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Join 4-H in Benewah County and meet new friends or participate with friends you already have. Youth learn many positive life skills while participating in 4-H that will come in very handy as they get older and are asked to handle more responsibilities in their own life, whether it be at school, at home or at their job. Join us and "Learn by Doing!"

Join 4-H

  • 4-H is open year-round to youth ages 5-18 without regard to race, creed, gender, marital status, handicaps or disadvantages, economic or ethnic backgrounds.
  • 4-H age is the age of the individual on Jan.1 of the current 4-H year (which runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30).
  • For youth to be able to participate in the 4-H division of the Benewah County Fair they must be enrolled by March 3.
  • To be eligible for enrollment in 4-H or any 4-H program, participants whether it is a member or a volunteer, must be in compliance with state and county policies, and not have any outstanding debts/payments due.


  • Cloverbuds is an educational program designed to introduce young children to a variety of 4-H projects areas in a fun, non-competitive way.  This way the littles can decide what interests them the most for later in their 4-H career.
  • Cloverbuds are only allowed to show lap animal and they are not able to participate in projects that include large animals, ATV or shooting sports.
  • To learn more about the cloverbud program visit Cloverbuds on the UI Extension 4-H Youth Development webpage.

  • Members can experience any of the project areas available, unless the project itself is limited by age or grade.

  • Idaho's 4-H program wouldn't exist without it's 4-H volunteers.
  • People volunteer in many different ways depending on their interests, skills and time they can devote to 4-H
  • As a volunteer you may;
    • Lead a 4-H project in a subject area that excites you - forestry, fishing, clothing, foods, animals and many more.
    • Manage a 4-H community club.
    • Teach a workshop at a day camp or special event.
    • Learn to judge and volunteer time judging at different events.
    • Be an Outreach to Military Kids volunteer.
    • Hosting visiting 4-Hers or their chaperones in your home.
    • Chaperone 4-Hers on one-month cultural experience in Norway, Japan, Argentina, Australia or Finland.
    • Help with 4-H fundraising. Contact Friends of 4-H to learn more.
    • Become a certified shooting sports instructor


Located in: St. Maries
Volunteers: Windy Sotin and Susan Sotin


  • Market & Breeding Beef,
  • Dairy Cow,
  • Market & Breeding Market Goat,
  • Dairy Goat,
  • Market & Breeding Sheep,
  • Market & Breeding Swine,
  • Market, Pet and Breeding Rabbit,
  • Market, Family Flock (Pet), Laying Hens/Pullets and Market Turkeys

Located in: St. Maries
Volunteers: Lynn Masterson, Gabrial Harold and Lynee' Law


  • Market & Breeding Beef,
  • Dairy Cattle,
  • Market & Dairy Goat,
  • Market & Breeding Sheep,
  • Swine - Market

Located in: St. Maries
Volunteers: Jennifer Steele


  • Archery

Located in: St. Maries
Volunteer: Heather Burch


  • Cooking 201

Located in: St. Maries
Volunteers: Amie Scheinost and Summer Williams


  • Horse

Located in: Harrison
Volunteers: Krista Andersen, Jill Stevenson and Jessie Buchanan


  • Market Beef,
  • Cloverbud - Rabbit,
  • Family Flock (Pet Poultry),
  • Market & Pet Rabbit,
  • Market Swine,
  • Veterinary Science

Located in: Harrison & St. Maries
Volunteers: Rhonda Amy, Sally Grant, Tina Hart, Lexie Reynolds and Sue McDonnell


  • Market & Breeding Beef,
  • Dog,
  • Market Turkeys,
  • Baking 1, 2, 3 & 4,
  • Cooking 101, 201, 301, & 401,
  • Get Started in Art
  • Portfolio Pathways,
  • Sketchbook Crossroads,
  • Cloverbud - Rabbit

Located in: St. Maries
Volunteers: Theresa Tobon


  • Market Broilers,
  • Market Turkeys,
  • Market Rabbit,
  • Gardening

Located in: Plummer
Volunteers: Amber King, Aaron King, Clara King and Shannon Ave


