Research and Extension
The Department of Soil and Water Systems is active in basic, applied and interdisciplinary research and delivers UI Extension programming.
- The largest grant in U of I history will help farmers combat changing climate with an emphasis on soil health.
- Researchers will study soil at the world’s greatest depth in the new Deep Soil Ecotron.
Idaho Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
- The nation’s largest dairy will include a demonstration farm focused on soil and water health.
- This UI Extension program provides a unique opportunity to learn about and document regional water issues.
Pedology Laboratory
- Current research focuses on the environmental factors and processes that form soils and ultimately influence their use and management.
Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center
- Healthy soil is a foundation of the certified organic heirloom fruit orchard in Sandpoint.
Soil Health
- The UI Extension soil health program helps farmers improve soil health on their farms.
Soil Orders
- Learn about the distribution, properties, ecological significance and use of the 12 soil orders.
Sixth Street Greenhouse Complex
- Explore the compartments and growth chambers programmed with the fully automated Argus environmental control system, as well as its own weather station.
Water Resources
- The water resources group at the U of I Kimberly Research and Extension Center conducts research on water quality and hydrology.
- Explore our collection of bulletins, field guides and other publications.