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4220 - Academic Co-operation Between UI and Neighboring Institutions of Higher Education
Position: Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management
Last updated:
July 01, 2013
A. GENERAL POLICY. The establishment of cooperative programs requires approval of the faculty through the university curriculum review process and an agreement of understanding with the cooperating institution signed by the Provost. Cooperative academic offerings foster partnerships and strengthen academic programs. These cooperative efforts may include the cooperative-listing of regularly offered courses between the two institutions and the exchange of faculty members on a semester basis and administrative support services.
Version History
Amended July 2013. Removed the following sections: B: Procedures, C: Catalog Designation of Co operative Courses, D; Co operative Offering of Standard Number Courses.
Amended July 2002. Added Lewis Clark State College to institutions allowed to provide cooperatively offered courses. Additionally, other minor grammatical changes were made.