West Ada Principal Cohort
Please visit the Educational Leadership Program website and learn more about the Master’s Degree (M.Ed.) as preparation for principal endorsement.
EDAD 570 Methods of Educational Research
This course focuses on analysis of diverse types of educational research; familiarization with research resources and literature survey procedures; evaluation of educational research; implications for, and application to, educational practice. The course emphasizes scientific methods of investigation; development of competency to conduct a research study and write a research paper.
EDAD 528 Leading Standards Driven Instruction
This course explores the administrator’s role as instructional leader with a focus on managing curriculum and instruction aligned to state college and career-ready standards. Students will develop skills in program and student assessment for continuous school improvement. Skills relating to auditing curriculum, reviewing results, and making recommendations for improvement are applied.
EDAD 509 Educational Policy and Politics for Educational Leaders
This course is an introduction to the complex and often contested field of politics and education. It explores the principles and problems of organization and administration of American education, including local, regional, state, and federal systems. Students examine the roles of policy making organizations by unpacking educational policymaking during the annual legislative session. Students apply their learning as they communicate with policymakers and leaders to articulate and plan implementation of a recent statute change in their district.
EDAD 533 Multicultural Diversity and Educational Leadership
This course focuses on what it means to lead educational organizations in a diverse society. The educational leader’s role in creating an inclusive learning environment is explored. The course includes policy, theory, and practice as they related to diverse school populations.
EDAD 534 The Principalship
This course prepares students for assuming the role of elementary or secondary school principal with emphasis on current practical leadership skills required for confidence and success in the role of principal. The course focuses on 1) what effective principals should know and be able to do in today’s rapidly changing educational environment, and 2) current best practices for effective school leadership and practice in specific leadership skills. This course also prepares students to the systemic components of today’s schools within the framework of a learning organization, i.e., an organization focused on student achievement; faculty, staff, administrative and board professional development; and, parent involvement and community engagement as part of continuous improvement.
EDAD 535 School Finance
This course provides an overview of school finance and building-level daily funding operations. This course also examines theory and application of financing schools with an application to Idaho schools. Students will develop management skills, concepts, and information needed to develop and administer a building-level budget within a district.
EDAD 595 Administration and Supervision of Personnel
This course is designed to prepare school administrators for effective hiring, supervision and evaluation of certificated and non-certificated personnel. The course emphasizes supervision and evaluation processes for improving employee performance. Students will learn application of Idaho statutes, case law, and school district policies. Students will have the opportunity to score teachers’ performance using the state’s approved evaluation framework.
EDAD 513 Administration of Special Education Law
This course is designed to provide an in-depth exploration of the legal issues related to delivery of special education and student services. This course examines current legal frameworks, including, but not limited to case law, statutes and regulations used to address issues in this area.
EDAD 530 Ethical Leadership and Law in Education
This course provided a comprehensive overview of the ethical and legal principles underpinning primary and secondary education in America and in Idaho. The course familiarizes students with statutory, regulatory, and case law focusing on Idaho, as well as general administrative and constitutional law principles affecting education. Students will examine ethical dilemmas and case law.
EDAD 598 Internship
1-16 credits
The internship is designed to offer a range of practical experiences and professional challenges in authentic educational settings to help prepare students for assuming the roles of Principals, Superintendent of Schools and Special Education Directors.
You may choose to earn a second master’s degree.
However, if you already hold a Master’s Degree (for example: Master in Teaching), you may be interested in earning an Education Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree as preparation for principal endorsement. The Education Specialist Degree (Ed.S.) is made up of 30 credits from an earned Master’s Degree + 30 credits from graduate-level courses completed in the U of I program for a total of 60 credits.
» Learn more:
Fall 2023
- EDAD 570 – Methods of Educational Research
- EDAD 528 – Leading Standards Driven Instruction
Spring 2024
- EDAD 509 – Policy & Politics for Educational Leaders
- EDAD 530 – Ethical Leadership & Law in Education
Summer 2024
- EDAD 534 – The Principalship
- EDAD 535 – School Finance
Fall 2024
- EDAD 595 – Administration & Supervision of Personnel
- EDAD 513 – Administration of Special Education Law
- EDAD 598 – Internship, Building Level (1 credit)
Spring 2025
- EDAD 533 – Multicultural Diversity & Ed Leadership
- EDAD 598 – Internship, Building Level (2 credits)
The courses are taught live, face-to-face with online components. The majority, if not all courses within the cohort, will be taught by West Ada School District leaders. All face-to-face courses will meet at the West Ada District Service – Training Center. Two courses are taught most semesters; over the 16-week period one course is taught the first eight weeks and a second course is taught during the final eight weeks in the semester. Thus, following a quarterly course schedule during the Fall/Spring 2023-24, Summer 2024, and Fall/Spring 2024-25 semesters AND aligns to the West Ada school calendar. Learning outcomes, assignments, readings, materials, and projects specifically designed to model the current practices/procedures of our West Ada building administrators. You’ll finish and graduate with the 果冻传媒麻豆社 in May 2025.
The administrative internship takes place near the completion of the program and spans two semesters. Students in the cohort will complete 1 credit of the EDAD 598 internship course during Fall Semester of 2024 and 2 credits during Spring of 2025. With district approval, students may be allowed to complete all or part of their internship experience within their own building, working with their building administrator(s).
果冻传媒麻豆社 Educational Leadership-Graduate Admissions and click the “apply now” button.
Current admission requirements for the Educational Leadership Program can be found at the Educational Leadership website.
Tuition and fee costs can be found online here: Tuition and Fee Schedule - Student Accounts
Please visit U of I’s Financial Aid website for contact information.
The 2nd West Ada cohort program will begin coursework Fall 2023; includes coursework spring, summer and fall semesters 2024; and complete Spring 2025. A typical semester is 2 courses and 6 credits. Fall semester of 2024 would be a 7-credit load, with 1 credit of internship in addition to the 2 courses. Spring of 2025 would be only 5 credits, with one course and 2 credits of internship. Please visit the Cohort Degree Roadmap for a printable version.
The number of hours per week students spend on their studies outside of class varies. Graduate-level courses in this program are designed with a student-centered focus, while providing a challenging, high-quality learning experience. Students can expect to commit anywhere from 3-5 hours outside of class per week per course.
Applicants need to have 4 years of certificated teaching experience to be eligible for an administrative endorsement. Meaning, you potentially begin the cohort with fewer than 4 years of certificated experience.
The Idaho State Board of Education publishes the eligibility requirements for a Standard Administrator Certificate, School Principal Endorsement. Here is a link to a . Be sure to scroll down to page 10 (015.03.a.i-v.) to learn more about eligibility requirements.
If you have additional questions about endorsements or institutional recommendation for endorsement, please feel free to contact Dr. Bethani Studebaker bstudebaker@uidaho.edu
- Please indicate your interest in being a part of the cohort in your statement of purpose, which is part of the required application materials.
- Request a recommendation letter from WASD Superintendent, Dr. Derek Bub, principal/building administrator and one from a colleague.