We have several confidential and semi-confidential reporting options on campus and in our community as well as other non-confidential resources in place to assist with support and services. Instructors and professors and staff members are required to report a disclosure of sexual misconduct.
Confidential reporting locations do not disclose the information you share to the university, the police or anyone else without your permission or extenuating circumstances (e.g., imminent threat of harm). Please note: Gritman Medical Center will contact police and advocacy agencies but it is your decision if you want to speak with an agency representative.
Counseling and Mental Health Center
Forney Hall, 3rd Floor
(24 hour crisis hotline)
Office campus, Palouse
208-883-HELP (4357)
(24 hour crisis hotline)
Vandal Health Clinic
Student Health, 129
Gritman Medical Center
Off Campus, S. Main Street
Semi confidential
Semi confidential reporting locations do not disclose information that does not amount to a “Clery Crime” and did not occur on campus. Even if what you do report is a Clery Crime that occurred on campus, your name and specific disclosure is not reported. All that is reported is what the crime was and where it occurred (e.g., on-campus property, non-campus property, or public property).
Women’s Center
Memorial Gym, 109
Non confidential
Office of the Dean of Students
TLC, 232
TLC, 230
Safe Walk
Entire Campus
208-885-7233 (SAFE)
Moscow Police Department
Idaho Student Union Building
911 or 208-882-COPS (2677)
Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Form
Ensure U of I is a safe and engaging place for students to learn and be successful.