
果冻传媒麻豆社 - I Banner
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U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation.

Chapter 100: Index

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Aboveground Storage Tanks 35.26
Acceptable Use of Technology Resources 30.12
Accounts Payable Chapter 75
Acquisition of Radioactive Materials 35.81
Additional Compensation for Board Appointed Employees 50.11
Administrative Systems and Applications 30.02
Advertising, & Posting Policy, Campus 40.29
Affiliation Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, and Agreements Establishing Relationships 60.21
Alcohol 95.31
Alcohol Permits and Applications 80.01
Allegations of Fraud, Guidelines for Handling 85.12
Animal Care and Use 45.01
Animal Purchases 60.44
Animals on Campus 95.16
Architectural and Engineering Services 40.05
Asbestos Management 35.01
Asset Management & Controls Chapter 10
Audits Chapter 85
Audit Review, External 85.11
Authorization of Volunteers 5.11
Auxiliary Services Chapter 80
Auxiliary Services, University Support Services 80.22

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Banner - Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs), How to Prepare 50.03
Banner Training and Authorization  30.33 
Benefits/Payroll Services Chapter 55
Benefits Orientation, New Employee New Registration & 55.31
Bids, Requests for (RFBs) 60.11
Bids, Waiver of Competitive Bid Process 60.13
Biohazard Safety 35.11
Biology Stores Services 90.50
Blanket Purchase Orders (BPOs) 60.35
Building Card Access Systems 40.28
Building Construction, New and Major Renovation Policy (LEED) 40.03
Building Corridor and Hallway Use 35.27
Building Maintenance & Light Construction 40.24
Building Services 40.21
Business Technology Incubator 90.40

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Campus Advertising/Posting Policy 40.29
Campus Law Enforcement and Crime Reporting 95.15
Campus Mail Services (CMS) 40.27
Campus Recreation 90.23
Campus Security Authorities 95.14
Capital Projects, Privately Funded 40.06
Cash, Collected from Students 20.08
Cash, Deposits (Controller) 20.06
Cash Reserve, Establishing Targets 25.05
Cash, Petty Cash Reimbursement 20.04
Cashiers 20.02
Change Funds, Establishment and Use of 20.03
Changing and Creating Job Title Names 50.50
Charitable Gifts, Processing of 71.50
Charter Aircraft Use and Reporting Requirements 05.06
Check Requests, Special 55.06
Checks, Returned 20.05
ChemStores Services 90.51
Claim Vouchers (CVs), Payments Against 75.31
Classified Employee Internal Promotion Process FSH 3360
Clery Compliance Chapter 95
Closures, University
Collection of Money from Students 20.08
Communications and/or Computers Personal Use 20.13
Compensation for Board Appointed Employees, Processing Additional 50.11
Compensation for Overtime Work, Processing 50.10
Compensation Guidelines for Exempt Positions 50.35
Compensation, Processing Non-employee 50.12
Competitive Bid Process, Waiver of 60.13
Computer Network Security Measures, Proactive 30.14
Computer Security Violations 30.32
Computer Services Administrative Systems and Applications 30.02
Computer Services, ITS Security Access 30.03
Confined Space Standards 35.75
Contract Approval Document 60.22
Contracts and Agreements Approval Matrix 60.20
Controller Chapter 20
Corridor & Hallway Use 35.27
Cost Sharing ("Match") on Sponsored Projects 45.08
Cost Transfers, General (Non-Grant) 20.14
Cost Transfers, (Grant and Contract) 45.07
Cost Transfers, Payroll 55.02
Creative Services 90.54
Credit Card Acceptance 20.07
Crime Report, Campus Law Enforcement 95.15
Crimes, Reporting of to Campus Authorities 95.14
Criminal Background Check Procedures 50.16
Customs/International Purchases 60.16

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Data Classification and Standards 30.11
Deficit Spending, Controls Over 25.02
Deficits (Operating) Retiring Prior Accumulated Material Deficits 25.03
Deficits (Operating) Current Year 25.04
Development, Promotional Expense Allowability (Summary of University) 70.20
Dining - Catering, Beverage, and Vending Services, University 80.31
Direct Negotiations 60.14
Disability Accommodation (ADA) Guidelines 50.52
Disposal Procedures, Surplus Property Inventory 10.41
Division of Building Safety Inspections 35.74
Documenting & Addressing Unsatisfactory Performance of Classified Staff 50.21
Dogs on Campus 95.16
Donate Leave, Shared Leave Application Process 55.07
Donated Services or Materials 40.08
Driver's Record Check 05.08 (I-3)
Drones (Unmanned Aircraft Systems)
Drug Free Workplace 95.32
Dual Use Research of Concern

