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3740 - Employee Educational Assistance


  • Position: Associate Vice President for Finance
  • Email: vpfinance@uidaho.edu

Last updated: January 01, 2017


A. Policy
B. Student Employees Excluded
C. Employees Not on Appointment during Summer
D. Employees' Registration Limited and Administrators' Approval
E. Registration for Other than Regular Credit
F. Termination of Employment
G. Limited to Regular Programs and Terms
H. Limitation to Academic Services

A. POLICY. Under the Employee Educational Assistance Program, board-appointed UI employees on regular appointment who work at least half-time (including those on official leave), may enroll in the university for reduced fees ($20 registration fee plus $5 a credit). The value of waivers received as Employee Educational Assistance may be excludable from taxable income in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, with certain limitations. Please refer to the Benefits section of the Human Resources website for specific terms and conditions. Enrollment in courses under this program is deemed to be either (1) required as a condition of employment to maintain or improve skills, or (2) of benefit to the university. Participation in the Employee Educational Assistance Program is subject to the provisions, interpretations, and limitations contained in the following subsections. 

B. STUDENT EMPLOYEES EXCLUDED. Employees who are full-time students, including instructional assistants and graduate assistants, are not eligible for this program and are required to pay tuition and other fees charged to full-time students. (Consult the Graduate Bulletin for information concerning assistantships.)

C. EMPLOYEES NOT ON APPOINTMENT DURING SUMMER. An eligible employee who holds an appointment during a spring semester and for the ensuing fall semester, but is not on appointment during the intervening summer, may register under this policy for the equivalent of full-time study or fewer credits during that summer session.

D. EMPLOYEES' REGISTRATION LIMITED AND ADMINISTRATORS' APPROVAL REQUIRED. Written approval of the employee's department administrator and dean or director must be entered on a Faculty-Staff Registration Permit Form which should be attached to the registration form. Faculty-Staff Registration Permit Forms are available in the departments. An employee's registration for courses under this policy is limited to six credits in a semester, three credits in the summer session, and three credits per year in intersession courses. These limits may be exceeded only with the prior approval of the provost. If these limits are exceeded, full fees and applicable tuition are charged for those credits that exceed the specified limit. Moreover, if the class attendance is to be during normal duty hours, the employee and the administrative superior are responsible for establishing a mutually satisfactory arrangement under which the employee will carry out the full services for which he or she is appointed and paid. The employee is expected to take annual leave when taking intersession courses. 

E. REGISTRATION FOR OTHER THAN REGULAR CREDIT. In applying the credit limitations in C, courses taken for audit, zero-credit, or CEUs are counted as if they were taken for regular credit.

F. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. If an employee's appointment is terminated during an academic period for which the employee is registered for academic work under this policy, the academic work must be terminated unless the applicable fees are paid.

G. LIMITATION TO REGULAR PROGRAMS AND TERMS. This educational assistance program applies only to courses that are offered as a part of the regular program on the Moscow campus during a regular academic session or intersession period. Specifically, courses offered through correspondence or continuing education are excluded from this program.

H. LIMITATION TO ACADEMIC SERVICES. An employee who is registered under this policy is entitled only to academic services (e.g., instruction and use of the library). Other services covered by regular fees, such as student health services, insurance, ASUI membership, student activities, and admission to athletic events, are not included. Special fees imposed for certain aspects of instruction, such as for special courses and programs, individual instruction in music, and course-related field trips, must be paid.

Version History

Amended January 2017. Minor edits to update the policy and avoid specific reference to the Internal Revenue Code.

Amended July 2009. Editorial changes.

Amended July 2002. Editorial changes to A and D.

Amended July 2001. Editorial changes.

Amended July 2000. Editorial changes.

Amended July 1997. Editorial changes.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119