3480 - Compensation for Service in Addition to Regular Duties
- Position: Human Resources Director/Vice Provost for Faculty
- Email: hr@uidaho.edu / provost@uidaho.edu
Last updated: July 01, 2024
A. The president or designee may request a UI exempt employee or faculty member to perform responsibilities or provide services beyond the scope of the employee’s primary appointment. The president or designee can authorize payments in addition to regular salary and these payments must be reported to the regents in a semi-annual report. See ., ., Deans and other administrative officers are responsible for ensuring that required approvals have been granted for employees receiving additional compensation for service that is not part of the employee's position description. See FSH 3120 for faculty obligations during periods of appointment and summer session.
B. The following activities are considered additional duties subject to this policy:
B-1. Employees teaching during the intersession between fall and spring semesters.
B-2. Employees teaching continuing-education courses or for grading correspondence-study courses when such activities are not a part of their regularly assigned responsibilities. No combination of continuing-education or other teaching overloads is to impose a total requirement on the employee's time that is greater than about one additional day a week (exclusive of periods of vacation leave or legal holidays).
B-3. Services to UI that are clearly beyond the employee's assigned duties and are not performed on days for which the employee is paid for regular duties. Such services are subject to the limitations on private consulting stated in FSH 3260. In addition, prior approval by the employee's departmental administrator must include a certification that:
a. The work to be performed is an overload,
b. Work schedules cannot be rearranged to include the work in the employee's regular duties, and
c. No other qualified UI personnel are available to do the work as a part of their regular duties.
See FSH 3440 for policies regarding compensation for classified staff performing service in addition to regular duties.
Version History
Amended July 2024. Revised to clarify that policy applies to all employees. Language clarified throughout.
Amended July 2021. Editorial changes.
Amended January 2007. Editorial changes.
Amended July 2002. Revised to incorporate regents’ policy changes.
Amended July 1988. Revised to clarify what needed regents’ approval.
Adopted 1979.