Post a Job/Internship
Before you get started, please be aware that all job postings must meet Career Services' recruiting policy.
Returning Users
- Click "Job" in the left-hand navigation bar
- Click "New Job" in the upper-right-hand corner
- Complete the process through Basics, Details, Description, Schools and Requirements.
- Click "Create" to submit.
Submitted jobs are sent to the Career Services office for review. Employers will be notified in Handshake when postings are approved.
New Users
For clearer identification and security purposes, the account email should match your official organization email. For example, or Click the "Employer" button to create a new account
- Follow the instructions
Once an account is established, employers can connect with U of I by following these steps:
- Click "Schools" in the navigation bar on the left
- Click the "Find Schools" button on the top of the screen
- Search "University of Idaho"
- Once you locate our university, click "Request Approval"
Requests to connect will come to the Career Services office. Employers must meet Career Services' recruiting policy to be approved. Employers will be notified of approval via email, and are then able to post jobs and register for career fairs using the return user instructions above.
Email Career Services or call 208-885-6121. Thank you for your patience.