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3880 - Grievance Procedures for Student Employees


  • Position: Director of Human Resources
  • Email: hr@uidaho.edu

Last updated: June 01, 2009

A. INTRODUCTION. The procedures provided in this policy are to be used by student employees to appeal administrative decisions made in relation to their employment such as performance evaluation, salary determination, and to challenge the contents of personnel files. Allegations of sexual harassment or discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability are not subject to this policy, but should be brought to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations.


B-1. A student employee with a complaint is encouraged to resolve it through the supervisory channels up through the departmental administrator. This includes informal negotiations between the person with the grievance and his or her supervisor. If the grievance cannot be satisfied by working informally, the student should notify the judicial officer in Student Advisory Services utilizing a "Student Employee Grievance Report" form available from Student Advisory Services (see end of this section)

B-2. After consultation with the judicial adviser, an aggrieved student employee may take his or her complaint to the Grievance Committee for Student Employees. This committee is appointed following the filing of a complaint.  It shall consist of five members. One staff member selected by the Staff Council from its membership, one faculty member selected by the Faculty Senate from its membership, and three students selected by the ASUI from its Senators. The committee once formed will select its own chair.  Members of the Staff Council, Faculty Senate, and ASUI Senate will be offered opportunities to participate in periodic training sessions conducted by the Office of Development and Training to ensure their understanding of University policies and procedures. Members of the Staff Council, Faculty Senate and ASUI Senate are encouraged to attend training sessions if they are interested in hearing grievances. The committee's hearings are conducted in an informal atmosphere, but a person must be recognized by the chair before speaking. The Grievance Committee is responsible for adopting rules for the conduct of a hearing and for following the guidance and decisions of the chair. After all information has been presented and all questioning completed, the Grievance Committee arrives at a conclusion and, within one week after hearing the case, presents a written recommendation to the employee involved, the employee's supervisor, and the dean for Student Advisory Services.

B-3. The dean for Student Advisory Services, following receipt of the report of the hearing board, has the responsibility of promptly responding in writing—and in any case within 45 days—to the student employee, and the hearing board, and of providing a statement of the rationale for his or her decision.

B-4. Appeal to the Regents. See .

A nonclassified employee may elect to petition the Board to review any final personnel related decision of the chief executive officer. Any written petition must be filed in the Office of the State Board of Education within fifteen (15) calendar days after the employee receives written notice of final action under the internal procedures of the institution, agency, school, or office. The Board may agree to review the final action, setting out whatever procedure and conditions for review it deems appropriate, or it may choose not to review the final action. The fact that a written petition has been filed does not stay the effectiveness of the final decision nor does it grant a petition for review unless specifically provided by the Board. Board review is not a matter of right. An employee need not petition the Board for review in order to have exhausted administrative remedies for the purposes of judicial review. (Form Below)

Download: Student Employee Grievance Report (Word)
View: Student Employee Grievance Report (PDF)

Version History

Amended July 2021. Editorial changes.

Amended January 2010. Editorial changes to B-2.

Amended July 2009. Revised the Student Employee Grievance form. Editorial changes to A and B-2.

Amended January 2008. Editorial changes.

Amended January 2007. Editorial changes to A.

Amended July 2005. Editorial changes to B-2.

Amended July 2004. Editorial changes to B-2.

Amended July 2002. This section was thoroughly revised.

Amended July 1997. Editorial changes.

Adopted 1979.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119