplify your life
- Organizing your financial paperwork
- Who gets grandma's yellow pie plate?
Interested in some financial fun? This highly interactive game of 鈥渉unting鈥 allows you to gather some interesting financial facts about your buddies, learn about important basic financial topics that might help you live a more successful fiscal life (like goal setting, tracking expenses, budgeting, debt management, insurance, credit, bankruptcy and more), and get the answers to all of your burning questions about money.
Two hours or two class sessions
“Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you were supposed to be?” All of us have dreams that never came true. Life happens; we grow up; and we learn to be the “responsible” adult we are. In this workshop, we help you discover your “why”... whatever your why may be:
- In the Finding Your Why workshop, we revisit your dreams. It is a very interactive one-hour where you will leave inspired, a little crafty (there is a really fun craft project involved — don’t be afraid) and a lot more equipped with new tools to reach important goals. This is the “precursor” to the…
- Funding Your Why workshop… in this one-hour workshop, we will talk about our money archetypes. These are those personalities that frame how we manage (or don’t) our money and resources. Bring your inspired projects from the “Finding Your Why” workshop and we will help you make them happen. We will play a couple of very interactive games and start the process of creating a money spending plan that will help you reach even those forgotten (or maybe not-so-forgotten) childhood goals we talk about in the first class.
Both classes are very low-key, very fun and very interactive. You will leave with tools and ideas that will change how you think about your finances.
Our financial world revolves around credit. Using credit unwisely can mean 100’s of dollars more out of your pocket for the same thing that your credit-conscious neighbor got for cheap. In addition, credit isn’t just about not getting the loan you want anymore. This class covers all the credit basics including what it is, how to find out what creditors are saying about you, whose watching your credit, how to fix damage, and how to build your score like the pros. We will learn about positive financial behaviors and low-cost strategies for establishing and building a credit score that can save you thousands.
- Credit Score Millionaire —
- Handout (pdf)
You’ve graduated and now you have to seek employment. What are the best resources to locate job openings locally and elsewhere? How do I sell myself as the best applicant? How do I keep my job once I’ve been hired? Get answers to these questions and more.
One of the largest threats to a successful and comfortable retirement is the financial burden of long-term care. With an aging baby boomer population, the demand for care is growing rapidly. That demand is pushing the already high costs of home health, assisted living and nursing home care to levels few households can afford. The cost of care has nearly doubled in the past ten years and is expected to continue to increase even more. Long-term care will eventually affect over 50% of all households in America. Do not overlook this looming threat to your financial security. Prepare yourself now instead of in the future. This two hour workshop will help you with these planning decisions.
- How to Keep Your Assets Out of the Nursing Home —
- Presentation slides (pdf)
2020 has changed how we do things, slowed us down, halted us from moving forward. One of the things financial professionals are noticing more often than normal is the halt of plans. Many people are stuck. In this workshop, we talk about how to get back on track, how to regain focus through stress management and positive practices, and how to find joy in the really not-so-fun circumstances. We basically “reset” and start focusing on the present and the future.
- How to Shake Financial Numbness —
Interested in learning some new tricks to making your money go further? This workshop provides up-to-date resources that help you realize goals, budget resources, find money leaks and manage what you have in a fun way.
Achieve more of your financial goals by learning to manage your money and debt better. This workshop focuses on creating a spending and savings plan that works for you through strategies to make your debt dwindle.
This isn’t your dad’s budgeting class. We cover basic concepts but when you put them together, they will help you succeed with a powerful money management plan. People who live comfortable, successful financial lives will always tell you it is about mapping out your future and having a plan. We will talk about figuring out what your “plan” is, where the money is coming from, other options to help you reach greater success, making sure that you are taking care of your resources wisely, watching your debt and credit use and finally the last steps to creating a solid future. All of these topics are essential in managing our lives and our money well.
Are you nearing 65 or have family members that you are trying to help with their retirement plans? This is the workshop for you. UI Extension and Idaho Department of Insurance SHIBA team to bring three, count ‘em, three workshops every year to explain Medicare and all its parts, answer questions and de-mystify this healthcare program for you. In two hours, you will receive helpful resources, program updates and peace-of-mind that you are on the right track.
What if we told you that getting your financial paperwork ducks in a row was easy and that it would reduce a ton of stress just by having your important documents where you could find them? In this workshop, we focus on how long to keep, where to keep, what to keep and what happens if you can’t find it.
