General Education Matriculation Courses
In December 2018, the State Board of Education instituted the implementation of a common course-indexing list for a core set of freshman and sophomore level curricula (100 and 200 level courses) called Idaho General Education Matriculation (GEM). It is designed to provide greater transparency of course articulation, seamless transfer for Idaho’s students, and provides greater consistency for recognition of equivalent courses with similar GEM designation across all state institutions in Idaho.
The following is a list of GEM categories in which courses are grouped. Each institution requires a certain amount of credits to be earned in each category. These GEM courses may change so please check with the Idaho institution advisor before registering for a course. For more information on navigating the transfer of credits across Idaho institutions, please see .
Below you will find a list of the ISI Courses that count towards Idaho GEM requirements:
General Education Matriculation Courses
State Level GEM
- ENGL 101: Writing and Rhetoric I - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- ENGL 102: Writing and Rhetoric II - 3 Credits (go to course page)
State Level GEM
- COMM 101: Fundamentals of Communication - 3 Credits (go to course page)
State Level GEM
- MATH 123: Math in Modern Society - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- MATH 143: College Algebra - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- MATH 160: Survey of Calculus - 4 Credits ( go to course page)
- MATH 170: Calculus I - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- MATH 1153: Introduction to Statistics - 3 Credits (go to course page)
State Level GEM
- ENVS 101: Introduction to Environmental Science - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- EPPN 154: Microbiology and the World Around Us - 3 Credits (approved for U of I degrees, go to course page)
- PHYS 1100: Essentials of Physics - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- PHYS 111: General Physics I - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- PHYS 112: General Physics II - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- PHYS 1152: Descriptive Astronomy - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- PHYS 1153: Descriptive Astronomy Lab - 1 Credit (go to course page)
State Level GEM
- ART 100: Introduction to Art - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- ENGL 175: Literature and Ideas - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- MUSI 100: Introduction to Music - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- MUSH 201: History of Rock and Roll - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- PHIL 103: Introduction to Ethics - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish I - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish II - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- THE 101: Introduction to the Theatre - 3 Credits (go to course page)
Institution Specific GEM
- HIST 111: United States History I - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- HIST 112: United States History II - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- HIST 461: Idaho and the Pacific Northwest - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- HIST 462: History of the American West - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- MUSI 100: Introduction to Music - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- POLS 101: American National Government - 3 Credits (go to course page)
Institution Specific GEM
- ID 300U: Women in the 20th Century - 3 Credits (go to course page)
Institution Specific GEM
- ART 100: Introduction to Art - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- HIST 101: World History I - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- HIST 102: World History II - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- HIST 180: Introduction to East Asian History - 3 Credits (go to course page)
- SPAN 101: Elementary Spanish I - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- SPAN 102: Elementary Spanish II - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish I - 4 Credits (go to course page)
- SPAN 202: Intermediate Spanish II - 4 Credits (go to course page)
Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing
State Level GEM