Anthony Simerlink
Anthony Simerlink
Extension Educator
果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension, Power County
127 Idaho Street
American Falls, ID 83211
Anthony provides programming for Power County related to horticulture, 4-H and agriculture.
M.S., Washington State University, 2024
B.S., Idaho State University, 2017
- Cover cropping
- Dryland farming
- Horticulture — composting, home gardening, insect identification, plant identification, native plants
- Quintarelli, V., Radicetti, E., Allevato, E., Stazi, S. R., Haider, G., Abideen, Z., Bibi, S., Jamal, A., & Mancinelli, R. (2022). Cover Crops for Sustainable Cropping Systems: A Review. Agriculture, 12(12), Article 12.
- Zhao, X., He, H., Siddique, K. H. M., & Gao, X. (2024). Synergizing production and ecology: Innovations in sustainable dryland agriculture. Plant and Soil, 499(1), 1–8.
- Sherman, R. (2020, June 9). Community Backyard Composting Programs Can Reduce Waste and Save Money | NC State Extension Publications. NC STATE EXTENSION.
- Chen, L., de Haro Marti, M., Moore, A., & Falen, C. (2011, June). Dairy Compost Production and Use in Idaho: The Composting Process. 果冻传媒麻豆社.
- Hodgson, E., & Dean, A. (n.d.). Introduction to insect identification, sampling and management. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach.
- Mangold, J. (2018, December). Plant Identification Basics. Montana State University Extension.
I am the UI Extension educator in Power County. I focus on 4-H, Agriculture and horticulture programming. I received a bachelor's degree in biology with emphasis in plant biology. After completion of my bachelor's degree, I began working in the horticulture field gaining experience in greenhouse production, disease identification and pesticide applications. I received a master's degree from Washington State University researching the development and implementation of a composting reactor system for use with dairy manure.
My hobbies include outdoor activities including hiking and collecting plant specimens during the summer for my own personal herbarium. Plants mean a great deal to me, growing up and tending to the flower gardens brought me close to my grandparents and I extend that fondness to my children who are named after plants.