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Tao Xing, Ph.D., P.E.

Tao Xing, Ph.D., P.E.



Engineering Physics 324G




Mailing Address

Mechanical Engineering
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 0902
Moscow, Idaho 83844-0902


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, August 2002
  • M.S., Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Xi’an, 1998
  • B.S., Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiao Tong University, Xi’an, 1995

Research Laboratory

3-D Imaging and Printing Lab

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  • Verification, validation and uncertainty quantification
  • Fluid-structure interactions
  • Biofluids and Biomechanics
  • Vehicle Aerodynamics
  • Wind turbines

Dr. Tao Xing received my Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 2002. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2011. He is the Director of the 果冻传媒麻豆社 3D Imaging and Printing Laboratory. His research interests focus on both fundamental and applied CFD in multi-disciplines. Fundamental CFD research includes estimation of errors and uncertainties using quantitative solution verification and validation (V&V) methods and entropy generation for bypass transitional boundary layers. Applied CFD research covers a broad range of disciplines where CFD can be used to improve understanding of flow physics and optimize designs: onshore and offshore wind turbine designs, vehicle aerodynamics, pulmonary ventilation including fluid-structure interaction, ship hydrodynamics, energy savings for modern buildings, and desalination, etc.

His teaching interests focus on development of concept-driven adaptive learning modules toward achieving ABET learning outcomes, integration of simulation technology into engineering courses and laboratories, and development of effective formative and summative evaluation methods. He has been the author or co-author of 42 refereed journal papers, 36 peer-reviewed conference papers, and 2 book chapters. His Google Scholar h-index and i10-index are 24 and 40, respectively. As a PI or Co-PI, he has secured more than 3.8 million dollars funding since he joined the 果冻传媒麻豆社 in 2011 including U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Transportation, Percussionaire Corp., Vorsana Inc., Murdock foundation, Avista Corp., Biogen, Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM), and The 果冻传媒麻豆社. He has graduated one Ph.D. student and five M.S./M.E. students and am currently advising two Ph.D. students. He serves as an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification and an executive member of the editorial board of Journal of Hydrodynamics (Springer). He is a licensed U.S. Professional Engineer (P.E.). He also has the certificate of Design Teach Online from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