  • Create Art Now,
  • Creative Writing,
  • Crochet,
  • Knitting,
  • Quilting,
  • Handwork From Our Heritage Native Beading & Weaving,
  • Hiking,
  • Market, Breeding Meat, Dairy & Pet/Pygmy Goat,
  • Market Broilers, Pullets-Laying Hens & Family Flock (Pet) Poultry,
  • Market, Breeding & Pet Rabbit,
  • Market & Breeding Sheep

Located in: Plummer & St. Maries
Volunteers: Cathy Stoltey, Becky Johnston and Jennifer Carr


  • Market & Breeding Beef,
  • Cavy-Guinea Pig,
  • Pullets-Laying Hens,
  • Breeding & Pet Rabbit,
  • Market & Breeding Sheep

Located in: St. Maries
Volunteers: Erin Reid


  • Cake Decorating, Level 1, 2,4 & 4,
  • Know Your Government


4-H Member: (Youth 8-18 years of age and up to three projects) $40

4-H Horse Members: (Youth 8-18 years of age and up to three projects) $42

Cloverbud: (Youth 5-7 years of age) $30

Above Three Projects: $3 per project

Optional Volunteer Supplemental Accident Insurance: $1

Optional Horse Volunteer Supplemental Accident Insurance: $2

  • Pay online with a credit/debit card.
  • Pay over the phone with a credit/debit card.
  • Pay in person with cash, a check or a credit/debit card.
  • Mail a payment to:
    果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension - Benewah County
    711 W Jefferson Avenue, Suite 2
    St. Maries, ID 83861

If you are having difficulties paying the 4-H Enrollment Fee, there are a couple of options.

  1. Call us and set up a payment plan.
  2. Complete the Benewah County 4-H Enrollment Scholarship Application.

We do not want finance to be a barrier for youth to participate in the 4-H program.

Need to Pay Your 4-H Enrollment Fee?

4-H Members Thrive!

Through Self-Regulation and Goal Setting: The ability to make choices with a specific goal in mind is an important skill for goal setting in every aspect of their life. Thriving youth will continue to work toward their goals even when the going gets tough. This is referred to as "grit" and youth with "grit" or perseverance. Research has shown that grit is a bigger indicator of success than innate intelligence or ability.

Through Positive Emotionality: When events seem unfair, frustrating or disappointing youth can experience very strong emotions. When in 4-H, volunteers help youth develop skills that allow them to explore their powerful emotions and redirect the negative emotions into positive emotional responses.

Through Transcendent Awareness: Youth learn to realize that there is a bigger world out there then just their own little bubble. Transcendent awareness results from interactions with others that help youth develop clarity and commitment to values, beliefs, actions and a way of living that benefits others and help guide their everyday thoughts and actions.

Through a Pro-Social Orientation: This occurs through social learning where youth observe and remember behaviors that are rewarded and begin to practice those behaviors. This is facilitated when youth feel that they matter and belong to a community and thus ultimately leading to youth who care about others and gives back to the community.

By Having a Hopeful Purpose: Research has shown that youth that have a sense of purpose and are more goal orientated have increased life satisfaction, better emotional well-being and a greater positive affect.

By Being Open to Challenge and Discovery: Youth realize that they can learn, grow and get better through effort, by being encouraged to take positive risks such as speaking in front of other people. For example, by doing a presentation in front of their 4-H club on something they learned in their beef project. As the youth grows they can expand that by giving their presentations at the county, district, state and national levels.

Growth Mindset: Youth embrace new experiences/challenges as an exciting adventure and a growth opportunity.


果冻传媒麻豆社 Extension, Benewah County

Mailing Address:
711 W. Jefferson Ave., Suite 2
Saint Maries, ID 83861

Phone: 208-245-2422

Email: benewah@uidaho.edu

Web: uidaho.edu/benewah