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Dr Arthi Manohar
Senior Lecturer in Design

Michael Sterling 160


Teaching Responsibilities:

Programme Director, BSc Product Design

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Director

Module Leader Level 3 BAs and BSc, Interaction and User Experince Design - 2020 to present 

Module Leader Level 2 BSCs, Digital Design Prototyping 2023 to present 

Module Leader Level 2 BAs, Technical Design Applications - 2020 to 2024

Module Leader Level 1 BAs and BSc, Design Communication - 2020 to 2023

Module Leader Level 2 Professional Practice and Preperation for Professional Practice - 2019 and 2021

Co-tutor Level 4 MSc Integrated Product Design, Professional Design Studio - 2019 and 2023

Selected Masters Dissertation supervision:

Inclusive Design to reduce Gender Bias in Public Transport - Qingyang Xu, 2020-2021

Women are for Mars? Speculative Design fro Future Habitats on Mars with a Focus on Women. Jon Ruscoe, 2021 to 2022. 

Felt-Experience in Data Visualisation of Quantified-Self. Kanchan Bapan, 2020-2021

Enhancing the in-store customer experience By using AI and AR - Fahad Alhathal, 2018-19.

Heritage Rejuvenation: Design-led Branding strategy to save heritage from obsolescence - Ting Ya Chuang, 2018-19.

Exploring the Role of Design Thinking within Artificial Intelligence - Andrea Gomez de la Vara, 2018-19.