  • Khani, M., Burla, G.K.R., Sass, L.R., Arters, O.N., Xing, T., Wu, H.W., Martin, B.A., 2022, “Human In Silico Trials for Parametric Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Drug Delivery: Impact of Injection Location, Injection Protocol, and Physiology,”, Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, Vol. 19, No. 8 (16 pages).
  • Elshazli, M.T., Mudaqiq, M., Xing, T., Ibrahim, A., Johnson B., Yuan, J.C., 2021, “Experimental Study of using Aerogel Insulation for Residential Buildings,” published online, Advances in Building Energy Research,
  • Wheeler, M.P., Matveev, K.I., Xing, T., 2021, “Numerical Study of Hydrodynamics of Heavily Loaded Hard-Chine Hulls in Calm Water,” Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 184 (18 pages), .
  • Yu, P., Durgesh, V., Xing, T., Budwig, R., 2021, “Application of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition to Study Coherent Flow Structures in a Saccular Aneurysm,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 143, No. 6: 061008 (12 pages),
  • Khani, M., Fu, A.Q., Pluid, J., Gibbs, C.P., Oshinski, J.N., Xing, T., Stewart, G.R., Zeller, J.R., Martin, B.A., 2020, “Intrathecal Catheter Implantation Decreases Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics in Cynomolgus Monkeys,” PLOS ONE, 15(12): e0244090,  .
  • Xing, T., Matveev, K.I., Wheeler, M.P., 2020, "Numerical Study of High-Lift Hydrofoil near Free Surface at Moderate Froude Number," Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 32, issue 1, pp. 44-53,
  • Hammad, A., Xing, T., Abdel-Rahim, A., Durgesh, V., Crepeau, J., 2019, "Effect of Crosswinds on Aerodynamics of Two Passenger Cars Crossing Each Other," International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 997-1008
  • Matveev, K.I., Wheeler, M.P., Xing, T., 2019, "Numerical Simulation of Air Ventilation and its Suppression on Inclined Surface-piercing Hydrofoils," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 175, pp. 251-261
  • Dutta, R., Xing, T., Swanson, C., Heltborg, J., Murdoch, G., 2018, "Comparison of Flow and Gas Washout Characteristics between Pressure Control and High Frequency Percussive Ventilation using a Test Lung," Physiological Measurement, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 035001 (11pp).
  • Dutta, R. and Xing, T., 2018, "Five-equation and Robust Three-equation Method for Solution Verification of Large Eddy Simulations," Journal of Hydrodynamics (Ser. B), Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 23-33.
  • Khani, M., Sass, L., Xing, T., Baledent, O., Martin$, B.A., 2018, "Anthropomorphic Model of Intrathecal Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics within the Spinal Subarachnoid Space: Spinal Cord Nerve Roots Increase Steady-Streaming," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 140, Issue 8, pp. 081012.
  • Dutta, R., Xing, T., Murdoch, G., 2018, "Comparison of pressure, volume and gas washout characteristics between PCV and HFPV in healthy and formalin fixed ex vivo porcine lungs," Physiological Measurement, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 095003 (11pp).
  • Skifton, R., Budwig, Crepeau, J., Xing, T., 2017, "Entropy Generation for a Bypass Transitional Boundary Layer," ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 139, Issue 4, pp. 041203-041203-13, DOI: 10.1115/1.4035223.
  • Khani, M., Xing, T., Gibbs, C., Oshinski, J., Stewart, G.R., Zeller, J.R., Martin, B.A., 2017, "Non-uniform Moving Boundary Method for CFD Simulation of Intrathecal Cerebrospinal Flow Distribution in a Cynomolgus Monkey," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 139, Issue 8, pp. 081005-081005-12.
  • Quallen, S., Xing, T., 2016, "CFD Simulation of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine System Using a Variable-Torque Generator Controller," Renewable Energy, Vol. 97, pp. 230-242, DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2016.05.061
  • Yuan, X.L., Xing, T., 2016, "Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Supercavitating Vehicle's Aft Body," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 114, pp. 37-46, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.01.012 
  • Xing, T., 2015, “A General Framework for Verification and Validation of Large Eddy Simulations,” Journal of Hydrodynamics (Ser. B), Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 163-175. DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(15)60469-3 
  • Xing, T., Stern, F., 2015, "Comment on: 'A Procedure for the Estimation of the Numerical Uncertainty of CFD Calculations based on Grid Refinement Studies' (Eça, L. and Hoekstra, M., 2014, Journal of Computational Physics, 262, pp. 104-130)," Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 301, pp. 484-486.
  • Quallen, S., Xing, T., Carrica, P., Li, Y.W., Xu, J., 2014, "CFD Simulation of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine System Using a Quasi-Static Crowfoot Mooring-Line Model," Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy, Transactions of the ISOPE, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 143-152
  • George, J., Owen, L., Xing, T., McEligot, D.M., Crepeau, J.C., Budwig, R.S., Nolan, K.P., 2014, "Entropy Generation in BypassTransitional Boundary Layer Flows," Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 669-680, DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(14)60075-5
  • Li, Y.W., Paik, K.J., Xing, T., Carrica, P.M., 2012, "Dynamic Overset CFD Simulations of Wind Turbine Aerodynamics," Renewable Energy, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 285-298.
  • Xing, T., Bhushan, S., and Stern, F., 2012, "Vortical and Turbulent Structures for KVLCC2 at Drift Angle 0, 12, and 30 Degrees," Ocean Engineering, Vol. 55, 23-43
  • Xing, T. and Stern, F., 2010, "Factors of Safety for Richardson Extrapolation," ASME Journal of fluids engineering, Vol. 132, No. 6, 061403, DOI: 10.1115/1.4001771

Google scholar profile link:

  • PI,“3D MicroCT Imaging and 3D Printing System—For materials science and bioengineering research,” , 07/01/2021 – 06/30/2024, $250,000.
  • PI, "MRI: Acquisition of a 3D Printer for Studying Biofluids and Biomechanics," U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, & Transport Systems (NSF CBET), Major Research Instrumentation, Award # 2019231, 9/1/2020 - 8/31/2023, $360,774 ($252,542 NSF funding, $108,232 University cost share).
  • Co-PI, "Cellulosic 3D Printing of Modular Building Assemblies," HERC - Higher Education Research Council, Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM), 7/1/2019 - 6/30/2022, $895,000.
  • Co-PI, "Parametric Investigation of Intrathecal Drug Delivery in Humans and Nonhuman Primates by In-vitro and In-silico Simulations," Biogen, 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2020, $584,000.
  • Co-PI, "The Biophysical Ecology of Salmon Redds," U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, 5/13/2019 - 5/12/2022, $498,680.
  • Co-PI, "High Energy Efficient Aerogel-Glazing Coupled with Aerogel-Insulated Walls in Residential Buildings: Phase II," Avista Corp., 6/15/2018 - 9/14/2019, $82,873.
  • Co-PI, "Aerogel Insulation System: An Innovative Energy Efficient Thermal Wall," Avista Corp., 8/1/2017 - 8/30/2018, $88,777.
  • PI, "Comparison of Two Phasitron Designs for IPV," Percussionaire Corp., 2/15/2017 - 6/15/2017, $6,963.
  • Co-PI, "Hydrodynamic Simulator for Brain Therapeutic Development," Vandal Ideas Project, 果冻传媒麻豆社, 7/1/2016 - 8/31/2017, $75,000.
  • PI, "Multi-scale Model of Interaction between Lung and Pulmonary Ventilation," Institute for Modeling, Collaboration and Innovation, 果冻传媒麻豆社, U.S. National Institutes of Health, 01/01/2016 - 01/31/2017,$108,975.
  • PI, "CO2 Scrubber," , 08/24/2015 - 08/23/2016, $8,478.75.
  • PI, "Desalination Investigation," , 08/24/2015 - 08/23/2016,$8,478.75.
  • PI, "Vorsana Desalination Investigation," , 08/16/2015 - 08/15/2016, $97,064.
  • PI, "Aerodynamic Effects on Two-Lane Rural Highway Safety," , Region 10 University Transportation Center (UTC), , 08/01/2015 - 07/31/2016, $120,000 ($60,000DOT funding, $60,000 果冻传媒麻豆社 matching).
  • PI, "Initial Study on Vorsana Desalter," , 08/15/2014 - 6/20/2015, $70,626.
  • PI, "Colmac Drainpan Defrost," ,08/25/2014 - 5/29/2015, $4,423.65.
  • PI, "Automatic and Dynamic Cleaning System for Commercial Fish Ponds," Service-Learning Mini-Grant, 果冻传媒麻豆社, 2014, $750.
  • Co-PI, "Acquisition of an Adaptive Computation Server for Support of STEM Research at the 果冻传媒麻豆社," 03/27/14 - 03/26/15, , $240,000.
  • Co-PI, "MRI: Acquisition of an Adaptive Computation Server for Support of STEM Research at the 果冻传媒麻豆社," Sept. 1, 2012 - Aug. 31, 2015, U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Computer and Network Systems, Major Research Instrumentation, Award # 1229766,$428,571 ($300,000 NSF funding, $128,571 U of I cost share).
  • PI, "CFD Modeling of the Vorsana McCutchen Processor," May 25, 2012 - Aug. 25, 2012, $36,023,
  • PI, "Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Electromagnetic Separation Device," July 1, 2012 - Aug. 31, 2014, Seed Grant, $11,969.60, 果冻传媒麻豆社.
  • PI, "Collaborative Research: Simulation Based Design for Deep Water Offshore Wind Turbines Including Wave Loads and Motions," U.S. National Science Foundation, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems, , $200,731 (May-Dec. 2011) awarded at Tuskegee; $118,998 (Jan. 1, 2012 - Apr. 30, 2015) subawarded to 果冻传媒麻豆社.

  • University Excellence in Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Efforts Award, 2019
  • University Mid-Career Faculty Award, 2018
  • Outstanding Young Faculty Award, College of Engineering, 果冻传媒麻豆社, 2015
  • Alumni Award for Excellence, 果冻传媒麻豆社, 2014
  • Alumni Award for Excellence, 果冻传媒麻豆社, 2013

Contact Us

Engineering Physics Building Rm. 324K

Mailing Address:

Mechanical Engineering
875 Perimeter Drive MS 0902
Moscow, ID 83844-0902

Phone: 208-885-6579

Email: medept@uidaho.edu