Research opportunities for students
Design-led technology innovation for digital and digital-physical systems, products, services and experiences - Brunel Digital Design Lab undertakes human-centred projects across a range of application areas, with the current and completed work covering inclusive design of immersive content and interfaces (VR, AR and MR), digital audio-visual production tools, design for health, assistive technology, social networking, the IoT, e-Government, m-Learning and digital arts. The lab has also been involved in projects within the contexts of physical-only product design and environmental design. The lab benefits from the use of a dedicated space with an assortment of immersive technology equipment. We welcome new collaboration opportunities with industry and academia and PhD candidates interested to join our team.
We welcome PhD candidates on topics related to these areas:
- User Experience (UX) Design
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Immersive Technologies: Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR)
- Inclusive Design
- Design for Health
- Assistive Technology
- Creative Industries
- Digital Economy
- Internet of Things