- Organize Your Financial Paperwork —
Front Pocket Handouts
- OFPHomework-List1 (PDF)
- OFPLegallySecureYFF Organize (PDF)
- OFPpub-552 Record Keeping for Individuals (PDF)
- OFPReplacing Very Important Papers (PDF)
- OYFP-2014-Handouts (PDF)
Notebook Set Up
Other Important Documents
- Digital-Assets-Worksheet (PDF)
- Letter of Last Instruction (PDF)
- Lifefolio-System Revised (PDF)
- Location of Information-file (PDF)
- Love letter to Family — informational (PDF)
- My family needs to know (PDF)
Preparing for... Life
Section Handouts
- LSYFF-Record-of-Important Papers (PDF)
- Summary Record (PDF)
- Goals List — Smart-Goals (PDF)
- Net Worth — NetWorth-Unit2 (PDF)
- Personal Property — Household-Inventory (PDF)
Also view
- Simplify your life
- Declutter your life and reduce your stress
- Who gets grandma's yellow pie plate?
The current economy has spurred predatory lenders back into action. This workshop provides participants with the knowledge needed to avoid or control these lending situations and to protect future assets.
Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. With scams coming from all directions, you don’t know who to trust. In this class, you will learn what identity theft is (its not just about your credit), how to minimize your risk of being a victim and what to do if you suspect or are already a victim. If you have been to this class before, come again. This is an expanded and updated edition with new resources.
- Protecting Your Personal Identity —
- Identity theft (PDF)
Are you a first-time renter? Then you’ll want to attend this class to learn what questions to ask your landlord before you sign a lease. You’ll also learn what all that jargon in your lease means and how to protect yourself.
Coupons can help offset what you are paying to retailers for everyday items like groceries, toiletries and other household products. In this workshop, you won鈥檛 learn how to come out of the grocery store with $400 worth of goods for $2.12; however, you will learn the basics of couponing and steps to effective couponing, find new places to get coupons you can use, discover tips, ideas and etiquette for couponing with finesse, and finish off with healthy eating ideas and resources.
Rusty Schatz from DA Davidson shares what our current state means to people now, what we can hope for in the future (market history, risk and volatility), what we can do now, how to plan for the future and how to adjust for pending retirement (in the next year or so). It is a great presentation. If you are feeling nervous about the current situation, watch this video and Rusty will make you feel better.
Many folks do not know where to start when it comes to preparing for end-of-life transitions and personal estate planning. The Simplify Your Life workshop consists of three one-hour classes (Declutter Your Life and Reduce Your Stress, Organizing Your Financial Paperwork and Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?) that focus on the first steps needed before meeting with financial planners, attorneys, estate planners and loved ones. With an emphasis on organizing paperwork, property and other vital decisions before these meetings, participants acquire information and tools for better preplanning. By coming in prepared, meetings with financial professionals and attorneys will be streamlined, less costly and time-consuming and conversations with family about end-of-life issues will be a time of celebration with memories shared instead of being emotionally charged and stressful.
- Simplify Your Life —
- Handout (pdf)
Also view
- Declutter your life and reduce your stress
- Organizing your financial paperwork
- Who gets grandma's yellow pie plate?
This workshop empowers consumers to tackle the often-intimidating task of selecting health insurance coverage by explaining the process in plain language, outlining differences in plans and highlighting the factors that may influence decisions. Smart Choice does not advocate for any one specific plan or source of a plan but instead teaches consumers how to make their own informed choice.
Our world is constantly changing… by the minute. Our levels of stress are growing larger with each passing day. Throw in a challenging life speed bump called homeschooling while working at home, bills screaming your name, businesses closing with your job along with them and now you’re in “stress overload.” You can’t possibly take one more thing so what can you do? In this workshop, we will talk about the symptoms and sources of stress, the importance of controlling your stress, some effective coping strategies for those stress events you can’t control now, and ways to lower your financial stress… one of the biggest stressors out there.
- Stress and Finances —
- Handout (PDF)
There is so much information swirling around about what to do, where to go, where not to go but is anyone really telling you what you need to do when your income suddenly drops unexpectedly? This workshop will help you with the steps you need to take to help prioritize your current expenses, stabilize your financial situation and find the resources that can help you through this time. In addition, we will talk about how to protect your future financial self to make sure that an income drop is not financially debilitating.
When Your Income Drops —
- Handout (PDF) 22MB
Have you thought about your personal possessions and who would get them after you are gone or after a major life change occurs? Sometimes life events happen that force us to address end-of-life issues we would rather not. In this workshop, we open the lines of communication and talk about factors you should consider when passing on your things, goals you want to accomplish, distribution options and consequences, and conflict resolution. Although a tough subject, this class offers a “priceless” peace of mind for you, your family and friends in a very upbeat way.
- Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate —
- Handout (PDF) (12MB)
Also view
- Simplify your life
- Declutter your life and reduce your stress
- Organizing your financial paperwork