Soil Stewards Student Farm
Soil Stewards Farm provides an opportunity for students to learn and practice the principles of sustainable, small-acreage market garden production. Our student farmers gain important hands-on experience and leadership skills through the operation of the certified organic farm. Students who work at the farm learn to apply scientific knowledge to management and receive the hands-on training to sustain the Soil Stewards Farm.
Produce sale every Thursday from 4-6 p.m. (June-September)
Available produce will vary depending on the season but the Soil Stewards grow diversified vegetables from greens to tomatoes, kale, onions, potatoes, pumpkins and more. Please check our or sites to stay up to date on plant sales, produce sales and other updates.
Explore the Department of Soil and Water Systems degree programs, resources for small farms and visit the USDA certified organic U of I Sandpoint Organic Agriculture Center.