Zoonoses Resources
Zoonoses and Other Fact Sheets
- Zoonoses associated with Animals (required for all)
- Tetanus Immunization Requirement (required for all)
- Allergies to Laboratory Animals
- Hantavirus Guidelines
- Zoonoses associated with Bats
- Zoonoses associated with Cattle
- Zoonoses associated with Fish – Including Aquarium Fish
- Zoonoses associated with Horses
- Zoonoses associated with Lab Rodents
- Zoonoses associated with Poultry and Other Birds
- Zoonoses associated with Rabbits
- Zoonoses associated with Reptiles and Amphibians
- Zoonoses associated with Small Ruminants and Camelids
- Zoonoses associated with Swine
- Zoonoses associated with Wild Carnivores
- Zoonoses associated with Wild Rodents
- Zoonoses associated with Wild Ungulates
For More Information
Call or email IACUC
The following materials are provided for your education and are not a substitute for consultation with your physician.
Zoonotic Disease Links
A zoonotic disease is a disease of animals that can be transmitted to and cause disease in humans. Animals may or may not show any clinical signs of the disease.
- - a quick way to learn about common occupationally related diseases associated with animals
- National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)