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Early Setup and Advance Funding of Sponsored Project Budgets 45.05
Effort Reporting and Personnel Activity Reports (PARs) 45.09
Electronic Commerce 20.21
Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAFs), How to Prepare 50.03
Eligibility, Competency and Effort Requirements for Principal Investigators, Co-Principal Investigators, and/or Project Directors 45.22
Emergencies Chapter 35 and Chapter 95
Emergencies and Response, Fire 35.21
Emergency Evacuation Procedures 35.22
Emergency Purchases 60.43
Employee Benefits 55.41
Employee, New (Registration & Benefits Orientation) 55.31
Employee Pay Check Distribution 55.05
Employee Termination Procedures 50.20
Employee Turnover, Managing Systems for 30.16
Employment Eligibility for New Employees, Verifying (I-9 Form) 50.04
Employment Exit Checklist 50.22
Energy Management 40.26
Endowment Administration 71.51
Entertainment and Related Expenses, Travel Chapter 70
Entertainment, Reimbursement for University 70.21
Environmental Health & Safety Chapter 35
Environmental Issues 35.36
Establishing Required Cash Reserve Targets 25.05
Evacuation Procedures 35.22
Evaluations for Classified and Exempt Staff 50.08
Exits and Exit Access Requirements 35.23
Expenditures, Proper Grant and Contract 45.06
Export Controls, U.S. 45.19
External Auditing Reviews 85.11
External UI Purchases and Charges 60.05
Eyewear Program, Prescription Safety 35.72

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Facilities and Administrative (Indirect) Rate 45.10
Facilities Chapter 40
Facilities, Building Maintenance & Light Construction 40.24
Facilities, Building Services 40.21
Facilities, Energy Management 40.26
Facilities, General Information Chapter 40
Facilities, Landscape & Exterior 40.22
Facilities, Planning & Design (LEED - Renovations) 40.03
Facilities, Utilities & Engineering 40.25
Facility Maintenance Endowment 40.07
Financial Stewardship Responsibilities Chapter 25
Fire and Life Safety Chapter 35
Fire Emergencies and Response 35.21
Fire Extinguishers 35.24
Firearms 95.12
Fires, Recreational (permits) 35.25
Fixed-Price Contracts/Grants 45.17
Flexible Spending Account Plan 55.30
Foreign Liability and Travel/Medical Evacuation Assistance 05.05
Fraud, Guidelines for Handling Allegations of 85.12

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Gasoline Purchasing Cards, Fleet 70.10
Gifts, and Investments, Trusts Chapter 71
Gifts, Endowment Administration 71.51
Gifts, Processing Charitable Gifts 71.50
Grants and Contracts (Sponsored Projects) Chapter 45
Grant and Contract Cost Transfers 45.07
Grant and Contract Expenditures, Proper 45.06
Grant and Contract, Cost Sharing (Matching) Requirements 45.08
Grant and Contract, Program Income 45.13
Grant or Contract Awards, Notice of and Establishment of Budgets 45.04
Grant Proposals — Preparation and Authorization 45.02
Grants, Contracts and Gifts, Definitions of 71.52
Grants, Contracts and Gifts, Definitions of 45.03
Guns (Firearms) 95.12

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Hazard Communication Program
Hazardous Energy Control Standards 35.73
Hazardous Waste Management 35.40
Health & Life Insurance 55.41
Hearing Conservation 35.53
Hiring Procedures for UI Classified Staff 50.02
Hiring Procedures for UI Exempt Employees 50.01
Honoraria, Payment of to Invited Speakers and Presenters 75.40
Household Moves, Procedures for Payment 75.38
Housing Services, University -- Reservations 80.33
Human Resources Chapter 50
Human Participant (Subjects) Research FSH 5200

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ID Cards for Non-UI Affiliates 90.38
Idaho Sales Tax Collection 20.11
Identity and Access Management 30.10
Identity Theft Protection 30.17
Income, Program 50.12
Income Tax Withholding 50.09
Incubator, Business Technology 90.40
Indirect Rate, Facilities and Administrative 45.10
Industrial Hygiene, Hearing Conservation 35.53
Industrial Hygiene, Respirator Protection and Use 35.51
Information Technology Services Chapter 30
Injury or Occupational Illness, Reporting 35.71
Insurance, Continuation During Sabbatical Leave 55.42
Insurance, Inland Marine Insurance Coverage 05.03
Insurance, Liability Insurance for Students in Practica, Internships, or Clinical Experiences 05.07
Insurance, Property Coverage 05.02
Insurance, (Camp) Activity Program Participants 05.04
Insurance, UI Vehicles and Rental Vehicles 05.08
Interdepartmental Charges (IDs) 75.30
Internal UI Purchases and Charges 60.04
Investments, Trusts, Gifts and Chapter 71
ITS Security Access 30.03

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Job Descriptions, Writing Results-Oriented (ROJDs) 50.55
Job Reclassifications, Requests for 50.51

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Kibbie Center Operations -- ASUI 80.22

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Laboratory Contact Information 35.65
Lead-Containing Paint, Management of 35.05
Leave Benefits, Continuation of Benefits during Leave With or Without Pay and Reduction in Appointment 55.38
Leave Benefits, Employee 55.09
LEED, New & Major Renovations 40.03
Liability Insurance for Students in Practica, Internships, or Clinical Experiences 05.07

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Mail Services (Campus Mail & Receiving) 40.27
Mailing Lists 50.54
Maintenance Agreements 60.42
Managing Systems for Employee Turnover 30.16
"Match" (Cost Sharing) on Sponsored Projects 45.08
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 35.61
Meals and Refreshments for Official Meetings 70.22
Medical and Dental Insurance (Health) 55.41
Medical Screening for Employment 95.32
Missing Students 95.34
Moving Expenses Reimbursement for UI Personnel 75.38
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal 40.23

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Name, SSN, and Address Changes 50.14
Networked Computing Device Standards 30.13
New and Major Renovation Building Policy (LEED) 40.03
New Employee Registration & Benefits Orientation 55.31
Non-Employee Compensation, Processing of 50.12
(North Central Idaho) Business Technology Incubator 90.40
Nuisance Animals 40.22

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Occupational Safety Chapter 35
Open Burning (Recreational Fires) 35.25
Operating Deficits - Current Year 25.04
Operating Deficits - Retiring Prior Accumulated Material Deficits 25.03
Orientation, New Employee 55.31
Overtime Work, Processing Compensation for 50.10

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Paint, Lead-Contained, Management of 35.05
Parking and Transportation Services 40.32
Password and Authentication Policy 30.15
Paycheck Deductions, Miscellaneous 55.13
Payment Management 45.16
Payment of Honoraria to Invited Speakers and Presenters 75.40
Payments Against a Budget, Direct 75.34
Payments Against Claim Vouchers (CVs) 75.31
Payments Against Purchase Orders (POs) 75.33
Payroll Services, Benefits Chapter 55
Payroll Cost Transfers 55.02
Performance, (Classified Staff) Documenting & Addressing Unsatisfactory 50.21
PERSI Enrollment for Temporary Hourly Employees 55.36
Personal Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems on Campus
Pets on Campus 95.16
Petty Cash Reimbursement 20.04
Photographic Services 90.53
Posting, & Advertising Campus 40.29
Prescription Safety Eyewear Program 35.72
Principal Investigators, Co-Principal Investigators, and/or Project Directors; Eligibility, Competency and Effort Requirements for 45.22
Printing and Design Services (Creative Services) 90.54
Privately Funded Capital Projects 40.06
Prize Competitions 45.24
Proactive UI Network Security Measures 30.14
Processing Charitable Gifts 71.50
Program Income 45.13
Promotional Expense Allowability, Summary of 70.20
Property & Asset Conservation 35.34
Property Coverage 05.02
Property Inventory and Products 10.40
Property, Surplus Property Inventory & Disposal Procedures 10.41
Proposals, Request for (RFPs) 60.12
Public Records Requests 65.03
Public Use & Liabilities 35.35
Public Works 60.15
Purchase Orders, Payments against 75.33
Purchases and Charges, External UI 60.05
Purchases and Charges, Internal UI 60.04
Purchases, Emergency 60.43
Purchasing Services Chapter 60
Purchasing Card 75.37
Purchasing Criteria 60.02
Purchasing, General Responsibilities 60.03
Purchasing, General Terms and Conditions 60.06

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Quotations, Request for (RFQs) 60.10

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Radiation Safety, Acquisition of Radioactive Materials 35.81
Real Estate, UI Property Transactions 61.62
Records Management Chapter 65
Records Center Reference Requests 65.04
Records Inventory, Retention and Disposition 65.02
Recreational Fires - Obtaining Permission/Permits 35.25
Recycled Paper 60.50
Rehabilitation Facilities 60.51
Renovation, New and Major (Building Construction) 40.03
Reporting An Injury or Occupational Illness 35.71
Reporting Incidents of Violent or Threatening Behavior 95.33
Request for Bids (RFBs) 60.11
Request for Proposals (RFPs) 60.12
Requests for Quotations (RFQs) 60.10
Research Policies Chapter 45
Respirator Protection and Use 35.51
Responsible Conduct of Research Training Policy 45.21
Results-Oriented Job Descriptions (ROJDs), Writing 50.55
Retiree Benefits 55.39
Retirement Preparation and Procedures 55.34
Returned Checks 20.05
Risk Management Chapter 5
Risk Management and Insurance 05.01

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Sabbatical Leave, Continuation of Benefits/Insurance during 55.42
Safety, Environmental Health and Chapter 35
Safety, Human Resource Training 35.33
Safety & Loss Control Program 35.32
Salary Overpayments 55.03
Sale of Materials to Students 20.10
Security Authorities (Campus) 95.14
Security Cameras 95.13
Select Agents and Toxins 45.20
Service Centers, Policies and Practices 20.20
Sexual Assault, Education/Prevention and Responding to 95.20
Shared Leave Application/Donation Process 55.07
Shipping, Receiving and Delivery of Freight (Campus Mail & Receiving) 40.27
Sick/Annual/Holiday & Comp Time Leave Reporting 55.08
Sight Drafts for Payments Other than Wages, Use of 75.36
Smoking 35.28
Snow Removal, FMO 40.22
Sole Source Procurements (see Waiver of Bid Requirements) 60.13
Solicitation and Selling 20.12
Space, University 40.10
Speakers and Presenters, (Invited) Payment of Honoraria 75.40
Specification Writing 60.46
Sponsored Programs, Office of Chapter 45
Sponsored Project Budgets, Early Setup and Advance Funding of 45.05
Sponsored Project Closeout and Recordkeeping Responsibilities 45.12
Sponsored Projects Changes Requiring Prior Approval from Sponsor 45.14
Student Fee Payments 20.09
Student Health Services 90.24
Student Sales, Sale of Materials to Students 20.10
Subawards 45.15
Surplus Property Inventory & Disposal Procedures 10.41
Sustainability Revolving Loan Fund 40.12

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Taxes, Idaho Sales Tax Collection 20.11
Taxes, Unrelated Business Income (Tax) 20.60
Telephone, Service Procedures UI removed
Temporary Hourly Employment 50.53
Threatening Behavior, Reporting Incidents of 95.33
Toxins, Select Agents and 45.20
Timely Warnings 95.24
Training, Safety 35.33
Transferring Records to the Records Center 65.05
Travel Chapter 70
Travel (果冻传媒麻豆社) -- Overview 70.02
Travel Advances, UI Employees 70.06
Travel by Nonemployees on UI Business 70.08
Travel Entitlements 70.04
Travel Expenses Paid from Nonappropriated Funds 70.09
Travel, Foreign; Liability and Medical Evacuation Assistance 05.05
Travel Forms - Authorization/Encumbrance/Advance and Expense 70.05
Travel, (Lodging) Payments for Direct Billings 70.07
Tree Recognition and Commemorative Program 40.31
Trust, Gifts and Investments Chapter 71

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Unallowable Costs - Sponsored Projects Expenditure Compliance 45.06
Unclaimed Property 
Unfair Competition Considerations 20.61
University Campus Security 95.14
University Closures 95.21
University Data Classification and Standards 30.11
University Dining -- Catering, Beverage, and Vending Services 80.31
University Housing Services -- Reservations 80.33
University Services Chapter 90
University Space 40.10
University Support Services - Auxiliary Services 80.22
Unmanned Aircraft Systems on Campus, Personal Use of 
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (“UAS”) 45.35
Unrelated Business Income (Tax) 20.60
Unsatisfactory Performance of Classified Staff, Documenting & Addressing 50.21
Use of Site Drafts for Payments Other than Wages 75.36
Utilities and Engineering 40.25

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Vandal Alert Notification System 90.24
VandalCard Staff Requirements 90.37
Vandal Identification Cards 90.35
Vandal Identification Cards Disposal 90.36
Vehicle Purchases, New and Used 60.47
Vehicle Coverage and Use 05.08
Verification of Degrees and Educational Status of Job 50.19
Verifying Employment Eligibility for New Employees 50.04
Video Production Center Services 90.55
Violent & Threatening Behavior, Reporting 95.33
Volunteers, Authorization of 05.11

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Waiver of Competitive Bid Process (formerly Sole Source Procurements) 60.13
Weapons (firearms, guns)  95.12 
Workers' Compensation 55.32

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119